Band Travel?

They had to fundraise to get to a Nebraska game some years back. I wish there was a way to get funding from athletics to the music school to pay for that sort of thing, because they should be at the UCLA game given what it means to us fans.
Considering our lack of revenue and NIL opportunities paying for the band to travel is arguably one of the last priorities our athletic department should be focusing on

The picture you posted is over two years old.

Here is one from the Indiana game two weeks ago. Looks just awful. I may cancel my Gopher tickets for the game there. Not sure how anyone could consider a game there special. Looks just like West Lafayette or East Lansing.

Rose Bowl stadium officially holds 89,702 and had a record of 106,869. The paid attendance for the picture you showed is 47,811. Barely over 50%...special indeed.

Like Slab said, it's a great location for a road trip. Calling it special to play a terrible UCLA team in a regular season game is sure something.

Clown post. Let us have our fun, we've been hurt enough this season already.
Who said not to have fun? I'm pointing out this isn't a life altering event like a Rose Bowl is. Everyone keeps moving the goal posts to what was originally stated. Again, I fully agree with Slab regarding location being ideal and the fact it SHOULD be a win.

Who said not to have fun? I'm pointing out this isn't a life altering event like a Rose Bowl is. Everyone keeps moving the goal posts to what was originally stated. Again, I fully agree with Slab regarding location being ideal and the fact it SHOULD be a win.

No one is moving the goalpost on what you originally stated, other than you.

You asked does "playing against UCLA in a regular season game really mean that much to other fans?"

And, many offered opinions that - for them - there is something special or extra in watching the Gophers play there. I suggested you might be in the minority in believing there's nothing unique or meaningful in watching our team play at that venue. It absolutely rises above attending a game at other normal road trips. Certainly better than a trip to Champaign, College Park, or Piscataway (to me).

And, no one is suggesting it is the same as playing in the Jan 1 Rose Bowl game itself or that it will alter anyone's life. Not one person has suggested that, until you just offered that up. So, you are the one moving the goalposts lol.

I'm simply suggesting - to me, and I think many others - this game rises above most road trips and will carry some special meaning to some fans because of the stadium. I can't wait to go and watch the Gophers play there. I'm excited. I spend time with a lot of Gopher fans, and no one has said, "boy, it is sure going to suck playing a terrible UCLA team at the Rose Bowl." In fact, most of the fans I know, and personally interact with, are making a decision to spend lots of money to go watch the Gopher game there because it is to them unique and special.

If you feel otherwise, that's fine by me. I just think you're in the minority. No harm, no foul.
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