Auburn fan here

From what I've seen your passing game really worries me. Our secondary is the weakpoint of the defense
Our offense is extremely frustrating due to our mediocre offensive line and our Freshman QB. The key is stopping the run and forcing our QB to beat you.

Thank y'all for having me! Everybody has been very polite so far. I'm really looking forward to the game

Can you defend the slant play? We run that a ton. Some have said we have the best one in the country.

Can you defend the slant play? We run that a ton. Some have said we have the best one in the country.
We had plenty of practice against LSU and our defense played well enough to win. It's about matchups though, if you have our ILB Britt matched up on a WR, that's bad for us. If it's Pappoe, that's a much better matchup.

Is there a link to this somewhere? Did I just miss this?

I do not recall where I picked it up... likely in a thread here.. perhaps someone else recalls... It was one of the lower leg bones, soft cast, 4-6 weeks. Heck, if I'm wrong it was not even that bad... great .

Hi dude, and welcome. First, we're pleased to be playing Auburn in the Outback Bowl. There's a novelty in playing an unfamiliar team, and Tampa is a nice destination for Minnesota people.

I think that - judging by what I've read on fan forums - Auburn fans are badly underestimating the talent Minnesota has at the skill positions. But there's no doubt that Auburn is a very highly talented squad and played a really tough schedule this year. Should be a good game, and very competitive at least until halftime. After the half, one team or the other will pull away.

Senior WR Tyler Johnson might sit out the bowl to save himself for the draft. There's talk of Sophomore safety Antoine Winfield Jr opting for the draft, but he probably plays regardless, because he hasn't yet gotten the national attention that he (rightly) thinks he deserves. Senior RB Rodney Smith will probably be undrafted despite his resume, so I expect him to gamble that a big game improves his standing.

Apart from sit-outs, our boys are limping. That means that these weeks of recovery are critical if we hope to have guys like LB Kamal Martin, DE Carter Coughlin, and RT Daniel Faalele playing near full strength on Jan 1.
??? I believe Faalele broke his fibula. A few weeks won’t fix that.

Both teams have a Nagurski finalist. That’s an elite group right there. I think the winner gets announced tonight. Probably going to be Chase Young.


??? I believe Faalele broke his fibula. A few weeks won’t fix that.

Yes, that is what I heard. And I heard it was to heal in a soft cast, 4-6 weeks. This injury in a young person is usually 6 weeks in a cast... I can't imagine a 400 pounder would be back on it 100% in anything less than the 6.

Yes, that is what I heard. And I heard it was to heal in a soft cast, 4-6 weeks. This injury in a young person is usually 6 weeks in a cast... I can't imagine a 400 pounder would be back on it 100% in anything less than the 6.

In today's Star Tribune, it sounded more optimistic. Here is what is says:

The Gophers have a couple more weeks to have some players return from injury. One could be quarterback Zack Annexstad, who Fleck said could return from his foot injury early in training camp to play in the bowl game.
Tight end Jake Paulson and running back Cam Wiley did not play against Wisconsin on Nov. 30, both on crutches. Paulson appeared to injure his right ankle at Northwestern; Wiley had his left leg braced ahead of the Wisconsin game. Right tackle Daniel Faalele left the Wisconsin game early and later was on the sideline, on crutches with his left foot booted.
Fleck said those three were at practice Sunday, but it’s too early to say whether they’ll be ready for Jan. 1.
“We’ve got guys rehabbing and getting better, but no decisions necessarily have been made on some of those guys,” Fleck said. “I’m sure there’s going to be some that end up playing that were hurt and some that probably don’t end up playing.”

Like it or hate it, I think we all know enough to not trust injury reports coming from staff at this point.

Honestly last time I watched an entire auburn game they put up about 700 on Purdue

Yes there's the Auburn board on SEC Rant and AUFamily. Both are high traffic and aren't pay boards.
The Rant is going to have more trolls, but it's more entertaining IMO. AUFamily has a lot of sunshine pumpers but it's a friendlier site
Thanks for those suggestions. I just perused both and it was pretty typical of opposing fan chatter on MN this year. Soft schedule, barely squeaked by in the first 4 games, etc. Mostly people disappointed in the matchup and predicting a sound AU win, but a couple voices saying MN is better than people think and if AU comes out sloppy or unmotivated they'll lose. Didn't see any huge badmouthing of Gophers, and some are excited to play one of only 16 P5 teams that AU has never faced.

Just wanted to talk football and do some recon. How do y'all think the game will go? Are you excited to have us as an opponent? Do you think any players will sit out the game?

I realize I'm a guest here and I'm not here to troll, just wanted some football discussion.
Welcome aboard BSAU! Like many on GopherHole, I am excited and very much looking forward to our bowl game with the Auburn Tigers/Eagles. Just being on the same playing field with a team from as storied a program as AU does, I my opinion, nothing but enhance and elevate our own program. And barring a complete rout at the hands of AU, any outcome is a win for Minnesota Gopher Football. If it sounds like I’m less than optimistic about a Gopher victory, you have to understand that I am a native Minnesotan and a sports fan, and thus, suffer from Minnesota Sports Apprehension Disorder (SPAD). I won’t get into any detail here, but if you’re interested, I believe it’s actually listed in the New England Journal of Sports Medicine.
A few years ago I spent a couple of days in Auburn, and have fond memories of the town and the people. I’ll tell ya, your football stadium is the biggest stadium in the smallest town that I’ve ever seen! And folks down there exude that southern hospitality and generosity - particularly the southern belles, which I find I prefer to northern girls. A northern gal may tell you “you can”, but a southern gal is inclined to say “y’all can!”
Anyway, I hope we all beat y’all come game day...and thanks for posting here!

