Big Ten Bar and Restaurant to close after 60 years

I just took my kdis to Annie's after the practice last Friday. Food was great (burger, fries, shake). Some of the best fries in town. Maybe they had a bad day when you were there.
My family and I went to Annie's after going to tour US Bank Stadium a couple weeks back. The burgers were not prefirmed and the fries were great. I think I gained five pounds contemplating getting one of their shskes. Give it another try.

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If this is how you truly feel I feel bad for you. Businesses such as The Big Ten and Village Wok are institutions that have culturally meant a lot to generations of Gophers. I hope you enjoy the brand spankin' new Noodles and Co. or whatever will go in on the first floor there.

Guaranteed that so many of these successful restaurants are leaving because the "builders" want a super inflated amount of rent.

The "builder" mentality has always been infuriating to me because it rarely represents the desires of the majority, it most often represents what is profitable to a very small percentage of controlling stakeholders- often at direct odds with the will of the community.

On a side note, whoever had the idea that a 20-some story apartment tower catering to "young professionals" DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE SUPERBLOCK DORMS would be appealing, needs to be run out of town.

Then buy the business. Put up or shut up. Simple. The owners did not have to sell, but they did. Get out your checkbook an quit whining. Jezzus. It's always those who understand economics the least that complain the most.

What do low profit business have to do with this and what is a low profit business? Tradition is important and should br held when possible. The owner does not want to continue despite an upgrade in facilities and the prospect of higher numbers of potential customers. We all have a stake by the way. The world is not necessarily better with high buck developers either. I am not convinced the local economy outside of the folks that lease the rooms will be a boon.

We will agree to disagree, Jay. If we all have a stake in a "traditional business" then socialism is the way to go. A business shouldn't stay open to keep tradition alive unless it is viable and has willing ownership. I'll miss the place, but I miss Met Stadium too.

Then buy the business. Put up or shut up. Simple. The owners did not have to sell, but they did. Get out your checkbook an quit whining. Jezzus. It's always those who understand economics the least that complain the most.

So, to summarize, if you aren't a multi-millionaire with financial resources to buy out small businesses, you are not allowed to have an opinion on the matter?

So, to summarize, if you aren't a multi-millionaire with financial resources to buy out small businesses, you are not allowed to have an opinion on the matter?

You can have an opinion - just keep it to yourself. This board is reserved for multi-millionaires.

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Just stay away from Cedar and leave the Wienery alone.

Circa 2004 we used to love Big Ten on Tuesday nights for $1.25 Busch Light pitchers, cards, and popcorn. The places in Stadium Village I wish would always stick around are Sally's, Stubs, Campus Pizza, and Big Ten. Sorry to see two already gone.

We will agree to disagree, Jay. If we all have a stake in a "traditional business" then socialism is the way to go. A business shouldn't stay open to keep tradition alive unless it is viable and has willing ownership. I'll miss the place, but I miss Met Stadium too.
I miss Perry's Pizza.

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Big Ten i enjoyed it but I will not miss the slippery stairs to the lower level bathroom.

I miss Perry's Pizza.

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Ewert you made my day! Perry's was a great place and the owner's were wonderful. I graduated in 94 and they had great pizza and an awesome location. They did not know how to market themselves so a buddy and myself starting marketing for their all you can eat lunch buffet.

I miss Perry's Pizza.

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Never got IDed there. Even as a 19 year old. Loved it

+1. That was always the place where a fake wasn't necessary.

Awesome memories. I spent a lot of time at Perry's as a Freshman living in Territorial Hall. We used to get a sub at Subway then go next door to eat it at Perry's with Pitchers of Beer. However, we did get carded from time to time. When they asked to see ID they would accept our student ID (which of course didn't even list a birthdate). LOL.

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Awesome memories. I spent a lot of time at Perry's as a Freshman living in Territorial Hall. We used to get a sub at Subway then go next door to eat it at Perry's with Pitchers of Beer. However, we did get carded from time to time. When they asked to see ID they would accept our student ID (which of course didn't even list a birthdate). LOL.

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Ironically, we did not ask for money for doing the marketing. They paid us by giving us all the pizza and beer we wanted.

I've had my share of $6 lunchs (I think $6.75 now) but they're really not that good, I'll still miss them

Is that where Stacy Hamilton used to work?

According to IMDb..."Jennifer Jason Leigh actually worked at Perry's Pizza for a month after she got the role of Stacy Hamilton but before filming began."

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