Big cover page profile of MarQueis Gray in Star Tribune


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Great job by Phil Miller profiling MarQueis Gray. It's a "Star Tribune Exclusive" so it won't be online for a few days, but for subscribers, I'd love to hear your feedback.

Husker, what have been your thoughts on the big profiles the STrib has had lately on the Gophers?

Go Gophers!!

If you have iPad get the strib app and you get article free. Great read.

The kid has paid his dues. You're a heartless bast-rd if you don't want Gray to succeed at the position he loves to play

"Dad, anybody can be a Viking fan, it takes someone special to be a Gopher fan".....My son

You're a heartless bast-rd if you don't want Gray to succeed at the position he loves to play

I would say that this statement goes for anyone who wishes anyone not to succeed on the the Gophers fb team, not just Gray. Any true gopher fan should want every player to succeed at his position. If you wish for a gopher player to fail then you are not a gopher fan.

I would say that this statement goes for anyone who wishes anyone not to succeed on the the Gophers fb team, not just Gray. Any true gopher fan should want every player to succeed at his position. If you wish for a gopher player to fail then you are not a gopher fan.

I'm assuming this is directed towards those who criticize the play of certain athletes. The point needs to be made that just because you criticize a player or have an opinion that is unfavorable to an individual doesn't mean you don't want him/her to succeed or are not a fan of the gophers or the university.

I'm assuming this is directed towards those who criticize the play of certain athletes. The point needs to be made that just because you criticize a player or have an opinion that is unfavorable to an individual doesn't mean you don't want him/her to succeed or are not a fan of the gophers or the university.

To me, criticizing a player for bad play and not wishing him to succeed are two completely different things. Criticizing a player for a bone-headed play or just not being capable of playing his assigned position does not mean you do not want that individual to succeed it just means that individual is not playing well and needs to improve. Nevertheless, you want the individual to still succeed. However, hoping someone does not succeed means that an individual receives pleasure by seeing a player fail at his position. Two very distinct positions, the latter of which I would hope is not the position of any GH'ers.

Josh and Go4 - completely agree with both your points

To me, criticizing a player for bad play and not wishing him to succeed are two completely different things. Criticizing a player for a bone-headed play or just not being capable of playing his assigned position does not mean you do not want that individual to succeed it just means that individual is not playing well and needs to improve. Nevertheless, you want the individual to still succeed. However, hoping someone does not succeed means that an individual receives pleasure by seeing a player fail at his position. Two very distinct positions, the latter of which I would hope is not the position of any GH'ers.

Totally fair viewpoint.

BTW, I am not advocating criticizing someone's character. For example, I am not a fan of the comments directed at Moses Alipate recently. Many have said he is lazy, doesn't work hard, doesn't want to work hard, etc. I don't like these comments - how can posters on GH know what is inside the mind of Moses, or how hard he wants to work, etc? Those are ridiculous statements. I have been one of Moses' biggest critics - but it has been in terms of his on-field abilities only - accuracy, decision-making, etc. Those comments were based on what I was able to directly see on the field. For a fan to rip a kid based on what they think the kid's attitude is or what a kid might be thinking is absolutely ignorant.

The act thing still annoys me. Gray was victim of a classic guilty until proven innocent moment.

ACT vs. act

The act thing still annoys me. Gray was victim of a classic guilty until proven innocent moment.

Not a big deal but when I started to read this post I didn't realize Roemountian was refering to the ACT test. I immediately thought that he was upset with Gray for puting on an act but I am easily lead a stray.

The ACT thing still annoys me. Gray was victim of a classic guilty until proven innocent moment.

Totally fair viewpoint.

BTW, I am not advocating criticizing someone's character. For example, I am not a fan of the comments directed at Moses Alipate recently. Many have said he is lazy, doesn't work hard, doesn't want to work hard, etc. I don't like these comments - how can posters on GH know what is inside the mind of Moses, or how hard he wants to work, etc? Those are ridiculous statements. I have been one of Moses' biggest critics - but it has been in terms of his on-field abilities only - accuracy, decision-making, etc. Those comments were based on what I was able to directly see on the field. For a fan to rip a kid based on what they think the kid's attitude is or what a kid might be thinking is absolutely ignorant.

Two of the best posts in awhile, IMO.

