Bandwagon Jumpers

zambam said:
Good list of recruits. 2 late fill-in recruits, one recruit that is turning out to be a good player, and a JuCo fill-in brought in because of his general similarities to our best player so he could back him up.

But what about the recruits the lost? Like the stud @ Iowa St.

It's Tubby's fault that Royce had trouble with staying out of trouble?

I cant believe the excuses being bantered for Tubby. It is one after the next.

The last coach was beaten to a pulp by most, even some of the gh's most revered.


I cant believe the excuses being bantered for Tubby. It is one after the next.

The last coach was beaten to a pulp by most, even some of the gh's most revered.

I had no problem with Monson, but I was 13 when Tubby was hired (he was hired in 2006 right?)

We're not Ohio St, Duke, or North Carolina where we can fill our roster with four star recruits. We're going to have to take roll players once in awhile.

Then why do we have the fourth highest paid coach in the Big Ten (as of last season)?

Yes, there are a ton of players Tubby missed out on from this state, a ton! BUT, its scary to think how dominant this team would have been with Trevor, Devoe, Royce and Cobbs on the floor at the same time. He has signed enough talent in his tenure to win big. His player retention, though, has been atrocious. The latest class of Wally and Buggs is disappointing no doubt. Neither is in the top 150, and its not even close. It's going to be difficult to compete in the near future with former bottom feeders Indiana and Iowa bringing in top 15 recruiting classes.

The state of Minnesota is rich with basketball talent. just look at all the former prep stars playing at a high level in college at all levels. The question is, do high school players from this state want to play for coach Smith? I don't know.

All it takes is one really top notch class to turn things around. This program needs a cornerstone recruit in each class. Then, Smith can worry about filling in the roster with the appropriate roll players. Is Wally Ellenson or Charles Buggs going to dominate the Big Ten like Mbakwe did? No, the answer is no. They may be decent role players someday, but I do not see a cornerstone.

Austin is a decent player but limited. Making excuses for last minute recruits I do not understand. Of course they were last minute. But why? Why stoop down to that level? This is a HOF coach, right? This is the Big Ten, right? Didn't Bo win with mostly MN kids? We shouldn't need to pickup leftovers under any circumstances, much less with a HOF coach.

It's Tubby's fault that Royce had trouble with staying out of trouble?

I cant believe the excuses being bantered for Tubby. It is one after the next.

You use the word "excuse," mostly likely meaning that you find the reasons for Tubby's less than stellar performance either illegitimate, or that they were his own doing, but you don't answer zambam's question.

You're saying that either the loss of a five star recruit by perennial basketball powerhouse Minnesota is a small loss, and we can just pick up another of the nation's top recruits and be on our way, or that yes, Royce's knack for getting into trouble is Tubby's fault, Tubby probably told him to go commit crime because that's just the kind of person Tubby is.

Which is it? Is the loss of a top 25 recruit just no big deal, something any program could easily deal with? Or is it indeed Tubby's fault that Royce got into trouble?

Austin is a decent player but limited. Making excuses for last minute recruits I do not understand. Of course they were last minute. But why? Why stoop down to that level? This is a HOF coach, right? This is the Big Ten, right? Didn't Bo win with mostly MN kids? We shouldn't need to pickup leftovers under any circumstances, much less with a HOF coach.

I believe we stooped to that level because Justin Cobbs and Paul Carter transferred in April or something, and so Tubby picked up Mav and Chip to replace them.

Austin is a decent player but limited. Making excuses for last minute recruits I do not understand. Of course they were last minute. But why? Why stoop down to that level? This is a HOF coach, right? This is the Big Ten, right? Didn't Bo win with mostly MN kids? We shouldn't need to pickup leftovers under any circumstances, much less with a HOF coach.
Can you explain to me what makes Austin a limited player?
And yes, there is a reason we needed fill-in recruits. Players transferred. And what does Bo winning with Minnesota kids have to do with that?

I am one of the few students that refuses to bow to tubby (literally) because he hasn't enough here to warrant that. Now that being said, he should certainly not get fired. He has had terrible luck and has still put together somewhat competitive teams. Obviously playing hoff at the point was a terrible move last year, but that is about all you can blame him for. He has been a great addition the program, and if he had any luck, this program would be so much further ahead.

