Beth Goetz

Here's the statement on the cover letter sent from Sharon Dzik - Director of the Office for Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, that was leaked with the EOAA report.

Subd. 19. Violation of University Rules. Violation of University rules means engaging in conduct that violates
University, collegiate, or deparimental regulations that have been posted or publicized, including provisions
contained in University contracts with students. Specifically you were found to have violated the following:

Administrative Policv· Sexual Harassment
Administrative Policy: Sexyal Assault Stalkin~ and Relationship Violence

Subd. 21. Persistent Violations. Persistent Violations means engaging in repeated conduct or action in violation of
this Code.

As a result of these violations, you are being offered the following sanctions to resolve this matter informally:
EXPULSION: Effective immediately your University of Minnesota studentship will be ended with resultant loss of
all student rights and privileges.
A disciplinary hold will be placed on your record. The hold will prever1t you from
registering at the University and from obtaining your records through routine channels.

Both you and the reporting student are being notified of this outcome at the same time. Each party has the option to
request a formal hearing by the Student Sexual Misconduct Subcommittee (SSMS) if the outcome is unacceptable. If
I have not heard from either party within five business days (by December 20, 2016) of sending this letter, then the
decision will stand.

I am wrong based on your evidence. However, I'd be boycotting as well!!! That's a lynching.

I thought the EOAA just gave out recommendations. I guess not. I wonder then who hears and decides their appeals?

Kaler said it initially in his letter. Coyle later said he and Claeys decided together. Both were lies.

Lies based on who? Was there ever a direct quote from Claeys saying he was not consulted about the suspensions? If there was a direct quote from him saying that he was not told about the suspensions, then I'll stand corrected.

Coyle said that they were suspended in consultation with Claeys. That could mean as little as Kaler told Coyle they were being suspended, then Coyle told Claeys. It's obvious after reading the expulsion letter, that neither Coyle or Claeys had a choice in the matter.

Wolitarsky said he didn't believe Claeys had a say in the matter, and that's true, he didn't. Neither did Coyle. Claeys then tweeted his support for the players in standing up for what they believe.

There has been some confusion about whether Gophers coach Tracy Claeys backed the decision to suspend the players or not. Coyle and Kaler said he was consulted, but the players said Thursday night they did not believe their coach had a say in the matter.

"Have never been more proud of our kids," Claeys tweeted. "I respect their rights (and) support their effort to make a better world!"

Lies based on who? Was there ever a direct quote from Claeys saying he was not consulted about the suspensions? If there was a direct quote from him saying that he was not told about the suspensions, then I'll stand corrected.

Coyle said that they were suspended in consultation with Claeys. That could mean as little as Kaler told Coyle they were being suspended, then Coyle told Claeys. It's obvious after reading the expulsion letter, that neither Coyle or Claeys had a choice in the matter.

Will give you the benefit of the doubt, but when asked whether Coyle (and Kaler?) "had discussed the suspensions with you?" Claeys said "it depends how you define discuss." Clearly saying that he was told what was gonna happen, not that he was consulted by it. But since he didn't come right out and say "My Boss told me they were gonna be suspended and I had no say in the matter" then this is gonna continue right? ;)

Hey, look at the bright side. If Claeys is fired then you can get a little rest. :cool:

Me too.

Kaler said it initially in his letter. Coyle later said he and Claeys decided together. Both were lies.

Complete bullsh*t. You don't have a clue who is telling the truth and who is lying. My guess is that Claeys did not have enough guts to tell Coyle to his face that he didn't agree with him. He later hung Coyle and Kaler out to dry with his statement supporting the players. I have been in many meetings over a lot of years where the participants couldn't agree about what was decided during the meeting. Claeys statement in support of the players fits that profile perfectly.

Complete bullsh*t. You don't have a clue who is telling the truth and who is lying. My guess is that Claeys did not have enough guts to tell Coyle to his face that he didn't agree with him. He later hung Coyle and Kaler out to dry with his statement supporting the players. I have been in many meetings over a lot of year where the participants couldn't agree about what was decided during the meeting. Claeys statement in support of the players fits that profile perfectly.

