Bandwagon Jumpers


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2008
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There's nobody more frustrated about this result than me. It looks like this year could be like the last, derailed by horrible luck. However, I'm frankly disgusted by some of the rhetoric on this board. It's one bad game. It could turn into more if Trevor's injury is as serious as everybody fears. But the negativity, especially towards Tubby, on this board is overwhelming.

The guy took over a program in disaster, and three times he's had us within striking distance of where we want to be. Two years ago, he had a great recruiting class, and the idiocy of Royce White, Joel Maturi, and the entire worthless UMPD derailed what we had. Last year he had a top-25 team in the nation, when we were thrown off course by the antics of the worthless Devoe Joseph, and an unlucky injury to the one guy we couldn't afford to lose. This year, he had a young, exciting team that looked like it could gel into something nice by the end of the year.

We have one terrible game (though warning signs in others), and potentially one serious injury, and we're ready to fire him? And replace him with who? Who's beating the door down to take this job? Want to get Monson back? I mean, this is Cat's Pause level foolishness, in my view. The criticism is fine. The man gets paid well, and he's definitely deserved criticism. Against a team like Dayton it's incredible that our players ever come off their man to help. Tubby hasn't figured out the three point issue at all, and he deserves heat. And yes, his offense looks horrible when run by young, tentative players. But again, the dude has had us RIGHT THERE every year.

Our luck is bound to change. Of course, this is Minnesota, where heartbreak is the name of the game, but I refuse to accept that this season is over, or that Tubby's past it, or that our program is dead. If you feel that way, why put yourself through the heartbreak? Stay home, it's not like we'll miss anybody from the half of Williams that sits on their hands all game. And if you disagree with me, look for me at a Gopher game, and tell me I'm wrong. I'll be the tall goofy white guy still cheering on the Gophers as passionately as I can. (And if you see a ref about to kick a fan out of the game, that'll probably be me again as well).

/rant over

Nailed it.

Hard to understand the mentality of berating, criticizing, insulting the coaches and individual players on the team after a loss or--worse yet--after a poor half of play. A poor 10 minutes of play for crying out loud How about--gulp--supporting your coach and team, even when they are in the midst of a struggle? Believe it or not, you might find it a more satisfying fan experience.

As for the choppy play this year? Who is surprised with all the new faces and different rotations? The season is likely a lost one if Mbakwe is done, but that's sport.

I have FB season tix and won't give them up no matter what the state of the program is, I would also get BB season tix if I could afford them. It's really easy to become negative during tough times just ask any true Gopher FB fan.

Yeah, Tubby gets a lot of crap, but I have to think a lot of the haters wouldn't hate him if not for a lot of the things that were out of his control, like the departure of Royce White, Mbakwe sitting out his first year, Nolen's injury last year, Devoe's departure last year that just happened to coincide with Nolen's injury so as to completely derail what was looking to be a great season, and Tubby's best since he had gotten here.

Now we find out who the true fans are!! I've been listening since I believe it was Mel Northway and Eric McGann? Gopher basketball was and still is the best game in town. Class of 76.

I just wish people would understand the concept of "bandwagon". Gopher fans have not seen an NCAA tournament win since 1997! Bandwagon would be following Indiana and then jumping ship when the sanctions hit to jump on UNC or eventually Butler or whoever.

Apparently you are a bandwagon fan if you think a slightly above average basketball team losing their best player could cause a bad season.

We have one terrible game (though warning signs in others), and potentially one serious injury, and we're ready to fire him? And replace him with who? Who's beating the door down to take this job?
/rant over

It isn't a question of firing him, which I can't imagine most people would advocate. It is a question of whether you give him a 5 year extension at Top 10-15 coaching dollars given the results.

And if you disagree with me, look for me at a Gopher game, and tell me I'm wrong. I'll be the tall goofy white guy still cheering on the Gophers as passionately as I can.

Well that really narrows it down.

There are so many negative fans/trolls on Gopher Hole that I periodically wonder why I even read this board. Gopher fans have to be the most negative fanbase in college sports, probably the only thing I don't like about being a Gopher fan. Instead of 15 thread s about Tubby and how horrible we are, I wish there were threads about our young players developing, but I don't see any posts like that taking off for a while, so I'll likely be taking a break from this board for the foreseeable future.

There's nobody more frustrated about this result than me. It looks like this year could be like the last, derailed by horrible luck. However, I'm frankly disgusted by some of the rhetoric on this board. It's one bad game. It could turn into more if Trevor's injury is as serious as everybody fears. But the negativity, especially towards Tubby, on this board is overwhelming.

The guy took over a program in disaster, and three times he's had us within striking distance of where we want to be. Two years ago, he had a great recruiting class, and the idiocy of Royce White, Joel Maturi, and the entire worthless UMPD derailed what we had. Last year he had a top-25 team in the nation, when we were thrown off course by the antics of the worthless Devoe Joseph, and an unlucky injury to the one guy we couldn't afford to lose. This year, he had a young, exciting team that looked like it could gel into something nice by the end of the year.

