Bo Pelini to coach Becky? Wow! WTF?


Aug 5, 2009
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Idiots in Beckyville think Bo will prance in to be the next HC!! God are they stupid!!! Go Gophers!!!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

I don't see any chance of this happening, but as a Gopher fan I'd do cartwheels if it did.

I do not think it is that far fetched. A fresh start might be what makes him great. Nebraska and Wisconsin are very similar in type of job nationally and recruiting.

Idiots in Beckyville think Bo will prance in to be the next HC!! God are they stupid!!! Go Gophers!!!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

why do you post the title as if this is a done deal and then not link a source?

I do not think it is that far fetched. A fresh start might be what makes him great. Nebraska and Wisconsin are very similar in type of job nationally and recruiting.

And don't forget how similar their uniforms are to each other.

Actually, if this could happen and Wisconsin became as soft as Nebraska has been... Well... I'd be okay with that.

Now the word on the street is everyone's first guess: Chryst

I haven't seen any Sconnie fans that want Bo. They have a thread on Buckyville titled Bo Pelini, but the consensus is that they DO NOT want Bo. I can't imagine Barry would ever want Nebraska's sloppy seconds either.

Would be kind of weird if both their head basketball coach and head football coach were named Bo. What are the odds?

Bo Pelini may be a good coach, but I believe I saw him with my own eyes on T.V. call his players dumb mother@@@@@s and clocksuckers (I recall Ron Zook doing the same thing). I know I'm in the minority here, but what University with any sense of integrity, consistency in their messages and an opportunity to show the country what they supposedly stand for would want a head coach like Pelini? I'm tired of hearing how schools demand that their head coaches be able to mold boys into good men, serve as role models to their players and teach their players how to navigate life only to watch these coaches behave like pigs in more than one aspect of their lives. The hypocrisy kills me. Moreover, the administration and coaches demand that their players represent the university with dignity and act humbly and respectfully in the community. Meanwhile the head coach is demeaning and swearing at his players on the sideline. Tell me, in what work place is this type of behavior allowed? Is this how they want their players to interact with their girlfriends? What if a professor did this? What if your sons' or daughters' high school coach did this? Some people call this tough love. Some people think that if the coach gets over his anger quickly and forgets it and then interacts with the player "normally" after he calls him a dumb mother****** during the game, it's all good. It seems to me that's not normal human behavior. Just had to get this off my chest. And believe me, I'm no prude. I swear a lot. But I (and I'm sure all of you) have worked hard in life not to demean or demoralize those that I love and care about, yet all these coaches say how much they "love" their players and regard them as "sons". Well, in the real world, that's called a verbally abusive domestic relationship. This isn't the military. This is NOT life and death and our country's future is not at stake.

He doesn't fit the "Yes, sir" mold Barry wants. Mr. Burns wants Smithers.

I was listening to Mason on the radio with Barreiro yesterday, and Mason contends that Barry isn't the problem.

As per Bo, I agree with DoubleAlum to an extent. I think Pelini is a very good football coach. His record as both an assistant and head coach is solid. He's worked at a number of big-time programs and he spent six years as an assistant at the pro level. He knows his stuff. That said, he does appear to be missing a chip, especially as it pertains to his sideline behavior. Interesting that he and his brother grew up with the Stoops brothers and Bobby Stoops is pretty much the same way on the sideline. Bo's going to land somewhere. Just curious to see if he goes back to the pros as a coordinator/position coach.

Bo Pelini may be a good coach, but I believe I saw him with my own eyes on T.V. call his players dumb mother@@@@@s and clocksuckers (I recall Ron Zook doing the same thing). I know I'm in the minority here, but what University with any sense of integrity, consistency in their messages and an opportunity to show the country what they supposedly stand for would want a head coach like Pelini? I'm tired of hearing how schools demand that their head coaches be able to mold boys into good men, serve as role models to their players and teach their players how to navigate life only to watch these coaches behave like pigs in more than one aspect of their lives. The hypocrisy kills me. Moreover, the administration and coaches demand that their players represent the university with dignity and act humbly and respectfully in the community. Meanwhile the head coach is demeaning and swearing at his players on the sideline. Tell me, in what work place is this type of behavior allowed? Is this how they want their players to interact with their girlfriends? What if a professor did this? What if your sons' or daughters' high school coach did this? Some people call this tough love. Some people think that if the coach gets over his anger quickly and forgets it and then interacts with the player "normally" after he calls him a dumb mother****** during the game, it's all good. It seems to me that's not normal human behavior. Just had to get this off my chest. And believe me, I'm no prude. I swear a lot. But I (and I'm sure all of you) have worked hard in life not to demean or demoralize those that I love and care about, yet all these coaches say how much they "love" their players and regard them as "sons". Well, in the real world, that's called a verbally abusive domestic relationship. This isn't the military. This is NOT life and death and our country's future is not at stake.

