Brewster is at again!!

unbelievable thread


Yes, I believe they would.

Do you remember when Lou Holtz was here and he would be interviewed after a loss?
Tim Brewster might want to take a look at it and use some of it.

Holtz came across as being dejected, demoralized and would just give an honest
answer about the team's status. You could tell he was taking it pretty hard, and he
might have a funny quip about it. In the end, though he would offer that ray of hope
that things were going to get better and you believed him in the end. What he did was
diffuse the problem and you knew he was going to take care of it. I don't get any of this
with Brewster. The problems we have right now are the same ones we had 2 years ago.

Honestly, I don't want to hear Brewster talk about recruiting anymore. That worked 2 years
as he was supposedly trying to build this football team, but I need to start seeing some improvement on the football field. I know recruiting is important, but instead of worrying about another 3 star recruit from Tallahassee that may or may not pan out, how about Brewster getting someone who can implement and run an offense if he can't do it himself??

Or how about getting someone who can finally get through to the kids
how stupid penalties are killing us game after game and need to stop??
Or maybe, just maybe, we could get someone who can get the players to improve as the season goes on instead of regressing the farther along they get in their careers???

If Brewster could do all of these things, I think he would look like a lot better coach and that
is a lot more important to me than getting the 3 star recruit from Tallahassee!!

P.S. -- I am NOT a Brewster hater, either. I want him to succeed here, but
for the first time I really am starting to doubt that he can get it done.

Loved Lou...a master of spin and sizzle...could sell multiple freezers to an Eskimo family. If Brew's smart, he'll study those old Lou tapes with religious intensity...Lou could really bring it...I was thoroughly pi$$ed and disaffected when he left for Touchdown Jesus.

Brewster is three years in and all he has to sell the fanbase on is hope.

New England

Yeah....I was too. Man, that was one of the darkest days ever when I found out
he left. (and then went on to win a national championship.

Then to make matters even worse, they hire John Gutekunst because all the
players wanted him rather than Bobby Ross who wanted the job.........
then Bobby Ross goes on to win a national championship at Georgia Tech!!!

Lou might have sounded like a hick with his Southern lisp, but he was a master
salesman, unbelievable motivator and was a heck of a smart coach, too. For
those on here who did not get to see him when he was here, he was one of the
best game day coaches I have ever seen.

When he started in with his "poor us - I don't think we have much of a chance at all"
and "I don't know if they are even going to bother bringing in their punter" schtick
look out, he was getting ready to bring it.

He took the worst team in Gopher history and a year later, they were upsetting Iowa
and a year after that taking OSU and Oklahoma to the final minutes and going to a Bowl
game. That was the most fun I have ever had as a Gopher fan!! We keep him another couple years and I am positive we would have been going to major bowls. (We also would have probably
been on probation though LOL)

Hello, long time gopher fan here. After reading some of these posts on this site I see that there are a lot of people that want to see the gophers succeed. I think that’s great and I too always want to see the gophers dominate on the field. I also see that many people right now aren’t happy with the way Coach Brewster is always upbeat when talking to the press or what did the original poster compare him to? The Energizer Bunny was it? While I agree a coach should never be completely satisfied with their team especially when their offense struggled as much as it did yesterday, I also believe that it’s really smart for a coach to use the press and interviews to sell the program as nothing but positive and rah rah.

I guess I don’t know why people don’t want him to talk about how great the University of Minnesota is and instead talk about the short comings of the team. I mean look at the board everyone knows the short comings of the team why do you people want him to discuss the negatives of the team to the press instead of just with his team? Name one thing positive it will do? Do you people feel that by him calling the student athletes out to the public it will improve the team? Do you people feel that calling the coaching staff out will help? Do you people feel that him talking about the rose bowl and trying to get there hurts the team? Do you people not think he gets upset behind closed doors about losing or playing poorly?

I can understand if you think he should be fired by his performance on the field even though I disagree with that opinion and will debate it but right now I’m curious why people are attacking him about his interviews to the press? I mean it’s the press and the press loves to talk about chaos with teams as it sells papers so why should he help them? They do a good enough job being a negative nancy. Thanks I'm really glad to see there are so many other people that take time on here to cheer for the great U of M!

Short sighted idiots on here. Great minds. Who cares about the influx of talent? I would rather go 7-5 this year with an X and O's guy than 6-6 with a coach that can upgrade talent for the long run. Yep, that is real smart thinking boys. Keep up the good work.

Short sighted idiots on here. Great minds. Who cares about the influx of talent? I would rather go 7-5 this year with an X and O's guy than 6-6 with a coach that can upgrade talent for the long run. Yep, that is real smart thinking boys. Keep up the good work.