We have one terrible game (though warning signs in others), and potentially one serious injury, and we're ready to fire him? And replace him with who? Who's beating the door down to take this job? Want to get Monson back? I mean, this is Cat's Pause level foolishness, in my view. The criticism is fine. The man gets paid well, and he's definitely deserved criticism. Against a team like Dayton it's incredible that our players ever come off their man to help. Tubby hasn't figured out the three point issue at all, and he deserves heat. And yes, his offense looks horrible when run by young, tentative players. But again, the dude has had us RIGHT THERE every year.

Our luck is bound to change. Of course, this is Minnesota, where heartbreak is the name of the game, but I refuse to accept that this season is over, or that Tubby's past it, or that our program is dead. If you feel that way, why put yourself through the heartbreak? Stay home, it's not like we'll miss anybody from the half of Williams that sits on their hands all game. And if you disagree with me, look for me at a Gopher game, and tell me I'm wrong. I'll be the tall goofy white guy still cheering on the Gophers as passionately as I can. (And if you see a ref about to kick a fan out of the game, that'll probably be me again as well).

/rant over


I'm torn on Tubby. He's the "name guy" that this program needed but he doesn't seem to be building a program with a system that works (anymore). And... he doesn't seem to be real passionate about the whole gig and it seems to rub off on the players and fans.

Can you define "right there" for me? Shouldn't a $2 mil a year coach land in the first division of the Big Ten periodically? Purdue has had some similar luck with Jackson and Hummel the past couple of years and they have still produced. Same goes for the Spartans. We got two "last four in" calls to the NCAAs in Tubby's first four years. Beyond that, there is not that much space between his record and Monson's during the same period and Monson inherited the worst mess of all (severe probation and a national scandal).
Monson first 4 years - Big Ten 26-38 finished 10th,9th,6th, 6th. Tubby first 4 years 32-40 BT and finished 7th,6th,6th,9th. Both had tons of bad luck, something that seems to travel with major Gopher sports consistently.
If Burleson gets the ball up court vs. Illinois... If Pryzabilla and Rickert stay three four years.... If Tavaris Bennett, JB Bickerstaff and Bauer don't get hurt..... If Humphries were not a knucklehead.....

Clem came into a much worse situation than Tubby. Much worse. He built a squad from a core group and guys got better and stronger until by year 4 we had a Elite 8 squad that was a shot from the final four. I don't see that kind of thing happening now with a coach that is reputedly better than Clem was.

There are so many negative fans/trolls on Gopher Hole that I periodically wonder why I even read this board. Gopher fans have to be the most negative fanbase in college sports, probably the only thing I don't like about being a Gopher fan. Instead of 15 thread s about Tubby and how horrible we are, I wish there were threads about our young players developing, but I don't see any posts like that taking off for a while, so I'll likely be taking a break from this board for the foreseeable future.

Why dont you start one about Rodney and his development under Tubby?

Clem cheated

Really? Any place I can find information on that?

Is there any evidence that Clem cheated during his first 4 years and thereby gained an advantage in developing the Burton, Newbern group?

This team could really use Cobbs right now and Iverson. You can never tell the future, but this team sure packs in the transfers.

It is not really bandwagon to be over the top in criticism and wanting any coach not having success fired. That is just what sections of passionate fan bases do. They want results, and they want them now. Tubby has NOT accomplished what he was brought here to do, and they have a right to be pissed. My only issue is with those who always want to project the future based on current circumstances. "We're only gonna win 3 BT games, this team is terrible!!", "Look at our recruiting, we're gonna suck for years on end".... Stuff like that is annoying because if any fan base should know that we have no idea what will happen down the line, it is this one.

Time to adjust expectations and look to the future. Eliason and Oseniek are going to be forced into major minutes. It isn't going to be pretty this year but two years down the line it should be an experienced solid team.

Depth is important, when you lose a White, Joseph, Cobbs, and Iverson things can get tough. Minnesota isn't Kentucky, you can't reload every year, you have to develop, and have players in the pipeline, I.E. Wisconsin.

this is year 5 of the Tubby regime and there should have been more expected out of this staff by now.

this squad was picked to finish no higher than 7th in the conference this year even with their best player available.

it was going to be difficult with this group to get to 9 conference wins either way. expecting more out of Tubby in year 5 is not bandwagon jumping.

an extension at the dollars that have been talked about is not warranted.

Really? Any place I can find information on that?

Is there any evidence that Clem cheated during his first 4 years and thereby gained an advantage in developing the Burton, Newbern group?

