BADger Sitting Next To You?


Active member
Sep 3, 2009
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I've been thinking about this for awhile, probably because I'm worried some of the seats around mine are owned by ticket brokers. What level do I or you sink to if you're sitting near someone in red who probably has the last name Dommer?

Yelling insults is obvious, but I plan on being so utterly obnoxious that they either A, cry or B, try and turn me into a lamp shade (obviously it won't be successful with their brittle bodies and extremely feeble fighting style.)

Here is the answer

Sacrifice and eat a dozen white castles with cheese the morning of. They will vacate by half time.

just need to remind them of the sorry-ass state they hail from.....

being reminded that you are from wisconsin is enough to make anyone cry.

I've been thinking about this for awhile, probably because I'm worried some of the seats around mine are owned by ticket brokers. What level do I or you sink to if you're sitting near someone in red who probably has the last name Dommer?

Yelling insults is obvious, but I plan on being so utterly obnoxious that they either A, cry or B, try and turn me into a lamp shade (obviously it won't be successful with their brittle bodies and extremely feeble fighting style.)

While I love piling on Wisky here on the Hole, I'd suggest not being a a** to any Wisky fans around you unless they prove deserving. Think of it this way...when you go to Camp Randall do you really want to put up with someone obnoxious in Red sitting near you all game long? I mean, we all expect some ribbing/banter/basic insults when we're on the road but there is a pretty clear line.

There are always tons of posts in threads here talking about the dbag Badger/Iowa fans posters have dealt with over the years. All I'm saying is don't be that guy...especially if there are kids...the worst thing I ever saw was a Badger fan pour beer on a young Purdue fan (he was aiming for the kid's dad and missed).

Student section though...quite frankly I think its open season there.

I think it will just be a long "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Whenever I see, hear or think about them. And in response to anything "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." After the first 45 minutes of that, something in them will break.

There are always tons of posts in threads here talking about the dbag Badger/Iowa fans posters have dealt with over the years. All I'm saying is don't be that guy...especially if there are kids...the worst thing I ever saw was a Badger fan pour beer on a young Purdue fan (he was aiming for the kid's dad and missed).

Student section though...quite frankly I think its open season there.

This is really crucial for my situation. There are two really impressionable kids that sit next to me, but we are literally across the aisle from the student section. That's why constantly Booo'ing is what I think I'm going to stick with. Unless the kids aren't there....

This is really crucial for my situation. There are two really impressionable kids that sit next to me, but we are literally across the aisle from the student section. That's why constantly Booo'ing is what I think I'm going to stick with. Unless the kids aren't there....

I'm in 133. You in 133?

Beat the *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# out of them.


I am bringing one of them into the stadium. I am terribly disappointed in myself, but I felt it would be the right thing to do (allow him to be exposed to a real experience for once) since he will be my best man next summer.

However, there are enough rules and stipulations to choke a badger.

*No red. White is tolerable, but if Red is worn he'll get abandoned in a bar and the ticket given to someone worthy.
*No singing to their songs.
*You must stay in your seat the entire game. No scurrying because of weather. I'm also bringing him one of my gold rain ponchos, just in case.
*This may be the toughest, but no being an obnoxious ass. Just sit down, shut up, and enjoy watching your team lose in our beautiful new stadium.

Additionally, I've told the rather decent sized Minneapolis police officer who has a pair of seats next to my pair that he can do whatever he feels is necessary to my buddy. Hopefully it all goes "well" for him.

GB, you better enforce those rules or you are committing a cardinal sin by bringing in a badger

I understand that chair legs make an excellent weapon.

I am bringing one of them into the stadium. I am terribly disappointed in myself, but I felt it would be the right thing to do (allow him to be exposed to a real experience for once) since he will be my best man next summer.

However, there are enough rules and stipulations to choke a badger.

*No red. White is tolerable, but if Red is worn he'll get abandoned in a bar and the ticket given to someone worthy.
*No singing to their songs.
*You must stay in your seat the entire game. No scurrying because of weather. I'm also bringing him one of my gold rain ponchos, just in case.
*This may be the toughest, but no being an obnoxious ass. Just sit down, shut up, and enjoy watching your team lose in our beautiful new stadium.

Additionally, I've told the rather decent sized Minneapolis police officer who has a pair of seats next to my pair that he can do whatever he feels is necessary to my buddy. Hopefully it all goes "well" for him.

It seems like yours is pretty docile and you've clearly thought this out and have it under control. Don't worry too much about it, you'll have a lot of fun at the end of the game.

Me? I am going to the game to watch 2 squads similar to how my grandpa did.
Games were won and lost back then and nothing changed. Cool heads prevail boys.

I am bringing one of them into the stadium. I am terribly disappointed in myself, but I felt it would be the right thing to do (allow him to be exposed to a real experience for once) since he will be my best man next summer.

