Badger WR out

Concussions are like frost bite or a dislocated shoulder. Happens once, makes it easier to happen again. I had a lot of friends from when I taught Snowboarding that were 1 or 2 concussions away from having to stop or risk serious brain injury (not all from snowboarding either, one of my friends was a Soccer goalie and just had some bad luck on that front).

While concussions I don't think will ever be completely eradicated from contact sports, this is a reason why the debate about what to do in youth sports is so important, and so difficult.

Should we limit the time where contact is an option and hope that reduces the number of concussions, and thus the number of players seeing extended time out after a concussion? Or will that increase concussions since older players will have bad and unsafe habits that are hard to break and instead we should teach the fundamentals of safe contact at younger ages, so that good habits are formed?

What technologies should we start putting in helmets to further prevent injury? How do we standardize that? etc.

How do we make it equitable too? Sure a better helmet is great and all, but if only the private schools or the really well funded public schools can afford the helmets that doesn't help everyone equally.

Amen on the
Concussions are like frost bite or a dislocated shoulder. Happens once, makes it easier to happen again. I had a lot of friends from when I taught Snowboarding that were 1 or 2 concussions away from having to stop or risk serious brain injury (not all from snowboarding either, one of my friends was a Soccer goalie and just had some bad luck on that front).
Amen regarding frost bite. Dang it’s weird how it always come back even though it’s a new body every nine years.

Tough break for the kid. Now he really has to be-careful. Dangerous stuff as you have to be concerned about your future. Wonder whatever happened to Brewster's kid who went to Texas and had severe issues with it along with the Irondale graduate who I was hoping would really jell here.

Tough is being raped, in which Davis filmed a teammate raping a girl and got a 1 game suspension years ago.

What part of the statement is a lie?
Isn't the entire statement about filming a rape a lie?

1. Mr. Davis admitted to taking a picture of one of the women after the fact, then erased it when she told him to.
2. The team mate who was accused of the rape was found not guilty. In other words, the courts found that there was no rape.

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