Big Ten Tourney


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2011
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I'm going to be with a buddy at the MSU-OSU game tonight, and if the Gophs make it to Saturday, I'll be at that game as well. Excited to see what the atmosphere was like and if it compares to the WCHA Final Five.

Penn St. takes down Michigan in double OT. Of course Wisconsin gets the easier matchup.

As I write this Ohio St. wins in OT.

Mich in a ton of trouble to dance now. But who knows what could happen. Could see psu pulling off an upset just as easily as osu

my wife and I will be there tomorrow... haven't been to a gopher puck game in a few sure we will hit up tom reeds or some place before if a gh's want to meet up for a beer

Mich in a ton of trouble to dance now. But who knows what could happen. Could see psu pulling off an upset just as easily as osu

They are in big trouble. They currently sit 16th in the PWR, and Atlantic Hockey has no team currently in the top 16, so whoever wins that tournament will necessarily take the 16th spot. Michigan needs two things to happen: (1) early losses by Cornell and/or Colgate to pass one of them into 15th and (2) no "bid steals" from an underdog in on of the other conferences.

Might want to add the Gophers to the list of teams in trouble for the NCAAs. They're in, but my good have they sucked these two games. Can't wait to see what kind of effort this crew brings to the big tournament after the mess they've made of these last two games. :banghead:

Wouldn't even count on one NCAA win with the attitude this team is displaying right now. This looks almost identical to last year's team, which mailed it in heading into the tournament in spectacularly awful fashion. Saw a lot of the same tonight and in that last game against Michigan. Completely unacceptable at every level. Even the commentators commented on the lack of urgency early in the second period. At the moment, this team is pretty proud of itself, win or lose, which means they're going nowhere. Alas, they have one more chance to get their heads out of their collective rear ends, but I'm not holding my breath.

what a waste of money... im sick of gopher teams playing DOWN to their opponents,,, we should of ha our skates on their throats from the begining

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