How does a Badger qualify as a best man? For that matter, how do they qualify as "best" or "man"? :D

Me? I am going to the game to watch 2 squads similar to how my grandpa did.
Games were won and lost back then and nothing changed. Cool heads prevail boys.

Nothing very fun about that.

Well, I am bringing 2 Mpls cops with me to the game, I might be ok to punch a d-bag in red or toss them a few rows down the steps??? :D

How does a Badger qualify as a best man? For that matter, how do they qualify as "best" or "man"? :D

My groomsmen are a Badger, a Maverick, and a Gopher fan who lives in Sioux Falls. Since the badger and I spent a couple years coaching together, he's the lead dog for now. If he doesn't follow the rules tomorrow, I can always tell him he's out after he wakes up with a chairleg sitting in his eye socket.

My groomsmen are a Badger, a Maverick, and a Gopher fan who lives in Sioux Falls. Since the badger and I spent a couple years coaching together, he's the lead dog for now. If he doesn't follow the rules tomorrow, I can always tell him he's out after he wakes up with a chairleg sitting in his eye socket.

I had a mix of Gopher/Badger fans in my wedding party.

Note: none of the Badger fans got tickets from me, thus watching game at home. :)

Treat others like you would like to be treated. It's pretty simple. I don't mind good natured ribbing while at other stadiums - that's part of the fun, but like everything in life I expect to be respected and I respect all others. When my daughter gets older I will bring her and hope that others don't ruin her gopher experience and allow her to grow into a huge gopher fan because.....

I married a badger and she will be wearing red next to me. I will always be a gopher and I would lose respect for her if she decided to switch allegiances or not support her team.

She is the only badger attending in our group. We will be louder and I'm wearing solid gold. With my new rain jacket I'm going to be freaking bright so bring your shades if you're sitting next to me. Gold stocking cap, gold baseball cap, gold sweatshirt, gold tee-shirt. I'm set. Gold rain pants are a game time decision.

The best way to get under their skin, is to be loud and good fans (and win). She hates the first-down chant. It's like water torture when you have a long drive. They give up another first down, then they hear "that stupid chant again". It's a double whammy. It tells them we're going right at them and they just can't stop us.

So - we did our best to keep as many out of the stadium as possible (I apologize for my single fan but love is a good thing. It just sucks for a couple days of the year).

Now we need to create a great environment using good sportsman ship and win. I lose my voice every (close) game, my goal is to try to keep it until at least the fourth quarter. If you aren't hoarse on Sunday, you didn't leave it at the stadium. And don't forget we're ambassadors like the football team off the field. We need to create a fun environment where every recruit, every teenager, every little kid, every first time home visitor, wants to come back - wants to be a gopher - will be maroon and gold for life!

As someone who has been to 10 of the 11 stadiums in the Big Ten (MSU being the exception), I can legitimately say that it pays to be good hosts. Treat people with respect.

She hates the first-down chant. It's like water torture when you have a long drive. They give up another first down, then they hear "that stupid chant again". It's a double whammy. It tells them we're going right at them and they just can't stop us.

It's water torture because you're celebrating something worthless and happens +20 times if you're offense is any good. The student section at Wisconsin started doing a first down chant too a couple years ago, just as torturous.

Its true, just don't be a Bucky or Herky d-bag. I have to bring my Badger grad fiance, and she will be getting crap from me all game long, but I would really appreciate if there isn't a complete idiot behind us who thinks its their job to harrass her or annoy past the point of common decency.

Thats my job....not someone elses....

I too am bringin 2 BADgers

My brother and sister-in-law are Madison grads and Bears season ticket holders and always invite me to the Bears/Vikes games in Chicago. I felt I should return the favor but had a near breakdown trying to decide if I could handle having them here for the first game.

I told them NO RED, so I had 2 long sleeve maroon t-shirts made that in gold lettering say "WISCONSIN fan" on the front and "This is the only way my brother would let me go..." on the back.

I meant for them to be gold with maroon letters, but it got lost in translation, oh well. Cant wait to see their faces when they see their new attire.

Hey year of the gopher, I'll see you tomorrow. I'll be the loud bald kid wearing all gold in row 10.

It's water torture because you're celebrating something worthless and happens +20 times if you're offense is any good. The student section at Wisconsin started doing a first down chant too a couple years ago, just as torturous.

You're solidifying my position on the chant. The fact that two bucky fans have stated they hate it is all the more reason to chant twice as loud. You're not sitting in Section 243 Row 17 tomorrow are you? That would be fun.

You're solidifying my position on the chant. The fact that two bucky fans have stated they hate it is all the more reason to chant twice as loud.

This is exactly right. bucky and sue fans hate the rouser in hockey because they have to hear it every damn time the gophs score, which makes it all the more fun.

Any chant that gets under the skin of the opposing team is worth doing better and louder all the time.

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