PJ and Gus at the Nagurski award presentation tonight.


oh boy... I asked for a link to confirm the Faalele broken leg post and now the "link" is to another Gopherhole post? And, this post is from a brand new login with minimal posting history?

It isn't as though I don't believe this. It may turn out to be true that Faalele's leg is broken with a 6 week recovery time. But, people can't just show up, log in, state there is a broken leg and do that with no link or confirmation and expect it to be taken as fact.

I'll ask again more specifically: Does anyone have a link to something either official or in the media about the injury actually being a broken leg? Links to speculative fan posts in a message board don't count.

Welcome. My daughter-in-law went to Auburn, so I have family bragging rights at stake. Mercifully, she and my son will be out of the country for the game. We are a long-dormant program just beginning to reassert ourselves. We won our seventh National Championship about 60 years ago when I was a student at the U, and have largely languished in mediocrity due to neglect until recently. I think we are a little bit ahead of schedule on our road back to national prominence, but still, have a ways to go, and your Auburn team will be a big challenge for us. I think an important key to how competitive we will be is whether our big 400-pound right tackle, Daniel Falaale, is ready to play. We have a very big, even without Falaale, OL (it's bigger than the Vikings'), but it lacks depth; and, early in the season, it wasn't very effective. That, in my opinion, is why we struggled in the non-conference portion of this past season. That changed by the time we began the conference schedule. In the Wisconsin game, however, Falaale was injured early and had to come out. The reshuffled line was no match for Wisconsin's defense. We simply failed to control the line of scrimmage.

Auburn fans. Looks like your OC left for FSU (is that right?). If so, how does that impact your game prep and the game itself?


As one of the more cautious and less optimistic users, I would say that your team doesn't have to fear too much with our team. I would think battling SEC teams all year, and top ranked ones at that, should have your team more than prepared for our team.

If your defensive studs play or not doesn't really seem to matter to me. If the gameplan is ready, which after weeks of prep, you should be more than ready. Adding in a new Offensive Coordinator with new looks and new gameplan stacks the odds even more into your favor.

The better teams we have played this year, Iowa and Wisconsin (Penn State the second half too), seemed to have found our kryptonite. I would think with higher ranked recruits, weeks of prep, new offensive gameplan, tougher schedule, our injuries, etc. the game should go to Auburn with ease. Possibly a blowout by half.


As one of the more cautious and less optimistic users, I would say that your team doesn't have to fear too much with our team. I would think battling SEC teams all year, and top ranked ones at that, should have your team more than prepared for our team.

If your defensive studs play or not doesn't really seem to matter to me. If the gameplan is ready, which after weeks of prep, you should be more than ready. Adding in a new Offensive Coordinator with new looks and new gameplan stacks the odds even more into your favor.

The better teams we have played this year, Iowa and Wisconsin (Penn State the second half too), seemed to have found our kryptonite. I would think with higher ranked recruits, weeks of prep, new offensive gameplan, tougher schedule, our injuries, etc. the game should go to Auburn with ease. Possibly a blowout by half.

I believe we've found our daily winner:


As one of the more cautious and less optimistic users, I would say that your team doesn't have to fear too much with our team. I would think battling SEC teams all year, and top ranked ones at that, should have your team more than prepared for our team.

If your defensive studs play or not doesn't really seem to matter to me. If the gameplan is ready, which after weeks of prep, you should be more than ready. Adding in a new Offensive Coordinator with new looks and new gameplan stacks the odds even more into your favor.

The better teams we have played this year, Iowa and Wisconsin (Penn State the second half too), seemed to have found our kryptonite. I would think with higher ranked recruits, weeks of prep, new offensive gameplan, tougher schedule, our injuries, etc. the game should go to Auburn with ease. Possibly a blowout by half. sum up:

1. Auburn shouldn't have much to fear from Minnesota.
2. Auburn's schedule should have them more than adequately prepared.
3. New offensive wrinkles will befuddle the Gophers.
4. Teams have now pinpointed our weaknesses.
5. Auburn's higher ranked recruits spell doom for Minnesota.
6. It should be an easy win, quite possibly a blowout.

[Calling now to see if I can fake a family death and get my air fare refunded]

We are waiting to see if 2 of our best defensive lineman, Derrick Brown and Marlon Davidson sit out or not. I personally don't think they will, they are both very high character, hard working guys. We have good depth on the Dline but they are huge game changers.

We are annoyed that Alabama got the better bowl but $$$ talks and Alabama is a household name. I'm personally happy that y'all are our opponent. I don't believe we've ever played before. I would much rather play y'all than Wisconsin again

Very excited to play Auburn. Excellent school and consistently strong football team, obviously. Plus you are the antithesis of 'Bama. I hope.

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