Recruiting and X and O's do not need to be exclusive of one another, believe it or not there are a lot of coaches at there that can do, wait for it, BOTH.

Gold Rush...

Yeah....I was too. Man, that was one of the darkest days ever when I found out
he left. (and then went on to win a national championship.

Then to make matters even worse, they hire John Gutekunst because all the
players wanted him rather than Bobby Ross who wanted the job.........
then Bobby Ross goes on to win a national championship at Georgia Tech!!!

Lou might have sounded like a hick with his Southern lisp, but he was a master
salesman, unbelievable motivator and was a heck of a smart coach, too. For
those on here who did not get to see him when he was here, he was one of the
best game day coaches I have ever seen.

When he started in with his "poor us - I don't think we have much of a chance at all"
and "I don't know if they are even going to bother bringing in their punter" schtick
look out, he was getting ready to bring it.

He took the worst team in Gopher history and a year later, they were upsetting Iowa
and a year after that taking OSU and Oklahoma to the final minutes and going to a Bowl
game. That was the most fun I have ever had as a Gopher fan!! We keep him another couple years and I am positive we would have been going to major bowls. (We also would have probably
been on probation though LOL)

When I lived and worked in NYC, recall watching that Oklahoma game from the Dome...believe it was a late game or night game televised nationally...the place was really rock'in...unbelievably exciting environment...even surpassed that huge opening night at the Bank vs Air Force imho.

After that electric performance by Lou & Co...following the game, Barry Switzer said something to the effect: "We escaped with our lives!" ESPN etc had the GGs on a big roll..."the sky's the limit with Lou"...needless to say, locally Sid was frothing at the propect of multiple Rose Bowls during a long Holtz regime.

Don't recall Minny being so pumped about the Gs since the Glory Years of Warmath in the '60s.

Then, woke up one morning to the news the Holtz bubble had burst...and then headlong into the Decades of Futility. What a ride and great memories...the best since the Warmath years.

If Brew can bring some of that excitement back to Minny, he'll be a G hero for a long, long time.

Hello, long time gopher fan here. After reading some of these posts on this site I see that there are a lot of people that want to see the gophers succeed. I think that’s great and I too always want to see the gophers dominate on the field. I also see that many people right now aren’t happy with the way Coach Brewster is always upbeat when talking to the press or what did the original poster compare him to? The Energizer Bunny was it? While I agree a coach should never be completely satisfied with their team especially when their offense struggled as much as it did yesterday, I also believe that it’s really smart for a coach to use the press and interviews to sell the program as nothing but positive and rah rah.

I guess I don’t know why people don’t want him to talk about how great the University of Minnesota is and instead talk about the short comings of the team. I mean look at the board everyone knows the short comings of the team why do you people want him to discuss the negatives of the team to the press instead of just with his team? Name one thing positive it will do? Do you people feel that by him calling the student athletes out to the public it will improve the team? Do you people feel that calling the coaching staff out will help? Do you people feel that him talking about the rose bowl and trying to get there hurts the team? Do you people not think he gets upset behind closed doors about losing or playing poorly?

I can understand if you think he should be fired by his performance on the field even though I disagree with that opinion and will debate it but right now I’m curious why people are attacking him about his interviews to the press? I mean it’s the press and the press loves to talk about chaos with teams as it sells papers so why should he help them? They do a good enough job being a negative nancy. Thanks I'm really glad to see there are so many other people that take time on here to cheer for the great U of M!

Welcome aboard! Hang out here for awhile and you'll get into the GG fb discussion on the web...a passionate group of dedicated Holers.

Suggest you post some of your questions as new threads...if they're not repetitive, you'll get a broad spectrum of opinion and mostly thoughtful responses. Enjoy the Hole.

This is what Brew does and what he's really quite good at...that and selling sizzle...the best since Lou Holtz

The big difference between Holtz and Brewster is coaching ability. Holtz could ask his players to run through a brick wall and they would do it. Brewster doesn't come close to motivating like Holtz did.

Also Holtz was here for two years yet he produced a number of exciting wins with "Salem's" players. I submit that the players left behind by Mason were significantly better than what Salem left Holtz yet Holtz took Salem's 1-10 team and went 4-7 and 7-5 (again with Salems players). He took on the number three team in the Nation, Oklahoma, in his second year here and lost 13-7 in what was a thrilling game. He beat Wisconsin twice and Iowa once. That's three trophy game wins in two years with Salem's players. He also beat a very good Clemson team in the Liberty Bowl, 20-13.

So I agree Brewster sells sizzle but the man cannot motivate. He should not be mentioned in the same breath as Lou Holtz.

