Better Fan Experience

Out State Gopher

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2023
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What changes & or additions would you want for enhancing in-stadium & out of stadium game experiences? Food, beverages, activities, technology, double petting zoo where you pet the animals and they pet you (field corn in pockets not allowed)... etc.

Negative: I buy zero beers at $13+ plus tip just on principle. I buy plenty of beers below $8. The beverage price increases this year were insane.

Positive: The tailgate scene has gotten pretty good over the years.

I don’t think selling $8 beers is that profitable under the current system. Don’t get me wrong—that’s insane to say. But the Gophers don’t own their own concessions. Unless I’m way off on the system for concessions but knowing people who supply target field I think it goes like this at all stadiums and arenas.

So take a 16oz beer from Surly. Surly probably sells it at $2ish to the distributor. Surly has to pay an excise tax, sales tax, ingredients, packaging, labour, etc. Distributor has to pay a sales tax, make money, store it and deliver it. So now they sell it to concession company at $5. They then have to pay people to serve it, pay sales tax, card fees, etc. so they are at like $8. The gophers now get a % of those profits. So $8 they lose money.

All rough numbers. I do believe there were some cheaper options this season (DUCK DUCK BEER) which is nice.

Better TV's in the concourses sure would be nice. They have to have better security checks so the lines are not so long for most average fans. This isn't issue for my group as we try to arise 45 minutes to hour before kickoff or more. For people with younger kids waiting in line a long time with kids isn't good. Gophers fan base trends younger with family's so they really need to findca way to shorten lines for those groups. More family packs or family section like Twins have would be good.

What changes & or additions would you want for enhancing in-stadium & out of stadium game experiences? Food, beverages, activities, technology, double petting zoo where you pet the animals and they pet you (field corn in pockets not allowed)... etc.
Fewer and shorter commercial breaks.

I think it’s the best place in the world to watch a football game. There are some things I’d like improved but none really affect the overall experience.

Be more Wild like. People walking down the aisle during a play is fucking disrespectful. The Wild ushers will tackle your ass if you try and walk down while the puck is in play.

At a minimum, go down to a fucking knee....rant over
lol again. Can I stand up to watch big plays and third downs on D or will that cause another rant?

Fewer and shorter commercial breaks.
No chance. Also, I use those longer breaks to do almost all the things people are complaining about, bathroom run, concession run, etc.

lol again. Can I stand up to watch big plays and third downs on D or will that cause another rant?
He’s talking about idiots moving in and out of their seats/up and down the stairs during gameplay and it’s infuriating. The amount of people just putzing around on a big third down right in front of me finally got me to change sections.

Ushers have clearly not been instructed to limit it which further adds to the overall amateur feel of gameday.

He’s talking about idiots moving in and out of their seats/up and down the stairs during gameplay and it’s infuriating. The amount of people just putzing around on a big third down right in front of me finally got me to change sections.

Ushers have clearly not been instructed to limit it which further adds to the overall amateur feel of gameday.
There are ushers??? (Certainly aren't any for upper deck)

No chance. Also, I use those longer breaks to do almost all the things people are complaining about, bathroom run, concession run, etc.
For me that sometimes works, sometimes not. Depends on the game. 50/50 at best.

He’s talking about idiots moving in and out of their seats/up and down the stairs during gameplay and it’s infuriating. The amount of people just putzing around on a big third down right in front of me finally got me to change sections.

Ushers have clearly not been instructed to limit it which further adds to the overall amateur feel of gameday.
Thank you

If you're anywhere near me, you know I'm standing, yelling, screaming during important moments (I also try and give Jamie a run for his money on the RAH to end the Rouser lol). But idiots casually walking down the aisle on 1st down when the Gophers are on offense ready to snap the ball is fucking bush league as a fan.

Again, try walking down the aisle during the middle of a Wild power play at the X and see how that goes.
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For me that sometimes works, sometimes not. Depends on the game. 50/50 at best.
Honestly I can count on one hand the times this hasn't worked. Same with entering, though I agree they should always use the gates on the West end for entry.

Thank you

If you're anywhere near me, you know I'm standing, yelling, screaming during important moments (I also try and give Jamie a run for his money on the RAH to end the Rouser lol). But idiots casually walking down the aisle on 1st down when the Gophers are on offense ready to snap the ball is fucking bush league as a fan.

Again, try walking down the aisle during the middle of a Wild power play at the X and see how that goes.
That’s such a non-issue. I distain the “bleacher police” who think that they have the right to tell me what I can and can’t do when I’m at a game. I’m pretty much in my seat but for halftime so I’m not walking up and down but the folks that do — that’s OK. Stand up for a second to look around them crane your neck, one way or the other I’m sure you can figure it out without your neck getting red.

I'm not sure you two are arguing the same thing. Are you saying it's cool for people to walk up and down the stairs and through the aisles while a play is going on? That's not even allowed at Twins games.
That’s such a non-issue. I distain the “bleacher police” who think that they have the right to tell me what I can and can’t do when I’m at a game. I’m pretty much in my seat but for halftime so I’m not walking up and down but the folks that do — that’s OK. Stand up for a second to look around them crane your neck, one way or the other I’m sure you can figure it out without your neck getting red.

I want the people in my row to stay in their seats, so I don't have to stand up and let them by 364,576,436 times a game when they want to go to the bathroom or concessions.
I'm with 'ya on this one. We're on the aisle in our row and no doubt there are individuals in the center who get up and leave 4-5 times during the game and I'm not counting halftime.

It would be great if they'd go to the other end at times but I'm guessing those folks are just more hostile than we are (and we're not). Of course some movement is to be expected but it is the same season ticket holder culprits each season. Oblivious to it all of course.

Rant over. Happy New Year. Go Blue!

Have a block party or two in Dinkytown where we can listen to live music, buy Grey duck vodka drinks or beer and watch the earlier games or Game Day. Free to enter and just a place to hang out near the stadium each game. Great way to raise money for NIL and for fans to get together hours before the game. I know Bufallo Wild Wings does a mini version but something in a bigger area.

Have a block party or two in Dinkytown where we can listen to live music, buy Grey duck vodka drinks or beer and watch the earlier games or Game Day. Free to enter and just a place to hang out near the stadium each game. Great way to raise money for NIL and for fans to get together hours before the game. I know Bufallo Wild Wings does a mini version but something in a bigger area.
Ohio state does this. Works well.

Always boo the KSTP weather personality. Always boo the Cub pass, punt and kick entrant, especially if they shank the field goal. Finally, have a featured dancer for the end of 3rd quarter song. Big cheers as they "Ya'll want to party like we do."

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