
If were going to pick on Ayinde then they need to say something about mistakes others

McGee and Winfield were rotating and playing great. McGee got hurt and they started rotating Ayinde and Winfield. Ayinde makes the terrible play that turned game momentum completely; at that point we should have said to Winfield, "Suck it up, frosh- it's you till the final whistle." But we kept rotating Ayinde in, and he whiffs again in OT. I prefer a tired Winfield to a fresh Ayinde. Sawvel has seen the kid enough to know he shouldn't be out there, no matter what the injury scenario.

Ayinde needs to compete harder, and if you're going to get your hands on a guy you cannot just give up the tackle and always expect help. Sometimes you're the last guy on the line and you have to make a play that is the nature of football. Ayinde he is playing above his pay grade as an athlete experience wise but the guy does try and the Penn State running back made a play. Gophers played well to keep the Penn State back bottled up almost all game.

#13 Celestin and #87 Elemore on that running play in the final overtime were just as responsible for one getting sucked too far inside and dropping out of his gap and filling a hole he didn't belong in and #87 getting to far up the field like he was all game against Penn State and giving up gap integrity to his side of the field to the running back and the QB. They are both Big10 level athletes and should be playing better.
I know that they like to preach the front four's job responsibility is to rush the QB but the lanes you take and your approach to rushing the QB matter. Every time the QB Mcsorley felt backside pressure he just stepped to #87 Elemore's side of the field and rushed up the field. Elmore had as bad a game as a Gopher against Penn State than he has his entire career as a Gopher. He has the ability to cut off the run of the QB and the running backs, he needs to do it. There is just as much glory in a tackle for loss as there is a sack. Running yourself consistently out of position game after game and giving up your gap isn't a good thing. #87 Elemore needs to improve a lot and he sticks out on film and in the game action in a negative way. Quite frankly he #87 played a lousy game against Penn State, and he gave away way to much real estate.
TEAM DEFENSE matters, stay in your gaps and make the plays you're supposed to make. I had high hopes for Elemore #87 he is too talented and too smart a player to be getting duped into taking that wide a rush. He is letting the offensive line suck him in too easily and giving up wide gaps. #5 Myrick too, he is to talented to be a space cadet and getting lost on the field, assuming safety help is never a given, these two athletes are better players then they have showed so far.

Elmore has been bit of a disappointment

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