The fact Gray was not cleared because of too sharp of a rise in his ACT scores annoys me. In the profile it says he took his first one freshman year and his second one senior year. Of course there will be a sharp rise in the scores. Most of the things that are on the ACT (at least math-wise) are not taught to the average student until sophomore and junior year. A basic concept of the math is known freshman year, but that is it. Also, I graduated from high school this year and took the ACT twice my junior year. I took it in April and June and I did 3 points better on my one in June. I did not do anything to prepare for the first one OR the second one. If I had a 3 point jump in 3 months, why would Gray not see a sharp rise after 4 YEARS?! Just ridiculous.

Good story, but GREAT photos. The photogs and layout people really put together a great package I felt. I liked Miller's Kill story more, but I liked the photos that went with this one more.

Great article. There sure seems to be a great vibe around the program in all the local media these days. It is ironic that a guy like Brewster, that was supposedly short on coaching skill but long on recruiting and apparently savvy enough to produce "play4brew" and other slick propaganda actually was the media whipping boy from nearly day 1. Meanwhile, the in-the-trenches coach that followed with his simple twang and portly body, stepped up to the BCS level and is enjoying a love affair with the same media. I know there is a term "crazy like a fox" but in Kill's case maybe it should be "awe shucks... like a fox." He continues to impress me.

The article is about Gray and it is a very good one. But it got me thinking in general about the landslide of positive articles/media coming out of the U's football program these days.

It leaves me with one concern. Underneath it all everyone knows this is a tough, multi-year challenge for Kill so I hope the media doesn't forget that if the team has to endure a tough losing streak.

The more I read about Gray, and that includes the fact he is the only player at any level that I subscribe to on Twitter... the more I like him. Just seems like a very level headed good kid and the exact opposite of what I assumed when there were doubts swirling around about his ACT scores.

Great article. There sure seems to be a great vibe around the program in all the local media these days. It is ironic that a guy like Brewster, that was supposedly short on coaching skill but long on recruiting and apparently savvy enough to produce "play4brew" and other slick propaganda actually was the media whipping boy from nearly day 1. Meanwhile, the in-the-trenches coach that followed with his simple twang and portly body, stepped up to the BCS level and is enjoying a love affair with the same media. I know there is a term "crazy like a fox" but in Kill's case maybe it should be "awe shucks... like a fox." He continues to impress me.

It's baffling, indeed. While talking with another Gopher fan this weekend, I may have overstated it, but I said Kill could do no wrong this year. Even if they lose the majority of their games this season (distinct possibility), you know he's not going to start every post-game presser with, "I'm just so proud of my guys today. They really played their hearts out and had a tremendous effort out there."

The further away we are from the "Tubby-like hire" statement, the more it rings true. Even in down years (although there's only been one), I'm still proud of the product Tubby puts on the table. Should be a fun ride.

Excited for this article to be downgraded to a non-premium level.

Agree it's a good article and great photos. And I'll second the notion that it's ridiculous freshman-senior year ACT scores being different should be any kind of red flag. ACT isn't an intelligence test, but a test of knowledge, of ability to recall what you've learned. It's hard to recall something you haven't learned yet. So you have someone taking the test a second time (where most people would improve just from being familiar with the test environment, types of questions, etc) and someone taking it 3 years apart. Not difficult to understand a significant rise.

Hey Bleed,

I'm still waiting to hear what Husker thinks of the big features that the Star Tribune has written. Have you heard anything from him?

The fact Gray was not cleared because of too sharp of a rise in his ACT scores annoys me. In the profile it says he took his first one freshman year and his second one senior year. Of course there will be a sharp rise in the scores. Most of the things that are on the ACT (at least math-wise) are not taught to the average student until sophomore and junior year. A basic concept of the math is known freshman year, but that is it. Also, I graduated from high school this year and took the ACT twice my junior year. I took it in April and June and I did 3 points better on my one in June. I did not do anything to prepare for the first one OR the second one. If I had a 3 point jump in 3 months, why would Gray not see a sharp rise after 4 YEARS?! Just ridiculous.

Agree. I took this from an ACT web page: "The ACT is curriculum-based. The ACT is not an aptitude or an IQ test. Instead, the questions on the ACT are directly related to what students have learned in high school courses in English, mathematics, and science. Because the ACT tests are based on what is taught in the high school curriculum, students are generally more comfortable with the ACT than they are with traditional aptitude tests or tests with narrower content."

According to this, his and everyone else's, test score would surely increase from 9th to 12th grade.

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