My biggest concern as always is that we might overlook another quality 1-AA opponent and have that bite us in the rear again, and I think that's what every 1-A team playing a lower level opponent has to guard against. We've unfortunately seen that happen to the Gophers far too often, and from up in this neck of the woods, I saw the U-Maine Black Bears go down to Starkville and beat Mississippi State in '04, and then two years later go into Boston and nearly beat a 10 win Matt Ryan led BC team, and then last year, nearly knock off Pitt on the road. I was just reading about the Maine-Boston College game tomorrow, and the BC coaches concerns their team will simply take that game for granted and assume an automatic home victory, simply by virtue of playing a team from a lower level, and undeserved overconfidence can just kill.
The upshot to me is that these New England teams can be a real pain in the tookus and should never be taken lightly. I don't think Coach Kill and Co. will allow that to happen. I think we'll be focused and ready to play, but I'm also mentally prepared for what might be a highly competitive game.