Best Bar for Gopher Hoops in Minneapolis?

Varmint Cong

New member
Nov 9, 2010
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My friends and I are very excited for tonight's game. We usually go to Sally's, but wondering if there's a better spot to watch the game with a good atmosphere of fans and multiple big screens.

Looking forward to a fun game on a Friday night.


I am sure the campus bars take the cake, but in my area I have always enjoyed Uptown Green Mill. It's got pretty solid TVs and if you sit at the bar you can have a good view (and great service) of several TVs. Good for bball season.

The crowd in general can be somewhat into the games, but its not a 100% Gopher bar/raucous place. People definiely do congregate to watch sports in general as it's one of the better ones in Uptown and has ridiculous food/drink deals.

That all said, where are you at? Perhaps we should annoint some Gopher bars to meet up at?

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