Bret Bielema just said he had some issues with Urban Meyer's recruiting

I knew about Zagzebski, but now that you mention it, I do recall both Nortman and Kelly committed to us as well. I think Bielema would be nuts to make a stink if his complaint is only about Ohio State swooping in and picking up Dodson.

Dream scenario. Bielema whines, Delaney listens acts, Brewster calls (nothing to lose) and forces Delaney to act against Wisco.... Okay I woke up and Bielema is still an horses rear.

Dream scenario. Bielema whines, Delaney listens acts, Brewster calls (nothing to lose) and forces Delaney to act against Wisco.... Okay I woke up and Bielema is still an horses rear.

And so is Brewster. haha So all is still right with the world.

Twitter: Joe Schad @schadjoe Close
Alvarez: "Urban was very aggressive but there is no pact within the conference not to continue to recruit. Open season until they sign."

Twitter: Joe Schad @schadjoe Close
Alvarez: "Urban was very aggressive but there is no pact within the conference not to continue to recruit. Open season until they sign."
Translation: Please STFU Brett. I don't want to have to clean up your mess.

Barry Alvarez is great, he does well to stay above the noise which is something I also see in Kill.

Bielema's definitely whining, but if I was him, I'd feel that my athletic director kind of threw me under the bus.....

I guess if I was Bielema though, I'd rather be thrown under the bus by my AD than to his son and then promptly into a microwave....

Having Bielema as their coach is making me start to dislike the Badgers more then Iowa. This guy is as much of a wack job as Brewster.

I like this quote from the link:

"But a "Gentleman's agreement?" You want some gentleman's agreements? Here's one. DON'T RUN UP EIGHTY ON INDIANA AND THEN COMPLAIN ABOUT BEING A GENTLEMAN."

Here's another:

"How about not going for two when you're up by seventy million points? "

LOL. Both quotes are from my cousin. He is a Buckeye fan first and will cheer for the Gophers he can't stand the BADgers or their gentleman of a coach.


"According to sources, Wisconsin accused Meyer and his staff of using former Ohio State NFL players to call high school recruits. Wisconsin also accused Meyer and his staff of bumping into offensive lineman Kyle Dodson, who was committed to the Badgers but eventually flipped and signed with the Buckeyes. The practice of “bumping” occurs when coaches accidentally “bump” into players during recruiting dead periods.

Both the alleged phone calls and bumping are NCAA violations.

When asked about the specific charges, Wisconsin coach Bret Bielema declined comment, but told Sporting News a day after National Signing Day that, “I wasn’t upset with Urban because of a gentlemen’s agreement. It was something else that I don’t want to get into. I told him what I knew, and he said he would take care of it and he did.”

GopherInPittsburgh said:
Isn't OSU on probation? If this were to turn out true, what would happen?

I assume it would be pretty bad. With it being NFL guys, I wonder if it was Vrabel and he simply didn't know any better - or didn't care?

I'd have to say that I've traditionally disliked Michigan more than OSU. That has changed since Rodriquez arrived. Now that Meyer is there it will change even more.

I suspect that won't be true for most Gopher fans now that Michigan is back on the annual schedule. It is probably a result of my divided loyalties.

I can't tell if the SEC is that much better or that the Big Ten is just getting worse but facts are facts. Urban is going to create an SEC type squad and trample the rest of the Big Ten. Urban's cheatin will make Tressel look like a school boy...even more than Tressel already looks like a school boy.

I can't tell if the SEC is that much better or that the Big Ten is just getting worse but facts are facts. Urban is going to create an SEC type squad and trample the rest of the Big Ten. Urban's cheatin will make Tressel look like a school boy...even more than Tressel already looks like a school boy.

Why do you assume Meyer will cheat? When has he ever cheated before? Sounds like sour grapes to me.

Why do you assume Meyer will cheat? When has he ever cheated before? Sounds like sour grapes to me.

Meyer will "cheat". As in no NCAA violations will be found, but massive issues will eventually arise. Then he'll move on.

In the mean time, I will fully enjoy his wrath being spewed upon bert's badgers.
wisky whined and complained thereby starting something they will regret in a thousand ways.
See Georgia 2008 v Florida.
Meyer actually took timeouts as time was expiring to lengthen the game and Georgia's misery. I can't wait to see the "I ate too much cheese" squinty pain face from Bulimia when Urban does the same thing to sconnie.

Burt Bielima also said he has some issues with New Era, as he's having a devil of a time finding a fitted hat in a size 12 3/8.

UM has not been caught cheating so I will refrain from using that word.

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