Bobby Bell, Brewster Speak at Mt Olivet Men's Club


Bruce Smith for Governor
Nov 20, 2008
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For what its worth -

I was able to see both Tim Brewster and Bobby Bell speak at the Mount Olivet Lutheran Church Men's Club this evening. Joel Maturi and even Murray Warmath (96 years old and still going strong!) were in attendance (not to mention Dave Mona). Brewster did a decent job - respect for both Bell and Warmath, optimism for the coming year, spring practice is going well, etc. I do not know if it was a formal announcement or not (I had not heard previously), but the home field locker room at TCF will be named for Murray Warmath.

Bobby Bell was an absolute gem to listen to. Told some very inspiring stories about what it was like to grow up in the South, how his father couldn't read or write but encouraged Bobby to get an education (White Sox wanted to sign him to a baseball contract). Funny stories about getting shifted from quarterback to right tackle, interactions with Lamar Hunt (owner of the Kansas City Chiefs). Said he owed much of who he was and what he had become to his days at Minnesota. If one ever gets a chance to hear him speak, it will be worth your while.

As an added plus, I brought my 1962 Rose Bowl program to the event and was able to get both Bell and Warmath to sign it. I was sitting near Maturi and he even got some big eyes over my new favorite Gopher memorabilia item.

Wow! Awesome evening!

Thanks for the personal story.

Brewster just twittered about it too.

I'm officially jealous of that great item.

Go Gophers!

Here's to hoping to getting a recent copy of a RoseBowl program with the Gophers in it.


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