Big Ten: East vs West


The Big Ten Football schedule has a cross-over opponent that changes every cycle. First cycle, crossovers were chosen based on perceived strength and we drew Maryland.

For the second cycle, it was drawn randomly and I believe we have Mich St.
The non-crossover teams from the other division you will play every three years. (one time at home, and one away).

Each cycle runs 6 years.
1. Maryland cycle was 2016-2021
2. Michigan State 2022-2027
3. TBD (Not MD or MSU) 2028-2033
4. TBD - 2034-2039
5. TBD - 2040-2045
6. TBD - 2046-2051
7. TBD - 2052-2057

By the end of 2057, we will have played all Big Ten East teams the same number of times as Maryland. Perfectly balanced.

In 2058, the overall rotation will begin again I believe when MD will be our crossover again.
Very likely that divisions go away entirely, and that the Big Ten changes membership again in some form, before the end of 2057.

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