Bret should just keep his mouth shut

Bob_Loblaw said:
It's not ironic at all because the two stories don't contradict. If you were to sell your house and you hired an agent on a deal that he would get paid a percentage of what you made on the sell, and you went behind his back after he put some work in, he would have a claim in equity against you.

So you're conceding that you owe the agent something and this is an argument about the actual timing of the cash flows?

So you're conceding that you owe the agent something and this is an argument about the actual timing of the cash flows?

Of course you owe the agent something, ONCE YOU GET PAID.

Bielema's comment was, "once you hire him, he starts taking your money".

That is 100% false. He has a claim for the amount of work he put into the job if he detrimentally relied on an agreement for him to put that work in, however, the instant you hire him he is entitled to zero dollars. It's not his agency status that entitles him to money, it's the fact that he should get value for what he has done.

It works like this, if you hire an agent (for anything), and he puts work in on a project that you eventually make money from, and part of the reason for that money is his work, you are entitled to that portion of income.

His money is contingent upon him making you money.

Agents don't receive a dime from someone who doesn't make money.

Bob_Loblaw said:
Ok...Bielema's comment was, "once you hire him, he starts taking your money".

That is 100% false. He has a claim for the amount of work he put into the job if he detrimentally relied on an agreement for him to put that work in, however, the instant you hire him he is entitled to zero dollars. It's not his agency status that entitles him to money, it's the fact that he should get value for what he has done.

It works like this, if you hire an agent (for anything), and he puts work in on a project that you eventually make money from, and part of the reason for that money is his work, you are entitled to that portion of income.

His money is contingent upon him making you money.

Agents don't receive a dime from someone who doesn't make money.

Fair enough. Any obligation created by the agents work on your behalf is a contingent obligation. I think that was the point of what he said. His point is, "they have their hooks in you". Maybe he should have said that instead to be more clear.

Why is it so God-damn hard to understand that people like to laugh? You don't enjoy things that make you laugh? You don't ever watch TV shows, or go to websites that you find humorous? Well, the world of Golden Gopher football is funny to those outside the world of Minnesota. From the play on the football field, to the delusional fans, the "hole" is always good for a chuckle.

Please proceed about how the Badger fans are jealous of the 6 National Titles, the usual response, also very funny. I will take the Badgers history anyday over 6 National Titles that took place well before I was born. I have been to four Rose Bowls to watch the Badgers, and will be heading to another next week. Call me selfish, but I would much rather enjoy good football during my lifetime. It is like some fat, ugly, virgin kid in the bar telling you how he has it better because his grandpa slept with Marilyn Monroe 50 years ago. Meanwhile, you are taking home good looking women everynight.
You are right though, we are the complete losers.
Just because you happen to cheer for a team that wins doesn't make you a winner. It's like taking credit for The Beatles' success because I happen to own a copy of Rubber Soul. You are right though. People do like to laugh. I am looking forward to seeing the crowd shots of the Badger fanbase at the Rose Bowl. For me, it's kind of like going to WalMart at 10pm on a Tuesday night. I can look at the Wisconsin crowd and think to myself, "Well, I'm fat....but thank God I'm not that fat."

You got the angriest Badger fan in GV showing up, then you have the 'I'm sooo busy preparing for the Rose Bowl that I barely fit in time to visit the Gopher Hole', and finished up by some defensive 'I swear I'm not jealous of national champions' post.

You just can't make this stuff up.

I've never been a fan of Florio because he tries to take pretty minor inaccuracies and make it sound like they are a major scandal.

I refuse to click on ANY PFT/CFT links because of the toolbag that runs the site (hint: you mentioned him already). So you must forgive my not knowing whatever details is being discussed. But it sounds like Burt Bullima is being a pig headed dummy?

What are we complaining about then? =)

Why is it so God-damn hard to understand that people like to laugh? You don't enjoy things that make you laugh? You don't ever watch TV shows, or go to websites that you find humorous? Well, the world of Golden Gopher football is funny to those outside the world of Minnesota. From the play on the football field, to the delusional fans, the "hole" is always good for a chuckle.

Please proceed about how the Badger fans are jealous of the 6 National Titles, the usual response, also very funny. I will take the Badgers history anyday over 6 National Titles that took place well before I was born. I have been to four Rose Bowls to watch the Badgers, and will be heading to another next week. Call me selfish, but I would much rather enjoy good football during my lifetime. It is like some fat, ugly, virgin kid in the bar telling you how he has it better because his grandpa slept with Marilyn Monroe 50 years ago. Meanwhile, you are taking home good looking women everynight.

You are right though, we are the complete losers.

No way. This post HAS to be a joke, right? Please tell me it is.


Just because you happen to cheer for a team that wins doesn't make you a winner. It's like taking credit for The Beatles' success because I happen to own a copy of Rubber Soul. You are right though. People do like to laugh. I am looking forward to seeing the crowd shots of the Badger fanbase at the Rose Bowl. For me, it's kind of like going to WalMart at 10pm on a Tuesday night. I can look at the Wisconsin crowd and think to myself, "Well, I'm fat....but thank God I'm not that fat."

Will that be the actual crowd or the Photoshopped version?

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