There is nothing wrong with him talking about the recruits and the future, but he also has to realize that that only sells for so long. He can bring in a roster full of good recruits but without better results on the field next season it won't matter.

Recruiting and X and O's do not need to be exclusive of one another, believe it or not there are a lot of coaches at there that can do, wait for it, BOTH.

Nobody can coach bad talent. Holtz is famous for saying this.."if you have two teams, one with a better coach and one with better talent, I will bet on the talented team every time". Of course, nobody on here with any sense at all could possibly say that the Gophers are loaded with upperclassmen talent. If so, they would be lying.

Recruiting and X and O's do not need to be exclusive of one another, believe it or not there are a lot of coaches at there that can do, wait for it, BOTH.

By the way, name some of these coaches. MN is not an easy place to recruit to.

Nobody can coach bad talent. Holtz is famous for saying this.."if you have two teams, one with a better coach and one with better talent, I will bet on the talented team every time". Of course, nobody on here with any sense at all could possibly say that the Gophers are loaded with upperclassmen talent. If so, they would be lying.

If he has such great talent then why the heck doesn't he play it? Holtz recruited Rickie Foggie and he started him as a freshman and a sophmore. If Brewster has such superior talent why won't he play them? Could it be they aren't really that much better than what Mason left him?

What's he saving it for. Maybe to milk two more years out of Maturi? Promises promises...

And the real question is if they in fact are vastly superior can the man coach it? So far he has shown no ability to coach anybody.

The big difference between Holtz and Brewster is coaching ability. Holtz could ask his players to run through a brick wall and they would do it. Brewster doesn't come close to motivating like Holtz did.

Also Holtz was here for two years yet he produced a number of exciting wins with "Salem's" players. I submit that the players left behind by Mason were significantly better than what Salem left Holtz yet Holtz took Salem's 1-10 team and went 4-7 and 7-5 (again with Salems players). He took on the number three team in the Nation, Oklahoma, in his second year here and lost 13-7 in what was a thrilling game. He beat Wisconsin twice and Iowa once. That's three trophy game wins in two years with Salem's players. He also beat a very good Clemson team in the Liberty Bowl, 20-13.

So I agree Brewster sells sizzle but the man cannot motivate. He should not be mentioned in the same breath as Lou Holtz.

Agree in terms of HCing ability...but in the arenas of recruiting, selling the U and promoting the program across the Great State of Minnesota, he's the best since Lou and arguably has the same or better skill set in those areas.

In terms of player motivation, the evidence is a mixed bag thus far. Certainly the Big Ten Network considers him one of the top HC motivators in the conference and has done several pieces on him highlighting those dynamic skills. Also the BTN makes it a point to frequently show G locker room pieces focusing on Brew's post-game motivational speeches. They think he's very good at it and I agree with them. After one piece, anchor Dave R of BTN said something to the effect: "After listening to that speech by Brewster, I want to grab a helmet and get out on the field!"

Also, the BTN's pieces indicate that his players really connect with him in a family sense...and consider him a father figure in their collegiate lives.

What's difficult to understand is why those HCing motivation skills haven't yet been more successfully translated into consistent player perfomance on the field...too much inconsistency thus far given the talent level. An MSU-level performance, then an IL and SDSU egg laying. If and when he figures how to fix that problem, Holers will be talking about him in the same breadth as Lou Holtz.

Welcome aboard! Hang out here for awhile and you'll get into the GG fb discussion on the web...a passionate group of dedicated Holers.

Suggest you post some of your questions as new threads...if they're not repetitive, you'll get a broad spectrum of opinion and mostly thoughtful responses. Enjoy the Hole.

Thanks! I figured a better get a few more posts under my belt before I start a new thread haha.

If he has such great talent then why the heck doesn't he play it? Holtz recruited Rickie Foggie and he started him as a freshman and a sophmore. If Brewster has such superior talent why won't he play them? Could it be they aren't really that much better than what Mason left him?

What's he saving it for. Maybe to milk two more years out of Maturi? Promises promises...

And the real question is if they in fact are vastly superior can the man coach it? So far he has shown no ability to coach anybody.

Anyone that thinks the talent Brewster is recruiting isn't any better than what Mason recruited is a complete fool. You think by naming one freshman in Foggie, that that solidifies your argument? How many Freshmen and Sophomores played on the OL or DL lines for Holtz??

