Asad Abdul Kahliq
What could have been in that UM debacle. I remember him taking it to the house on a QB run up the middle and thinking - that should do it! Oh, to be a Gopher.
Asad Abdul Kahliq
What could have been in that UM debacle. I remember him taking it to the house on a QB run up the middle and thinking - that should do it! Oh, to be a Gopher.
the Gophers have not had a legitimate pro-prospect QB in decades. Weber had moments, but he threw his share of passes at the feet of receivers, too.
I think the fact that Weber was on an NFL team for multiple seasons qualifies him as a legitimate pro-prospect QB. He had all the tools but received terrible coaching (like all Gopher QB's) so he could never reach his potential. But he had what it took - as seen by making a team. I don't understand why so many here have such a problem with Weber but then are willing to fight to the gates of hell itself for Mitch. Family members? I honestly don't know.
Rickey Foggie (and Darrell Thompson) are why I love Gopher football to this day.
The difference between the two is small. Your memory of AW8 is off.
The difference is a WIDE chasm. ML is half the player Weber was. I guess I can be proven wrong if Mitch makes an NFL roster and sticks around for a few seasons but he has show ZERO of that on the field. Don't get me wrong - by every indication ML is a great leader and person - he is just not an NFL caliber QB. <b>Compare the career stats - it is not even close. </b>Like I said, ML is about half the player Weber was.
Actually dude, this was just done on GH not more than a month ago and they are virtually identical. Like I said - you are remembering AW8 wrong.
It was wrong to say they were the same then and it is just wrong now. Mitch has thrown 1TD all year agains FBS teams. He has literally regressed every year in QB rating. Weber threw for 11,000 yards and 72TDs. Mitch - with 3 games remaining in his career has thrown for 6,800 and 33TDs. He is literally about half the player. Throw in the team turmoil around Weber and his stats are that much more amazing.
Player 1: 57% comp, 6.8 yds/att, 1.4 TD/INT ratio, 123.1 passer efficiency rating.
Player 2: 57% comp, 7.1 yds/att, 1.2 TD/INT ratio, 122.4 passer efficiency rating.
Wide Chasm? Half the player? Box.
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It was wrong to say they were the same then and it is just wrong now. Mitch has thrown 1TD all year agains FBS teams. He has literally regressed every year in QB rating. Weber threw for 11,000 yards and 72TDs. Mitch - with 3 games remaining in his career has thrown for 6,800 and 33TDs. He is literally about half the player. Throw in the team turmoil around Weber and his stats are that much more amazing.
Weber had 600 more passing attempts too. Like Spoofin said, you have to take the offense they ran into account.
If you're going to use these stats as the measuring stick, then Weber is by far the best Gophers QB ever as his passing yardage and TDs are best by a long shot.
Weber had 600 more passing attempts too. Like Spoofin said, you have to take the offense they ran into account.
Benji Kamrath - he was the QB the last time the Gophers beat the Badgers.
Kamrath? never heard of him.
Weber had constant staff turnover and ML had basically the same staff for most of his career. As to the pass attempts - yes, Weber had more but simple things like TD/INT ratio he is also much, much better as well.
However, you need to compare senior seasons to really show you how different they are. The reality is ML is having one of the single worst season for a Gopher QB since the invention of the forward pass.
Look at B1G passing TD's - we have 6 (ML 5 total and ONLY 1!!!! if you exclude InSt). The next worst team? - Rutgers/Ill/WI at 11.
Compare ML's senior year stats:
ML / Weber
Att: 236 / 368
Comp: 139 / 205
Yards: 1685 / 2679
TD: 5 / 20
INT: 7 / 9
QB Rating: 75.6 / 86.8
And these are his stats before facing WI's defense and whichever winning record team we face in the bowl game. Again - take away the InSt game and ML had a historically bad year.
For Weber, this came with a bottom of the bucket team from a talent and coaching standpoint - remember this was POST-DECKER and he had his best statistical year so don't complain about ML not having targets. Brewster was fired mid-season it got so bad.
Again - this is what should be expected from a senior QB. Saying that the difference between the 2 is small is just delusional.
The reality is ML is having one of the single worst season for a Gopher QB since the invention of the forward pass.
Weber had constant staff turnover and ML had basically the same staff for most of his career. As to the pass attempts - yes, Weber had more but simple things like TD/INT ratio he is also much, much better as well.
However, you need to compare senior seasons to really show you how different they are. The reality is ML is having one of the single worst season for a Gopher QB since the invention of the forward pass.
Look at B1G passing TD's - we have 6 (ML 5 total and ONLY 1!!!! if you exclude InSt). The next worst team? - Rutgers/Ill/WI at 11.
Compare ML's senior year stats:
ML / Weber
Att: 236 / 368
Comp: 139 / 205
Yards: 1685 / 2679
TD: 5 / 20
INT: 7 / 9
QB Rating: 75.6 / 86.8
And these are his stats before facing WI's defense and whichever winning record team we face in the bowl game. Again - take away the InSt game and ML had a historically bad year.
For Weber, this came with a bottom of the bucket team from a talent and coaching standpoint - remember this was POST-DECKER and he had his best statistical year so don't complain about ML not having targets. Brewster was fired mid-season it got so bad.
Again - this is what should be expected from a senior QB. Saying that the difference between the 2 is small is just delusional.
" You said look at stats. Then when that didn't pan out we hear QB ratings (nope)." - they are one and the same. Weber blows his doors off.
"Then we hear about coaching changes holding Weber back (to which I will raise you WR talent)."
Weber put up 2x the stats despite the coaching and talent issues.
"Now we hear look at Sr seasons"
Again - it comes down to statistics to which you seem allergic.
Weber and ML are simply not comparable. Weber did more with less and re-wrote the Gopher record book in the process. Most people's fondest memory of Mitch will be his graduation.