You use the word "excuse," mostly likely meaning that you find the reasons for Tubby's less than stellar performance either illegitimate, or that they were his own doing, but you don't answer zambam's question.

You're saying that either the loss of a five star recruit by perennial basketball powerhouse Minnesota is a small loss, and we can just pick up another of the nation's top recruits and be on our way, or that yes, Royce's knack for getting into trouble is Tubby's fault, Tubby probably told him to go commit crime because that's just the kind of person Tubby is.

Which is it? Is the loss of a top 25 recruit just no big deal, something any program could easily deal with? Or is it indeed Tubby's fault that Royce got into trouble?

Whatever RW did, that is his own doing. Not Tubby's fault. Tubby brought him to MN, correct? Is that part of the equation, or not? Choices, choices.

TS is responsible for the program, win/losses, student behavior, academics, all of it. Right? Or are you saying it is ok to cherry pick the head coach responsibilities?

I believe we stooped to that level because Justin Cobbs and Paul Carter transferred in April or something, and so Tubby picked up Mav and Chip to replace them.

Cobbs scored 22 last weekend. Not bad.

Whatever RW did, that is his own doing. Not Tubby's fault. Tubby brought him to MN, correct? Is that part of the equation, or not? Choices, choices.

TS is responsible for the program, win/losses, student behavior, academics, all of it. Right? Or are you saying it is ok to cherry pick the head coach responsibilities?

If Tubby hadn't taken Royce, he would be taking crap for not being able to get the top in-state talent. By getting him here, he gave the kid a chance to straighten things out and potentially be a game-changer for this program, and it didn't work. Yes Tubby got him here, and I think that was the right thing for him to do, it's unfortunate that Royce never played a game here.

Those things you mentioned are the coach's responsibility to an extent, I'm sure Tubby stresses to his players to keep up on their school work and stay out of trouble, but he can't hold their hands the whole way. Royce got himself into trouble, and I'm sure Tubby wasn't happy about it, and had warned him to keep his nose clean, but he can only tell his players what he wants and expects of them, he can't follow Royce to the mall to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

Whatever RW did, that is his own doing. Not Tubby's fault. Tubby brought him to MN, correct? Is that part of the equation, or not? Choices, choices.

TS is responsible for the program, win/losses, student behavior, academics, all of it. Right? Or are you saying it is ok to cherry pick the head coach responsibilities?

I don't think there was anyone here who didn't want Tubby to sign White out of high school. Sure it was a risk, but it was a necessary risk. There's no way he couldn't have gone after him.

Look, I think Tubby should be criticized just as much as anyone. He hasn't done a great job up to this point. But it's not all on him. If Tubby coached and recruited exactly the same but we have a few less key injuries and a few less guys transferring and getting in trouble, most everyone would be praising how great of a job he is doing.

The fact that Cobbs is kicking @ss ticks me off more than Royce playing well. Who saw Cobbs becoming this type of player? Not me. I didn't think he would be bad, but his early season numbers are ridiculous. He is filling it up. Why did he leave in the first place? Again, just imagine a lineup of Cobbs, Austin Hollins, Roy White, Mbakwe and Walker. Sick, just sick.

The fact that Cobbs is kicking @ss ticks me off more than Royce playing well. Who saw Cobbs becoming this type of player? Not me. I didn't think he would be bad, but his early season numbers are ridiculous. He is filling it up. Why did he leave in the first place? Again, just imagine a lineup of Cobbs, Austin Hollins, Roy White, Mbakwe and Walker. Sick, just sick.
If you believe the rumors, Tubby told him to leave cause Tubby didn't like fast paced play. But Justin actually said that he was homesick.

Cobbs was upset with his playing time too. And I can only do the "What ifs..." for so long. For the last time, what we could have right now, could be a Big 10 force. Key word "could." For some reason things have not worked out, and we have horrible luck, and maybe even a curse. I am not jumping ship on Tubby yet at all. I just hope he remains focused and diligent even in his later years, assuming he still has plenty in the tank I like him more than some other rando.

zambam said:
If you believe the rumors, Tubby told him to leave cause Tubby didn't like fast paced play. But Justin actually said that he was homesick.

According to Damien Johnson, part of the reason cobbs and devoe left was in part to wanting "a more open system like in the pac12" so yes, that could partially be put on tubby, but no coach has every player like their system. For example, tayshaun prince seemed to love and thrive in tubbys system, but cobbs didn't agree.

