Banner on top of

GopherHole Staff

GopherHole Admin
Staff member
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
Per our bet with, we have placed a banner on the front page of which was designed by This banner will be there all week and will re-emerge the week leading up to the game in 2010.

The posters at clearly had fun with it and didn't hold back one bit - we hope fellow GopherHolers will remember this banner and will come up with an even more painful banner next year when we bring the axe back home.

Thanks to the staff and posters at Buckyville for initiating this bet and we look forward to having it year in and year out.

Here are the rules that we agreed to:

Wow, I am actually surprised this banner isn't a lot worse...I thought maybe it would be a little more ruthless.

A couple thoughts: If the Gophers win, would anyone actually want to talk trash? What can you put on a banner in your first win in 7,8,9 years whenever it does occur?

Congrats to Wisconsin, the last 3 games could have went either way, and they found a way to in all 3, just as the Gophers found a way to lose all 3.

Do the posters on the Badger site actually like that picture of their coach? He looks more than a little awkward (to put it nicely) in that picture.

Wisconsin earned the Axe on Saturday - perhaps some day the Gophers will take it back...

Kudos to gopherhole for following through on the bet. After witnessing numerous online bets ignored over the years, I was expecting that to happen again. I'm quite certain Iowa's site wouldn't have manned up.

It's all being done in fun folks.

99% of the fan base from the two schools are normal people, working hard to support their families.... carrying a balanced perspective about the whole thing. I have a daughter that goes to U of M... we're constantly taking jabs at one another when the two schools compete in sports... but... in the end, we're family, and I'm glad she's getting a great education and enjoying her experience.

After that 99%?... you start to deal with the lunatic fringe. We all know who they are from the two boards. We all cringe when they represent our respective universities.

Good grief....I don't know if I can handle looking at that guy's ugly face all week without punching my computer monitor... :)

I agree with New Berlin Bucky although I think the % of lunatics especially on these boards might be a little higher. Overall, it is somewhat amazing how wrapped up a person can get in the performance of a football team he doesn't play for, didn't play for, doesn't have a kid playing, doesn't know a single player, etc...

GH should think twice before making any bets while Brewster is our coach. No Iowa banner please.

Kudos to gopherhole for following through on the bet. After witnessing numerous online bets ignored over the years, I was expecting that to happen again. I'm quite certain Iowa's site wouldn't have manned up.


I wonder if Buckyville will have the same gonads this basketball year and do the same bet for the basketball games between each other this year. I think we need to make that same bet for basketball. Winner of the first game has the other have a banner of selection up on the others the week following each game this year. Same goes for the second game. I think we need to get that out there now and see if they have the balls. I kinda like our chances this year for a sweep! C'mon Gopherhole Administrators, let's get that bet out there.

There's only one basketball game this year between the Gophers and Badgers (which is obviously not the way it should be), but Buckyville will definitely make the same bet. Winning fans design a banner to go on opposing board for one week after the game, with the banner to be delivered 24 hours after the end of the game.

Thank you for putting up with our design. We muted some of the more inflammatory statements, but, well, we know how you feel about our coach, so I'm sure his picture cancels out some of our efforts to be less obnoxious. Of course, I think he looks like a fine, upstanding man. :)

Good luck against Purdue!

Visit Buckyville!

I have to admit, after I first saw it, I was wondering what was going on. Pretty funny and a good idea.

This is good fun, and Buckyville earned it fair and square. I myself lost a bet with a Badger co-worker and so will have to wear a Wisconsin hat and sweatshirt when we go out for a beer next week.

That pic of Bielema is not a positive for Badger Backers though. He looks like the stooge that he is. At least you can't see his Iowa Hawkeye tatoo in it though...

I wouldn't have entered the bet. Recruits come to this site and it is embarassing. I think you should take it down and forget about the bet going forward.

Best thing about this is my bookmark links me right past the banner! :clap:


while i respect the honor, i guess having to look at that crap, including the coach i despise more than any other coach in all of college sports, is enough to take a bit of vacation from the board. Since i refuse to talk to anyone that gives bucky fans a ticket or and will not visit a MN tailgate that invites a bucky to their tailgate while supporting bucky wear, i am not sure where i fall in the whole 99% thing. maybe consistently moronic. such is life.

While i am not really sure about the whole 99% bit, especially if you disregard the casual fan, or the event goer elements out there, i have finally defined my view as follows:

WI: the coaching staff i love to hate,
WI: the football team with the least amount of class (seem to take after their coach - wonder if he learned that while at IA), and
IA: the fan base i love to hate. No matter how bad the bucky fan base can be, they are no where near the fringe from the south.

Admittedly there will always be fringe individuals that defy definition and generalizations.

I wouldn't have entered the bet. Recruits come to this site and it is embarassing. I think you should take it down and forget about the bet going forward.

Kind of agree on the bet being one that neither site should have entered.

However, a bet made is a bet honored. so, the price of self generated scorn must be paid.

So Weak on So many levels





Imagine that, I don't feel a bit bothered that lakes isn't proud of us.

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