Barry Wesley (Colorado State): Antifa Conspiracies and a Racial Reckoning

Totally fucked. I live in Colorado, but it's much like the Twin Cities in that the further outside Denver you get, the more extreme right it gets. Sad times in America.

Had not heard of that. Disgusting.

Hope he spends the rest of his life in prison.
A retired New York City police sergeant was knocked to the ground and suffered over a dozen punches to the head in a brutal attack caught on surveillance video Tuesday morning in Manhattan, the New York Post reported, citing police sources.

POLL: Will Joe Biden still be the Democratic Party's presidential candidate when we get to November?

What are the details?
The former sergeant was seen speaking with the attacker for at least a minute outside a Garment District deli on West 39th Street, the paper said of the obtained clip.
The suspect — whom police sources identified as 20-year-old Masterjadin Roman —
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Totally fucked. I live in Colorado, but it's much like the Twin Cities in that the further outside Denver you get, the more extreme right it gets. Sad times in America.
Last time I was in southern-western Colorado, saw many of those stupid yellow snake flags.

Just out of curiosity ... how is Colo Springs? More like St Cloud or more like Duluth? Hopefully the latter.

Last time I was in southern-western Colorado, saw many of those stupid yellow snake flags.

Just out of curiosity ... how is Colo Springs? More like St Cloud or more like Duluth? Hopefully the latter.

Colorado Springs is very conservative. Focus On The Family and a number of other megachurches are based down there.

Colorado Springs is very conservative. Focus On The Family and a number of other megachurches are based down there.
Thanks, did not know that. Had not heard of FotF, but that’s not really in my realm to know.

Wonder if Colorado College has that same leaning or is a bastion of liberal thought in the area.

My advice to this kid: get right back on the diving board. There are crazy people in every neighborhood and you just snuffed one out.

Colorado Springs is very conservative. Focus On The Family and a number of other megachurches are based down there.

I was going to add but you beat me to it. There's also the Air Force Academy presence as well.

I was going to add but you beat me to it. There's also the Air Force Academy presence as well.

Yep, Air Force Academy plus a large military base in Fort Carson and also NORAD. So overall, lots of military families in the area

Yep, Air Force Academy plus a large military base in Fort Carson and also NORAD. So overall, lots of military families in the area
Would you say that adds to the conservative feel of the area, or is independent of that?

Thanks, did not know that. Had not heard of FotF, but that’s not really in my realm to know.

Wonder if Colorado College has that same leaning or is a bastion of liberal thought in the area.

Colorado College is definitely a very liberal school - comparable to a Carleton or Macalester - but it's only 2,000 students. So it's a pretty small footprint in a city of basically 500,000 people.

Colorado College is definitely a very liberal school - comparable to a Carleton or Macalester - but it's only 2,000 students. So it's a pretty small footprint in a city of basically 500,000 people.
Man I didn't know they were that small.

Loved their logo.

Man I didn't know they were that small.

Loved their logo.

They used to have a really solid hockey program back in the old WCHA days (late 90s/early 00s). Always went down to the Springs to see the Gophers when they came out to play them. But I think for the last 10 years or so, the CC hockey program has become pretty irrelevant.

@WriterGoph any thoughts how the landscape of DI college hockey has unfolded and continues to unfold here, with the switch from WCHA to CCHA?

My opinion: the NCHC and the new CCHA need to swap Mankato, Bemidji, and St Thomas for Miami and W Michigan, then the NCHC should just call itself the WCHA.

Then you'd basically be back to where it was in the good old days, except the Big Ten teams would be gone.

Assuming this all as described, there are many out there that live at least part-time in an alternate reality. Mental illness is common, and doesn’t obey any ideological borders.

I do feel slightly less sorry for them, though, after reading about them ignoring the “no soliciting” sign. That’s a red flag your chances of dealing with someone a bit off just increased, folks. Just be polite. Walk on.
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Anything the MSM can do to "discredit" the fact groups like Antifa and other Communist minded organizations exist and pose a real and immediate threat doesn't surprise me. Not at all!!! It is not alternative reality. As for this, a guy conducting outside sales is not something I would confuse for membership in such an organization...I might be a little concerned as with anyone that comes uninvited to my door that they could be scouting for potential robberies.

I breezed through the article quickly, and while ANTIFA violence is certainly a real thing, this guy resemble ANTIFA not even 1%. Cmon folks, read a situation and evaluate what is going on in your surroundings. This story leaves me upset and frustrated with our society.

A psycho white guy attacked a black teen, for no reason. That's all there is to see here, and nothing beyond that has legitimate reason to be discussed.

Hopeful the guy spends the rest of his life in prison and/or state mental institutions. Shouldn't be allowed to interact with the outside world again.

havent read the story, but this guy is clinically insane. making any definitive political or social statements based on what he did is like saying that charles manson is representative of leftism.

@WriterGoph any thoughts how the landscape of DI college hockey has unfolded and continues to unfold here, with the switch from WCHA to CCHA?

My opinion: the NCHC and the new CCHA need to swap Mankato, Bemidji, and St Thomas for Miami and W Michigan, then the NCHC should just call itself the WCHA.

Then you'd basically be back to where it was in the good old days, except the Big Ten teams would be gone.
Illinois and Northwestern need to add hockey and grab ASU. I would do that road trip every year. There's enough MN snowbirds in AZ that it would look like a home series, even with both teams M&G. We can hope for the old WCHA but that ship has sailed. Gophs just need to play up to their talent level.

Cool story by The NY Times, way to get the hot scoop. What they failed to mention was that there have been multiple people caught and charged with looting vacant houses (regardless of their political lean) and maybe some people had an interest in protecting their home and property. Doesn't fit the story the Times wanted to push but no sense in including ALL of the pertinent information. And the Times wonders why they are an absolute joke at this point in time...

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