Bret Bielema trolls Charlie Strong/TX with "Horns Down" during photo-op


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Nov 11, 2008
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Go Gophers!!

If Bert keeps getting bigger, he's going to wind up like the "wafer-thin mint" character from Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life" movie.

Mr Strong looks quite dapper in that photo. Mr Bielema, not so much.

Usually I find claims of "lack of class" to be lame excuses from jealous fan bases looking to feel better about a less successful team. However in this case? WOW! To put the "Horns down" during a HANDSHAKE with the coach of the Texas Longhorns? Are you kidding me? Says a lot about Bret that he's sneakily doing this out of the view of Coach Strong.

I'm going to take the other position here, openly admitting my bias. I have nothing against Bert as he has never coached a rival for me (although I do see him as a bit of a comical figure). I do not, however, like Strong. He tries to spin his core values, but kicking young men off the team is the easy way out when it comes to character development. Having two guys commit gang rape under your watch is not running a tight ship.

That being said, this photo is about some good old-fashioned college football rivalry. Arkansas and texas have faced off 70+ times, and it was rare that one or both of the teams were not ranked during the post-war era. It is a storied Southwest Conference matchup that has faded away a bit when Arkansas left for the SEC and texas joined the Big 12-2. Stuff like this is what makes college football fun - the smack talk with your friends and colleagues about the upcoming game. If you can't have a little fun with the game, you're taking it a bit too seriously. Yes, this was a professional setting, but it was a subtle gesture that did exactly what it was intended to do.

Besides, no one has ever accused Arkansas of having too much class to start with.

Jesus, those are the definition of "sausage fingers"

I'm going to take the other position here, openly admitting my bias. I have nothing against Bert as he has never coached a rival for me (although I do see him as a bit of a comical figure). I do not, however, like Strong. He tries to spin his core values, but kicking young men off the team is the easy way out when it comes to character development. Having two guys commit gang rape under your watch is not running a tight ship.

That being said, this photo is about some good old-fashioned college football rivalry. Arkansas and texas have faced off 70+ times, and it was rare that one or both of the teams were not ranked during the post-war era. It is a storied Southwest Conference matchup that has faded away a bit when Arkansas left for the SEC and texas joined the Big 12-2. Stuff like this is what makes college football fun - the smack talk with your friends and colleagues about the upcoming game. If you can't have a little fun with the game, you're taking it a bit too seriously. Yes, this was a professional setting, but it was a subtle gesture that did exactly what it was intended to do.

Besides, no one has ever accused Arkansas of having too much class to start with.

Strong is terrific, love that he's ambitious enough to install his structure of discipline at a place where the pressure to win is as great as any job in college football. It's ver similar to what Randy Shannon attempted at Miami (far harder to do at UM), it remains to be seen if he can see more success on the field.

Strong is terrific, love that he's ambitious enough to install his structure of discipline at a place where the pressure to win is as great as any job in college football.

He has been known to sidestep his own core values when the player is valuable to his team. At Louisville he kept a starting DB on the team who was arrested for assault (and plead down to harassment). He's recruited guys with criminal records.

So far, he's been kicking a bunch of Mack Brown's guys off of the team. It will be interesting to see the first time he has a discipline problem with one of his own star recruits - will he toe the line or will he give them a "second chance."

Doesn't matter. I couldn't possible root any harder against ANY Butthead coached football team than I do already. Prediction - 5 years from now Bert will appear on the TV show The Biggest Loser.

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