Bay Area woman dies at 102, DirecTV charges early termination fee


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Nov 11, 2008
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per ABC7:

Isabel Albright of San Lorenzo was among the oldest people in America - living through two world wars, 18 presidents and several moon landings.

She was born before television came into being.

Yet, ironically, she didn't outlive her satellite TV contract. And that was a problem.

"Everything was fine until we went to disconnect and that's when all the surprises happened,'' said her son-in-law, John Manrique of Hayward, California.

Albright died last December at the remarkable age of 102. The family has been repairing the house for sale, sifting through boxes and closing up a life that spanned a whole century.

Which was why the last bill from DirecTV seemed so galling: Although she lived more than 100 years, Albright still received an "early termination fee'' from DirecTV.

Or at least the family did - and they were stunned.

"They told us... we're going to charge you $160 for an early termination fee,'' Manrique scoffed. "She's gone. Nobody's living (here). We're selling the house. You're going to tell us we have to keep the service at a house that's not ours?"

Go Gophers!!

Probably an automated type billing.

By any measure, this was not an early termination.

Verizon did the same thing to my grandmother. She passed away and Verizon insisted on collecting $1000+ to fulfill what she would have paid over the life of the contract. I guess she didn't read the fine print...

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