So the head football coach hung the President of the University and the AD, the two administrators with all the power in this situation, out to dry? I find that rather far-fetched. If you haven't done so already, listen to the NPR radio interview done with one of the reporters regarding the communications and internal dynamics surrounding the boycott. It may change your perspective. A link was posted on a previous thread.

Will give you the benefit of the doubt, but when asked whether Coyle (and Kaler?) "had discussed the suspensions with you?" Claeys said "it depends how you define discuss." Clearly saying that he was told what was gonna happen, not that he was consulted by it. But since he didn't come right out and say "My Boss told me they were gonna be suspended and I had no say in the matter" then this is gonna continue right? ;)

Hey, look at the bright side. If Claeys is fired then you can get a little rest. :cool:

Me too.

Coyle could have said the exact same thing. But it's the PR thing to do to make it look like they're all on board.

I'm just trying my best to figure out the facts in this mess. When you add everything up you realize that the latest expulsions/suspensions fall 100% on Kaler. Coyle was just the messenger to Claeys and neither of them had a say in the matter.

Complete bullsh*t. You don't have a clue who is telling the truth and who is lying. My guess is that Claeys did not have enough guts to tell Coyle to his face that he didn't agree with him. He later hung Coyle and Kaler out to dry with his statement supporting the players. I have been in many meetings over a lot of years where the participants couldn't agree about what was decided during the meeting. Claeys statement in support of the players fits that profile perfectly.

When UpN disagrees with something I've posted, odds are I'm on the right path. Not even worth addressing your series of events above as they are transparent for what they are. However, I did find it interesting that you stated "My guess...." --- you told me your only point of coming on GH was to state facts for those that come here for info. Has that noble cause changed?

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Coyle could have said the exact same thing. But it's the PR thing to do to make it look like they're all on board.

I'm just trying my best to figure out the facts in this mess. When you add everything up you realize that the latest expulsions/suspensions fall 100% on Kaler. Coyle was just the messenger to Claeys and neither of them had a say in the matter.

An 800,000 a year messenger. Coyle is a poor excuse.

Complete bullsh*t. You don't have a clue who is telling the truth and who is lying.

Says the guy who essentially stated these guys have to be guilty because young men can't help themselves when with a girl. You continue to be the most biased and hypocritical person here.

I think we've had this identical conversation on another thread.

What could Coyle have done? - he could have acted like the person in charge of the athletic department - not some flunky with no power. He could have provided the players with as much information as was legally possible - not just hide behind "privacy laws" as an excuse for not getting involved. He could have stood up publicly and supported over 100 players who were not involved in the accusations. He could have supported the head FB coach - not issue (at the very least) a misleading statement as to Claeys' involvement in the suspensions. He could have done a lot of things - instead he CHOSE to do virtually nothing.

Mark Coyle is the late Mr Lupner; he was born without a spine.

When some people are faced with a problem, they ask "what can I do to fix the problem?" Mark Coyle asks, "what can I do to avoid dealing with the problem?"

Look - there was a point this season when I was in favor of letting Claeys go and trying to find a different/better coach. Now, I am firmly behind Claeys - because I do not want Coyle to hire the next FB coach. I don't want Coyle hiring the next dog-catcher.

I thought the EOAA just gave out recommendations. I guess not. I wonder then who hears and decides their appeals?

I believe the EEOA recommendations are reviewed and acted on by the Office of Student Conduct, OSCAI or similar.

So the head football coach hung the President of the University and the AD, the two administrators with all the power in this situation, out to dry? I find that rather far-fetched. If you haven't done so already, listen to the NPR radio interview done with one of the reporters regarding the communications and internal dynamics surrounding the boycott. It may change your perspective. A link was posted on a previous thread.

If you can recall the thread I'd be interested. It's always interesting to hear how the sausage is made.

Reusse says Kaler had Coyle in his back pocket before the open AD search began. Kaler has Coyle on a string. Kaler wanted someone to 'clean up' the men's athletic dept at all cost. Kill lost all respect for Kaler when EOAA accused basicly the whole FB team of sexual violation and Kaler did not agree with Kill's stance. According to Reusse, Kill was super upset.

I think this is all Kaler

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