+1000.... There is a difference between discipline and abuse. Coaches can be hard and demanding, but it must must show respect.

I was listening to Mason on the radio with Barreiro yesterday, and Mason contends that Barry isn't the problem.

As per Bo, I agree with DoubleAlum to an extent. I think Pelini is a very good football coach. His record as both an assistant and head coach is solid. He's worked at a number of big-time programs and he spent six years as an assistant at the pro level. He knows his stuff. That said, he does appear to be missing a chip, especially as it pertains to his sideline behavior. Interesting that he and his brother grew up with the Stoops brothers and Bobby Stoops is pretty much the same way on the sideline. Bo's going to land somewhere. Just curious to see if he goes back to the pros as a coordinator/position coach.

If Barry is the problem, sign me up.

We can trash Wisky all we want, but you have to respect their current success in all things sports related.

If Barry is the problem, sign me up.

We can trash Wisky all we want, but you have to respect their current success in all things sports related.

I could have expounded a bit more on Mason's comments. He said Bielema told him (Mason) that Barry was all about the football program and there was little hesitation if something needed to get done. Plus, he understood first hand the pressure of being the head coach.

Alvarez has always struck me as an arrogant pr*ck, but he wouldn't be alone in the college football ranks which brims with that type. You don't get to the literal top without standing on a pile of figuratively dead bodies.

Men's hockey at Wiscy is in trouble. And there one of the few sports for them that's actually won a natl championship:)

Men's hockey at Wiscy is in trouble. And there one of the few sports for them that's actually won a natl championship:)

Now there'e a sport where they may be having trouble getting people into school!

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Alvarez has always struck me as an arrogant pr*ck, but he wouldn't be alone in the college football ranks which brims with that type. You don't get to the literal top without standing on a pile of figuratively dead bodies.

He's never gotten them to the "literal top" though.


Bo Pelini may be a good coach, but I believe I saw him with my own eyes on T.V. call his players dumb mother@@@@@s and clocksuckers (I recall Ron Zook doing the same thing). I know I'm in the minority here, but what University with any sense of integrity, consistency in their messages and an opportunity to show the country what they supposedly stand for would want a head coach like Pelini? I'm tired of hearing how schools demand that their head coaches be able to mold boys into good men, serve as role models to their players and teach their players how to navigate life only to watch these coaches behave like pigs in more than one aspect of their lives. The hypocrisy kills me. Moreover, the administration and coaches demand that their players represent the university with dignity and act humbly and respectfully in the community. Meanwhile the head coach is demeaning and swearing at his players on the sideline. Tell me, in what work place is this type of behavior allowed? Is this how they want their players to interact with their girlfriends? What if a professor did this? What if your sons' or daughters' high school coach did this? Some people call this tough love. Some people think that if the coach gets over his anger quickly and forgets it and then interacts with the player "normally" after he calls him a dumb mother****** during the game, it's all good. It seems to me that's not normal human behavior. Just had to get this off my chest. And believe me, I'm no prude. I swear a lot. But I (and I'm sure all of you) have worked hard in life not to demean or demoralize those that I love and care about, yet all these coaches say how much they "love" their players and regard them as "sons". Well, in the real world, that's called a verbally abusive domestic relationship. This isn't the military. This is NOT life and death and our country's future is not at stake.

Just curious, have you been to a Gopher practice? Close enough to hear what's being said there? I don't disagree with your comments but I think swearing from coaches is sadly pretty common.

Just curious, have you been to a Gopher practice? Close enough to hear what's being said there? I don't disagree with your comments but I think swearing from coaches is sadly pretty common.

I haven't been to a Gopher practice. It's not the swearing I mind, it's the demeaning. But if all the players are able to just laugh off all the demeaning comments as nonsense, then maybe I'm upset about nothing. After all, I can't begin to understand the dynamics between everyone or what a guy like Pelini is really like deep down. While it may look abusive to me on TV, maybe I'm wrong about this. Who the hell knows.

I haven't been to a Gopher practice. It's not the swearing I mind, it's the demeaning. But if all the players are able to just laugh off all the demeaning comments as nonsense, then maybe I'm upset about nothing. After all, I can't begin to understand the dynamics between everyone or what a guy like Pelini is really like deep down. While it may look abusive to me on TV, maybe I'm wrong about this. Who the hell knows.

All I know is that his players loved him and were very upset knowing he was fired despite his sideline demeanor.

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