Bret should just keep his mouth shut

You would think, that a coach is close enough to his former players, that he could get the information from them. Talking to GM's, and getting advice on agents, is like asking an insurance company, on advice about a lawyer, when you have a bodily injury claim.

The comments are interesting. He said "You've got to understand that the one thing an agent does once you hire him is he starts taking your money,” which just isn't true. An agent makes money by making you money. The comments keep insisting that he is correct, because an agent gets a percentage. An agent has a vested interest in seeing that you get as much money as possible.

Overall, I can see what Bielema is trying to say but he doesn't have the brain cells to put it together in a coherent manner, so he just started making things up.

An agent does not get paid if his player doesn't get paid, so until that college player signs his contract....the agent is essentially working for free.

My favorite thing about this article is the amount of WI people commenting that are just up in arms about the article. The one guy says something stupid like "well, the agent gets a percentage, off the top, which means he gets paid before the player's parents, gf, etc.". You don't say!

It is pretty meaningless to say that because the agent gets a percentage, that the agent is paid "first". The player is paid first, and then the agent gets his percentage. The agent may get paid pretty shortly after the player gets paid, but the player gets paid first.

I don't think the agent comment is the most damning thing about the article.

“What we have to do is give them credible information from the people that are making the calls,” Bielema said. “I’ve reached out to several G.M.s that I rely on heavily.”

But if those G.M.’s actually talk to Bielema — or to anyone — about whether a given player would be drafted in any given round (or not drafted at all), those G.M.’s would be breaking the league’s rules relating to comments regarding players who have not yet been certified to enter the draft. And while every NFL G.M. may not appreciate the fact that Bielema has blown the whistle on some of them, it’s probably safe to say that Bielema is saying whatever he needs to say to get players like Konz to stay.

Of course, if Bielema is actually telling the truth, we invite Bielema to name the General Managers on whom he relies. And we’re prepared to wait until Wisconsin un-freezes over.

The article underlines what we have known about BB for a while, he has no moral or ethical scruples, He does what's best for himself.

nsmike said:
The article underlines what we have known about BB for a while, he has no moral or ethical scruples, He does what's best for himself.

I second this. Add no brains.

wow. has it really taken more than three hours for a wisconsin fan to sniff this out and tell us why we're wrong.


It's damn near amazing that this thread has been up for 3.5 hours and no Becky trolls have commented. Either they are exercising some newfound level of restraint, or all the 56 k modems in Wisconsin have gone down simultaneously.

EDIT: Ha, 1899 beat me to it while I was typing this. I guess great minds think alike.

Once you hire someone they basically do start taking've committed to paying them. Maybe the player doesn't owe if they up and quit but its like signing a know that first payment is coming.

I've never been a fan of Florio because he tries to take pretty minor inaccuracies and make it sound like they are a major scandal.

It's damn near amazing that this thread has been up for 3.5 hours and no Becky trolls have commented. Either they are exercising some newfound level of restraint, or all the 56 k modems in Wisconsin have gone down simultaneously.

EDIT: Ha, 1899 beat me to it while I was typing this. I guess great minds think alike.

damned with faint praise :p

I was gonna post something about the whisky-dicks, but I figured that's like saying "Candyman" in the mirror 3 times.

There has been no comment because it is a non story. Nothing to comment on.

Once you hire someone they basically do start taking've committed to paying them. Maybe the player doesn't owe if they up and quit but its like signing a know that first payment is coming.

No, they don't start taking money. You're not committed to paying the agent. The agent will get a cut of what you make, but the agent can't get that cut unless you make money.

There has been no comment because it is a non story. Nothing to comment on.

Non-story? Yes

But it's further validation that he's a complete f'n moron and a juvenile delinquent. As far as any public commentary, he should stick with something simple that he can handle and not screw up, like "On Wisconsin". It's probably best for him to just leave it at that and refrain from elaborating.

Non-story? Yes

But it's further validation that he's a complete f'n moron and a juvenile delinquent. As far as any public commentary, he should stick with something simple that he can handle and not screw up, like "On Wisconsin". It's probably best for him to just leave it at that and refrain from elaborating.
For his sake yes, for our sake no, let him run his mouth, so everone knows what he is.

I would guess most Wisconsin fans are more interested in packing and planning for the Rose Bowl instead of trying to bicker with gopher fans about Bret and your hate for him. To be honest... after winning back to back championships and Rose Bowl bids most of what you (and the rest of the conference) whine about goes in one ear and out the other. We have a winning coach who we adore. We're going to the Rose Bowl. Again. Wisconsin residents are the happiest sports fans in the country. Not really much else to say besides that. Have fun with the article and helmets though- you deserve a break.

I would guess most Wisconsin fans are more interested in packing and planning for the Rose Bowl instead of trying to bicker with gopher fans about Bret and your hate for him. To be honest... after winning back to back championships and Rose Bowl bids most of what you (and the rest of the conference) whine about goes in one ear and out the other. We have a winning coach who we adore. We're going to the Rose Bowl. Again. Wisconsin residents are the happiest sports fans in the country. Not really much else to say besides that. Have fun with the article and helmets though- you deserve a break.

