Best GopherHole Posters...


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2016
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Who are the best posters on this site.... top 5 rankings. Go!

For us old timers clearly iamthewalrus and ruppertflywheel are on the list.

Bleed's service to GopherNation is unsurpassed.
Or really old posters that remember sorb...

There were a few other ornery posters over the years, but not remembering names anymore.

I've only been here for three years, so if this is supposed to be all time, then I have no idea.

Also, are you considering posts all over the site (including Off Topic?), or just sports forum posts?

Regardless, I can't give top five votes to posters who barely post here (anymore). Sorry

Bleed is the unquestionable #1.

Myself, I'm near the bottom somewhere, and that's just fine. :cool:

This is a great question. The list really depends on the forum you are referencing.

1. BleedGopher definitely deserves his/her votes.
2. Selection Sunday provides as much insight as anybody on the basketball board.
3. It's a badge of honor to be Dpodoll'd. Most likely you have posted something irrefutably dishonest/inaccurate.
4. BGA and BadGopher have always been two of my favorite posters on the basketball board.
5. Cayman is an underrated poster.

This would be a great question for the Off Topic Board too.

both versions of GSUTalon.

Honest question: Bleed works for Nadine on here, right?

I'm winning bigly! The polls are all wrong.

I’ve always appreciated what Built brings to the basketball board. Good insight and doesnt tend to overreact one way or another. My life has also been better since ignoring the few posters who nag at him constantly

Pretty sure wally, howey, stalinker and mplsgopher feel comrades are all equal. The OP may be led to the gulag for his non-socialist question. 🔄

Honest question: Bleed works for Nadine on here, right?

From what I remember from the late 90s Bleed may have been around before Nadine, but not by much. Not sure who exactly took over the site from Jason Groth (the original founder) when he bowed out.

Used to be me, but so much cancer on this site has made me a reader and infrequent poster.

Bleed it the GOAT, tho...unquestioned.
Yes there is much cancer on this site. Bleed is clearly number one. I've got to go with DL65 and Son tied for 2nd as the two of them did what no one else would do as to the Sports Huddle. They were both faithful every Sunday.

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