I was in Tuscaloosa and I saw Lee Corso and Nick Saban have lunch together. So I stopped by their table and asked if Corso knew anything about the Gophers HC job.

Corso said to me "You remember when Maturi said he had someone interested he didnt think was ever going to be?"

I said yeah.

Then Corso said "well if you can keep a secret then, I have been tolled that this person has accepted and that person is..."

Corso then tilt his head in silence and motioned with his eyes that Nick Saban was that person


I was in Tuscaloosa and I saw Lee Corso and Nick Saban have lunch together. So I stopped by their table and asked if Corso knew anything about the Gophers HC job.

Corso said to me "You remember when Maturi said he had someone interested he didnt think was ever going to be?"

I said yeah.

Then Corso said "well if you can keep a secret then, I have been tolled that this person has accepted and that person is..."

Corso then tilt his head in silence and motioned with his eyes that Nick Saban was that person

Lee Corso was tolled? Is this like a bridge toll? The person telling Lee Corso charged him to use this information?

Or is it more along the lines of: All the hardwork Lee Corso put in to find out who the new Gopher football coach took a toll on him?

Lee Corso was tolled? Is this like a bridge toll? The person telling Lee Corso charged him to use this information?

Or is it more along the lines of: All the hardwork Lee Corso put in to find out who the new Gopher football coach took a toll on him?

Whoops my bad. I meant he told me!!! But he could have been speaking code! All I know is that from what Lee Corso said, Nick Saban is our new HC

Just messing with ya, man.

I don't know if I can get behind a Nick Saban hire tho. To lose 3 games this year with that stacked roster. I'm not sure he can "coach 'em up" once he gets them into school.

I flew into Portland this afternoon to attend the Civil War this weekend; in line at Hertz Rental was Kirk Herbstreit. I asked him if he had heard anything about the Gopher coaching job, he responded with "Gopher fans will be really excited about their new coach, thats all I can tell ya."

Crap, we're hiring Herbstreit aren't we?

I wonder if Petersen might be the guy as one poster already mentioned. Schools are already filling their coaching vacancies, and it would make sense to wait this long if the coaches team is not done with their regular season yet. This might be wishful thinking, but Petersen has not been mentioned as a serious canidate, and he may come out from nowhere like Tubby did to take the position.

Take this for what it's worth, but I used the power of remote viewing last night to see Maturi and
Golden make a mid-air transfer off of that plane we were tracking.

No reason not to believe the OP. If he really wanted to make a splash he could have made up a name and ran with it. It's possible Herbie knows this guy pretty well as I'm sure he knows a lot of coaches. It's probably also an unwritten rule not to spill the beans before an announcement is made and risk his personal friendship/relationship/credibility with this person. It's a plausable story.

The fact that any of you are taking the Original Post the least bit seriously takes all credibility away from this board. He's making *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# up to get a rise out of you guys.

Maybe you guys are looking too deep into this. Of course Gopher fans will be really excited about their new coach and he couldnt tell more because he doesnt know anything beyond that.

This is my exact thought. I'm sure fans from college all over the country approach guys like Herbstreit in public and ask questions about their favorite team. I'm sure it's tiresome from his perspective. Odds are, he gives vague responses that will pacify the person inquiring so he doesn't get bogged down in thousands of random conversations. If you asked him who he thought was in line for the Colorado job, or the Miami job, he'd probably provide a similar response.

Maybe you guys are looking too deep into this. Of course Gopher fans will be really excited about their new coach and he couldnt tell more because he doesnt know anything beyond that.

First thing I thought when I read this last nite but lets spread the Corso rumor. :D

If the new coach were Belotti than Kirk wouldn't be authorized to say anything about it, IMO. Since Belotti is an ESPN employee, etc..


At the very least I'd say that Belotti is a finalist for the job, who would obviously get fans excited. If Belotti told Herbstreit anything it would probably have to be kept in confidence so as not to jeopardize his job at ESPN.


At the very least I'd say that Belotti is a finalist for the job, who would obviously get fans excited. If Belotti told Herbstreit anything it would probably have to be kept in confidence so as not to jeopardize his job at ESPN.

Actually, I retract this statement... with the recent interview from Fuller with the PiPress I guess he's out... or it's a smokescreen... or......???

I flew into Portland this afternoon to attend the Civil War this weekend; in line at Hertz Rental was Kirk Herbstreit. I asked him if he had heard anything about the Gopher coaching job, he responded with "Gopher fans will be really excited about their new coach, thats all I can tell ya."

Yep Herby waiting in line at Hertz, got it

Yep Herby waiting in line at Hertz, got it

Exactly. What a joke, everyone knows he's a Diamond Member over at National/Alamo. Herbie loves the new Chevy Malibu.

Corso for Head Coach, Erin Andrews as his Recruiting Coordinator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drink:

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