Becky, Fitzgerald, and Purdue laughing all the way to the Bank.


Oct 4, 2009
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I hate the two name thing for everything. Awards require one or no names. That said, I think Joe Pa has earned having his name next to Amos Alonzo Stagg on the Title game Trophy.

But, I think three awards stand out as being unfair to the rest of the conference.

First, why does Becky get to have both RBs named in the RB of the year award. There's not exactly a shortage of exceptional Big Ten RBs from the past.

Second, I like Pat Fitzgerald and think he was a great player and is an even better coach. But, he should not be named on the LB of the year award. He could potentially spend the next 30 years being able to tell recruits that his name officially symbolizes exceptional Big Ten LB play.

Third, Purdue gets both QBs. Really? And one of those is Bob Griese. I'm way too young to have seen him play, but from what I have read he was very good, but not transcendent. There have been plenty of unreal Big Ten signal callers. Why not the Stephens/Brees award? Sandy Stephens took the Gophers to two Rose Bowls, won a National Championship, and was the first major college football African American quarterback to win a National Title (or maybe even play the position?)

Bob Griese was a 2X All American (2nd in Heisman).

Ameche and Dayne both set national records, leaving college football as the NCAA all time rushing leaders.

That said I don't like the two name thing.

Also, with respect to Wisconsin Dave Mclain's surviving relatives get the joy of seeing the coach of he year award renamed just 25 years after his death.

Sandy Stephens took the Gophers to two Rose Bowls, won a National Championship, and was the first major college football African American quarterback to win a National Title (or maybe even play the position?)

I think he was indeed the first African American QB. That's a really good point, and I'm surprised in today's PC world, that he wasn't named on the trophy.

So was Paul Giel.


I said that in response to the OP's statement that they didn't think Bob Griese was worthy of having a trophy named after him. He was two time all american, college football hall of fame, rose bowl winner, etc. I am sure there are other people who could be worthy as well (Giel) but that shouldn't minimize the accomplishments by Griese.

Naming anything after Jack Tatum is a complete joke. What a complete waste of skin.

Naming anything after Jack Tatum is a complete joke. What a complete waste of skin.

So many of you posters never, ever, had the opportunity to see the real Gophers (Sandy Stephens, et al) at Old Memorial Stadium back in the days when players played both ways plus special teams. You PUPS missed out on a lot, but what the heck, your loss. Rag my a$$ all you want, but I was lucky to be old enough to see it and experience it.

Also, with respect to Wisconsin Dave Mclain's surviving relatives get the joy of seeing the coach of he year award renamed just 25 years after his death.

The Dave McClain trophy is voted on by the media and will remain that way. The new coaches trophy is voted on by the coaches, as I understand it.

The Dave McClain trophy is voted on by the media and will remain that way. The new coaches trophy is voted on by the coaches, as I understand it.

Any bets on who Bielema votes for every year?

Somebody on the Big Ten forum posted that the "Griese Brees Award" sounds like something that would be awarded at a farting contest. I tend to agree.

Fitz is the only player ever to win both the Bednarik and Nagurski (NCAA defensive POY awards) and first team All-America two years in a row. There are many B10 LB's through history that are well qualified but none as decorated in their college career.

The Dave McClain trophy is voted on by the media and will remain that way. The new coaches trophy is voted on by the coaches, as I understand it.

Good to know. Thanks.

Would like to have seen Giel on this list. Yet another guy who lost a heisman to an overated Irish player.

I hate the two name thing for everything. Awards require one or no names. That said, I think Joe Pa has earned having his name next to Amos Alonzo Stagg on the Title game Trophy.

But, I think three awards stand out as being unfair to the rest of the conference.

First, why does Becky get to have both RBs named in the RB of the year award. There's not exactly a shortage of exceptional Big Ten RBs from the past.

Second, I like Pat Fitzgerald and think he was a great player and is an even better coach. But, he should not be named on the LB of the year award. He could potentially spend the next 30 years being able to tell recruits that his name officially symbolizes exceptional Big Ten LB play.

Third, Purdue gets both QBs. Really? And one of those is Bob Griese. I'm way too young to have seen him play, but from what I have read he was very good, but not transcendent. There have been plenty of unreal Big Ten signal callers. Why not the Stephens/Brees award? Sandy Stephens took the Gophers to two Rose Bowls, won a National Championship, and was the first major college football African American quarterback to win a National Title (or maybe even play the position?)

No offense Ahli, but you were just over on OTE earlier today saying one of the divisions should be named the Nagurski Division. So pardon me if I chuckle a bit a you getting huffy about one school getting some supposed advantage or recognition. This sort of thing is nice to point at but ultimately means next to nothing with recruiting. Any recruit swayed by what school has what historical name on what the math. This is a non-controversy.

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