According to Damien Johnson, part of the reason cobbs and devoe left was in part to wanting "a more open system like in the pac12" so yes, that could partially be put on tubby, but no coach has every player like their system. For example, tayshaun prince seemed to love and thrive in tubbys system, but cobbs didn't agree.

I would assume those things were made very clear during the recruitment process and the players understood Tubby's system and style.

Did Tubby lure them in with false promises? Or did the two just not like playing for him. My gut tells me the latter. Plus there were many rumors that Devoe was in Tubby's doghouse. Kinda like water and oil.

I would assume those things were made very clear during the recruitment process and the players understood Tubby's system and style.

Did Tubby lure them in with false promises? Or did the two just not like playing for him. My gut tells me the latter. Plus there were many rumors that Devoe was in Tubby's doghouse. Kinda like water and oil.

I guess Damian Johnson is a liar then too :/

You've never committed to something and then later realized you didn't like it?

But yes, Devoe was in Tubby's dog house ... drug use will do that for you though.

It's funny all the criticism for recruiting Chip. I think he will be a huge contributor by his senior year. He already is. There are 12 players on a team. Not every recruit is taken on them projecting to be All big ten. I think if he improves his ball handling he can be a Kevin Clark type guard.

Yes, there are a ton of players Tubby missed out on from this state, a ton!

I'll give you Sam Dower (who Tubby presumably didn't want because he had Royce White in the same class) and I'll even give you Trent Lockett (who Tubby presumably didn't want because he had Rodney Williams in the same class). Who are the rest? Who comprises this "ton!" of players who Tubby missed out on?

I'll give you Sam Dower (who Tubby presumably didn't want because he had Royce White in the same class) and I'll even give you Trent Lockett (who Tubby presumably didn't want because he had Rodney Williams in the same class). Who are the rest? Who comprises this "ton!" of players who Tubby missed out on?
Probably the guys at Wofford, the center at Bucknell, and Wolters. From what I heard the only one of them that deserved any looks is Wolters.

zambam said:
Probably the guys at Wofford, the center at Bucknell, and Wolters. From what I heard the only one of them that deserved any looks is Wolters.

If tubby missed on them, so did Bo Ryan (who recruits even the bruiser)... Can't believe badger fans aren't screaming for his head over those guys!!!

This team will be at the bottum of the big ten no question. With Trevor getting hurt we really get a chance to see Tubby's lack of recruiting. I would give anything to have Monson back who was actually able to recruit a bit. Munson was able to get decent in state kids like Hoffaber, Nolen, Humphries, Rickert, Vince Greer and even solid guys like Mo hargrow and Aaron Robinson who were local under the rador guys. Tubby hasnt recruited a single good player to the team and to those who say Trevor they are kidding themselves. Trevor had legal issues and also a kid in Minnesota so we were just the obvious choice, didnt matter who the coach was. This season will be a waste and the next few years dont look very promising either. I went to the U along with my whole family so I will always cheer them on but I cant stand hearing everyone giving Tubby anymore breaks. He hasnt done a good job from day 1 and it is no wonder why he was thrown out of Kentucky(aka the easiest place to recruit in America).

This team will be at the bottum of the big ten no question. With Trevor getting hurt we really get a chance to see Tubby's lack of recruiting. I would give anything to have Monson back who was actually able to recruit a bit. Munson was able to get decent in state kids like Hoffaber, Nolen, Humphries, Rickert, Vince Greer and even solid guys like Mo hargrow and Aaron Robinson who were local under the rador guys. Tubby hasnt recruited a single good player to the team and to those who say Trevor they are kidding themselves. Trevor had legal issues and also a kid in Minnesota so we were just the obvious choice, didnt matter who the coach was. This season will be a waste and the next few years dont look very promising either. I went to the U along with my whole family so I will always cheer them on but I cant stand hearing everyone giving Tubby anymore breaks. He hasnt done a good job from day 1 and it is no wonder why he was thrown out of Kentucky(aka the easiest place to recruit in America).

Gopher4life23? ya right, you are a real gopher.

Now I've heard everything! Vince Grier was an in-state recruit now!?!? And Royce White, Rodney Williams, and Joe Coleman weren't "decent in state kids" now!?!? You really told us, didn't ya!?!?

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