Stick too something you think you know about BGA1. "Politics" It stands to reason if your have your hand in the cookie jar you want the cookie immediately, not 4 years down the road. My son attended Clem's camps for 4 years at St. Thomas. It is amazing what you pickup just listening and standing around watching the going ons. I heard one conversation with Clem and Roger Schelper on a player ( no, I won't name him) about keeping him eligible. It didn't sound good.

Stick too something you think you know about BGA1. "Politics" It stands to reason if your have your hand in the cookie jar you want the cookie immediately, not 4 years down the road. My son attended Clem's camps for 4 years at St. Thomas. It is amazing what you pickup just listening and standing around watching the going ons. I heard one conversation with Clem and Roger Schelper on a player ( no, I won't name him) about keeping him eligible. It didn't sound good.

No doubt Clem was dirty in many ways, but I'd take his coaching ability over Tubby any day-not that it matters any.

If you are looking for a always positive board you should try following a team that has won a big ten title in one of the big two in the last 20 years (without cheating).
There are so many negative fans/trolls on Gopher Hole that I periodically wonder why I even read this board. Gopher fans have to be the most negative fanbase in college sports, probably the only thing I don't like about being a Gopher fan. Instead of 15 thread s about Tubby and how horrible we are, I wish there were threads about our young players developing, but I don't see any posts like that taking off for a while, so I'll likely be taking a break from this board for the foreseeable future.

I have been reading thread after thread, forum after forum. I have come to a conclusion. Lots of commentors obviously got very negative performance reviews on their annual visit with the bosses.

Why come to a message board to complain that a team that hasn't won anything of significance in 110 years isn't winning?

Right there? Right where? Tell me the year Tubby had us right there? I must have missed it. He has recruited badly. Losing on many top recruits and settling for recruits like Maverick, Chip, Austin and Andre Ingram. Seriously, Tubby has had some bad luck but I see nothing in his recruiting or game coaching that makes me excited. I just want to know what it is? Just the fact that he is tubby SMith, beciase if this coach had a different name, peple would feel differently.

Why come to a message board to complain that a team that hasn't won anything of significance in 110 years isn't winning?

Why come to a message board to be positive about a team that isn't winning that hasn't won anything of significance in 110 years.

Hint: the answer to my question is the same as the answer to yours.

Right there? Right where? Tell me the year Tubby had us right there? I must have missed it. He has recruited badly. Losing on many top recruits and settling for recruits like Maverick, Chip, Austin and Andre Ingram. Seriously, Tubby has had some bad luck but I see nothing in his recruiting or game coaching that makes me excited. I just want to know what it is? Just the fact that he is tubby SMith, beciase if this coach had a different name, peple would feel differently.

Why would you throw Austin into that group? He's going to be a very good player for us. He had some solid offers out of high school including Memphis.

I don't think he's recruited badly. He's brought in some very good recruits but some have left (White, Joseph, Cobbs), and some just haven't panned out (Williams, Sampson). We're not Ohio St, Duke, or North Carolina where we can fill our roster with four star recruits. We're going to have to take roll players once in awhile.

It's fine to criticize his coaching and development of players, but I don't think he's been a bad recruiter.

Right there? Right where? Tell me the year Tubby had us right there? I must have missed it. He has recruited badly. Losing on many top recruits and settling for recruits like Maverick, Chip, Austin and Andre Ingram. Seriously, Tubby has had some bad luck but I see nothing in his recruiting or game coaching that makes me excited. I just want to know what it is? Just the fact that he is tubby SMith, beciase if this coach had a different name, peple would feel differently.

Maverick and Chip certainly don't look to be all that promising (especially the former) but they were last minute gets prompted by people leaving. Plus, Tubby got Rodney, Royce, and a host of other players who were very highly rated, and who did not or have not as yet panned out, due mostly to circumstances outside of Tubby's control in my opinion. And I believe I specified how the Gophers have been close. If Trevor and Royce play full seasons two years ago, we've got a chance at a run at the sweet sixteen, if not better. If Devoe or Cobbs stick around last year, or Nolen doesn't get hurt, I firmly believe we have a chance at the sweet sixteen last year as well. We were a top 25 team. If Trevor stays healthy this year, we've got a chance (according to Bilas, and I agree) at a run in the tourney again if things break right. He's been close, and has been unspeakably unlucky the last three years. I'd hope that most people, especially purported fans of the program, could acknowledge that. Could he have done better? Sure. But he's been close, and bad luck has taken us down the last two years.

Right there? Right where? Tell me the year Tubby had us right there? I must have missed it. He has recruited badly. Losing on many top recruits and settling for recruits like Maverick, Chip, Austin and Andre Ingram. Seriously, Tubby has had some bad luck but I see nothing in his recruiting or game coaching that makes me excited. I just want to know what it is? Just the fact that he is tubby SMith, beciase if this coach had a different name, peple would feel differently.
Good list of recruits. 2 late fill-in recruits, one recruit that is turning out to be a good player, and a JuCo fill-in brought in because of his general similarities to our best player so he could back him up.

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