Bitter End Club


Section 211
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Stayed to the Bitter End.

Didn't think it would be that bad...but still very bitter.

We played our guts out last week at Wisky and had nothing left for Iowa.

We'll see if that changes with better talent.

A lot of fan goodwill got lost tonight...whether it's fair to the kids or not...

There will be boos next year in TCF if we don't have a running game. Like some by the spread die by the spread.

Didn't hear Coach after the game on 'CCO because Mrs. Billd and I hung around at the end just to take in the bitterness and Iowa glee. I'm sure he'll take responsibility for the loss tomorrow AM.

Here's the new pattern under the new regime...UP for away games and FLAT for home...not as much fun for sure.

Go Gophers!

I think there were 12 gopher fans that saw the last seconds tick off.

As always, I stayed until the bitter end. Good riddance to the dome.

I'm sad I live so far away, as I would have given anything to be at that game. I don't care about the score- I was dying to be there as I watched the last game in the dome at home. I love the gophers and am truly sad any time there is a loss such as this. Here's what I am clinging to:

-7-5 is a whole lot better than 1-11.
-A top-20 recruiting class last year (and maybe another one this year) will not pay dividends the first year.
-Good players make good teams. It is that simple. The good recruiting will result in wins. I believe that.
-Any recruit who looks at this program and does not think it is going in the right direction is crazy.
-Bandwagon fans can kiss my ass.

55 points or 1000 points: I am, and always will be, a gopher. I have never been more proud than I am right now.

Stayed until the end here, we would have been the group with Gopher gear on cheering in the last 5 min when Jay Thomas finally touched the ball...

i stayed to the bitter end as well, but I was extremely tempted to leave throughout the whole 4th quarter. Leaving early usually never crosses my mind, just goes to show you how bad today was.

Go4rushing...We have all wondered what is going on with Jay. He is always willing to do what ever is he 100% or why haven't we seen more of him.

Gophers played better on the road - Ohio State, Illinois, Bowling Green, Purdue, while getting clobbered in two dome home games (one of them to 3-9 Michigan). No home advantage in the dome - glad to see it go, too.

I stayed to the bitter end.....

I don't know why, but I did. :eek:

I was there for every last painful tick of the clock. And a few after as I sang Hail! Minnesota for the last time in that shitbox before we go home.

You know you got whooped when the Hawkeyes are even apologetic after the win. I think they actually felt sorry for us. That's not good.

I think it was a little anti-climactic for them.

Thanks for the apology Coach Brewster

I left midway through the 4th quarter. I don't, and never have felt that there was any nobility in staying until the end of a game, win or lose. Sometimes, other life functions win out.
I heard Brewster apologize to the fans on the way home. That's enough for me. I'm not asking for a refund or anything, I'll take the apology and look forward to the bowl game.
The irony is that when I was heading up the Metrodome steps, there were Hawkeye fans leaving right in front of me. I overheard one of them say, "I hate to drive 5 hours and have a stinker game like this. I would've rather watched it on tv." Even the victors wanted more!

That was my first time leaving early in many, many years, and I don't feel bad about it. The team seemed to have 'left' right around the beginning of the second half so I think it evened out.

My sentiments exactly

The D played tough for the first half but they seemed to give up on the game in the second half so I decided to give up on the game. I sadly left in the middle of the fourth quarter and I didn't feel bad about it. As I was walking up the steps I couldn't wait to get out of that dump.

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