Blog: Gopher Defensive Coordinator Tracy Claeys Promises Hard Work, Fundamentals

GopherHole Staff

GopherHole Admin
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Nov 3, 2008
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The University of Minnesota football team will work hard and be fundamentally sound under the new coaching regime. Those were two of the big takeaways Thursday, when defensive coordinator Tracy Claeys spoke to the CORES (Coaches, Officials, Reporters, Educators and Sports Fans) group that met at the Bloomington Knights of Columbus hall.

Good read. Interesting to hear Claeys talk about the boys competing against each other. Early this past fall, I read an interview of Coach Kill in Sports Illustrated (was actually an ad for Liberty Mutual - he is a former winner of their Coach of the Year Award) and he talked about how he structures a program. If I recall, he talked about how every player is put into a team of three or four other players regardless of class or position. These "teams" then compete against each other, not just in weight lifting, but community service, academics, etc, etc. It just seemed like a different approach that clearly had brought success. It was then that Kill became I guy I hoped the U of M would consider. He still wasn't my first choice necessarily, but I knew I'd be happy if he ended up being the guy.

As Coach Claeys said, I think these boys will be in for a rude awakening come Monday with Coach Klein!

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