And somehow you're not too busy to post here? Shocked.

I would guess most Wisconsin fans are more interested in packing and planning for the Rose Bowl instead of trying to bicker with gopher fans about Bret and your hate for him. To be honest... after winning back to back championships and Rose Bowl bids most of what you (and the rest of the conference) whine about goes in one ear and out the other. We have a winning coach who we adore. We're going to the Rose Bowl. Again. Wisconsin residents are the happiest sports fans in the country. Not really much else to say besides that. Have fun with the article and helmets though- you deserve a break.
Congratulations on all your successes. You're an integral part of the program and they couldn't win without you.

And now Bert Enima's precious OC is likely the new HC at PITT. What is bert gonna do now??? I sense a huge shift between Mn and pissconsin.

This agent apparently thought he was entitled to something or he would not have sued for damages and sought to enjoin another agent from negotiating on the players behalf.

Ironically the source is the same.

It's not ironic at all because the two stories don't contradict. If you were to sell your house and you hired an agent on a deal that he would get paid a percentage of what you made on the sell, and you went behind his back after he put some work in, he would have a claim in equity against you.

I would guess most Wisconsin fans are more interested in packing and planning for the Rose Bowl instead of trying to bicker with gopher fans about Bret and your hate for him. To be honest... after winning back to back championships and Rose Bowl bids most of what you (and the rest of the conference) whine about goes in one ear and out the other. We have a winning coach who we adore. We're going to the Rose Bowl. Again. Wisconsin residents are the happiest sports fans in the country. Not really much else to say besides that. Have fun with the article and helmets though- you deserve a break.

This was actually my entire argument why you would have to be a complete loser to be a Badger fan and be posting on Gopherhole. With how good things are going for you, you'd think you wouldn't have any desire to troll Gopherhole...I agree with you.


This was actually my entire argument why you would have to be a complete loser to be a Badger fan and be posting on Gopherhole. With how good things are going for you, you'd think you wouldn't have any desire to troll Gopherhole...I agree with you.


Why is it so God-damn hard to understand that people like to laugh? You don't enjoy things that make you laugh? You don't ever watch TV shows, or go to websites that you find humorous? Well, the world of Golden Gopher football is funny to those outside the world of Minnesota. From the play on the football field, to the delusional fans, the "hole" is always good for a chuckle.

Please proceed about how the Badger fans are jealous of the 6 National Titles, the usual response, also very funny. I will take the Badgers history anyday over 6 National Titles that took place well before I was born. I have been to four Rose Bowls to watch the Badgers, and will be heading to another next week. Call me selfish, but I would much rather enjoy good football during my lifetime. It is like some fat, ugly, virgin kid in the bar telling you how he has it better because his grandpa slept with Marilyn Monroe 50 years ago. Meanwhile, you are taking home good looking women everynight.
You are right though, we are the complete losers.

Why is it so God-damn hard to understand that people like to laugh? You don't enjoy things that make you laugh? You don't ever watch TV shows, or go to websites that you find humorous? Well, the world of Golden Gopher football is funny to those outside the world of Minnesota. From the play on the football field, to the delusional fans, the "hole" is always good for a chuckle.

Please proceed about how the Badger fans are jealous of the 6 National Titles, the usual response, also very funny. I will take the Badgers history anyday over 6 National Titles that took place well before I was born. I have been to four Rose Bowls to watch the Badgers, and will be heading to another next week. Call me selfish, but I would much rather enjoy good football during my lifetime. It is like some fat, ugly, virgin kid in the bar telling you how he has it better because his grandpa slept with Marilyn Monroe 50 years ago. Meanwhile, you are taking home good looking women everynight.
You are right though, we are the complete losers.


Why is it so God-damn hard to understand that people like to laugh? You don't enjoy things that make you laugh? You don't ever watch TV shows, or go to websites that you find humorous? Well, the world of Golden Gopher football is funny to those outside the world of Minnesota. From the play on the football field, to the delusional fans, the "hole" is always good for a chuckle.

Please proceed about how the Badger fans are jealous of the 6 National Titles, the usual response, also very funny. I will take the Badgers history anyday over 6 National Titles that took place well before I was born. I have been to four Rose Bowls to watch the Badgers, and will be heading to another next week. Call me selfish, but I would much rather enjoy good football during my lifetime. It is like some fat, ugly, virgin kid in the bar telling you how he has it better because his grandpa slept with Marilyn Monroe 50 years ago. Meanwhile, you are taking home good looking women everynight.
You are right though, we are the complete losers.

I've never made a reference to the 6 National Titles because I don't really care a whole lot, so you aimed your diatribe at the wrong guy.

What I said is simple, if you are a fan of the Big 10 Champions and you are trolling a MN board in December, you're a loser. I never referenced the 6 Nat'l Championships or anything like that, frankly, I don't give myself credit for things I didn't accomplish. You're a loser, not because the team you root for hasn't won a Nat'l championship. You're a loser because you are here trolling.

Does that clarify it for you a little bit?

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