In complete agreement with those reminiscing about Holtz. He may have betrayed us and side-stepped some rules, but he sold nearly 40,000 season tickets, nearly gave national champ Oklahoma their only loss, averaged over 60,000 attendance and was bringing Tony Rice in at QB - but then took him to Notre Dame. As to Foggie, he didn't start the first game, but was put in during the second half when it looked like Holtz would lose his opener to Rice U. Foggie started regularly after that. Holtz was playing a local boy at QB at first, but saw his eror and quickly adjusted. He called all his plays and was a brilliant game-day coach.

the only problem I see is that he is full of it! Coach the players you got!!!

next years seniors......dam you glen mason

Dominic Alford
Andy Brinkhaus
RJ Buckner
DJ Burris
Hayo Carpenter
Matt Carufel
Ryan Coleman
Ryan Collado
Eric Ellestad
Jon Hoese
Curtis Hughes
Collin McGarry
Damola Ogundipe
Kim Royston
Kyle Theret
Adam Weber
Jeff Wills

Anyone that thinks the talent Brewster is recruiting isn't any better than what Mason recruited is a complete fool

I may have overstated it but the bottom line is will he be able to coach it? Holtz took a 1-10 team and got 4-7 out of them. Brewster took a 6-7 team and got 1-11 out of them. That's motivation and coaching.

I have no idea if Brewster will be able to develop his three classes into a Rose Bowl caliber team or not but so far it looks unlikely.

This is what Brew does and what he's really quite good at...that and selling sizzle...the best since Lou Holtz.

Holtz sold sizzle and there was reason to believe based on what he had already accomplished.
Brewster came in selling sizzle without really having accomplished anything at all.
When Holtz talked Rose Bowl, I believed. When Brewster said it I laughed out loud.
The difference may be credibility, and at this point Brewster still doesn't have any.

curious as to why you believed Holtz and laughed at Brewster? Brewster is closer at doing it than any other coach we have had in decades.

curious as to why you believed Holtz and laughed at Brewster? Brewster is closer at doing it than any other coach we have had in decades.

What a pile of BS..... Brewster is nowhere close to making improvements to this program. Talent does not equal improvement. WINS define improvement! We have yet to win a B10 game of significance under Brewster.

Mason far exceeded anything Brewster has accomplished to date. Considering he had "inferior" players as all of you claim, then he must have been a coaching genious to even manage a .500 record. Besides, are you forgetting the hype around the program just prior to Mason's Michigan debacle. I'm still convinced that if we hadn't blown that game, we wouldn't have suffered the subsequent letdowns, and we would have finally been in the Rose Bowl after a long drought. Mason deserved to go, as I believe he gave up after missing out on the OSU job to Tressel.

What a pile of BS..... Brewster is nowhere close to making improvements to this program. Talent does not equal improvement. WINS define improvement! We have yet to win a B10 game of significance under Brewster.

Mason far exceeded anything Brewster has accomplished to date. Considering he had "inferior" players as all of you claim, then he must have been a coaching genious to even manage a .500 record. Besides, are you forgetting the hype around the program just prior to Mason's Michigan debacle. I'm still convinced that if we hadn't blown that game, we wouldn't have suffered the subsequent letdowns, and we would have finally been in the Rose Bowl after a long drought. Mason deserved to go, as I believe he gave up after missing out on the OSU job to Tressel.

While I'm a Brewster backer, I will give Mason and his staff a lot of credit for certain aspects of their coaching. I do believe he did a good job taking players that many programs wouldn't take and making them good and even great college football especially the O-Line in the style they played. To be honest that's why I don't like people bashing the Upperclassmen O-Line as I believe many of them would of been great O-Lineman under the previous regime and really fit that system. That being said the thing that made me personally not support Mason was the "trinket" game comment as I felt it really hurt the image of the program even moreso than any defeat on the field (Even the Iowa game last year haha).

In my humble and I mean humble opinion a coach of your University needs to talk about how great the U of M is from the rivalries the gophers have to how great the dorm room bunks to get the athletes that the coaching staff truely desires to run their offense, defense, and special forces. I think Brewster does that and while I know I'll be in the minority with this next comment I believe him and his coaching staff do indeed develop players well. I've seen improvement over the past few years from peole like Brown, Small, Triplett, Campbell, Sherels, Tow-Arnetts, and while this year has been a complete failure to many on this board I hope at the end of the year we all thank and take notice to all the hard work and development these and the other seniors have made.

I'm also excited to see how some of these young recruits develop as I feel some of them are going to be future stars if they put in the time, study and work hard.

I will admit I'm not sure what happened to the spread but I do know some people are saying that teams are figuring it out so maybe Brew thought it was time to implement a new offense? I remember reading Tom Osbornes book about how he hated the day he had to get rid of the 5-2 defense I believe it was as teams were getting too fast for that defense. Football is always changing i guess. I will say I don't like revolving coordinators as stability is a plus for a program so I hope this is the coordinators we have next year. Thanks.

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