At times like this, just focus on the next game


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
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I won't try to spin what was a disappointing effort tonight. Good Gopher teams don't put out these kind of efforts at the Barn.

But nevertheless, Northwestern had a similarly deflating loss last night. Whoever wins on Sunday gets to keep hope alive. I hope it's us.

I feel about the Gophers season about the same way I did about the 2009 Twins season on about September 7th. Disappointed, deflated and about 95% ready to think about next year. But you hold out 5% hope for a reason.

Or to quote a line from a Woody Allen movie "LOVE AND DEATH":

Boris: Nothingness. Non-existence. Black emptiness.
Sonja: What did you say?
Boris: Oh, I was just planning my future.

Very disappointing tonight but 7 B10 games to watch and assuming they play better might get a few wins. Don't even look at NCAA or NIT just hope to see some improvement from the younger guys.

I think the season is over from a sucessful point of view based on expectations but the coach isn't going anywhere if guys want to transfer out so be it. Treat next as year 1 of the Tubby regime try and get a team that has some chemistry since this year's version ceratinly does not.

Tubby needs to look at where things went wrong and I am not talking about Royce, Trevor and Al but other things like closing out the Michigan St game, needing a "top" point guard and the effort tonight should have never happened at home by a team that needed the win in the worse way. To me that plays more to the chemistry issue then any other.

Comparing to Twins, maybe but then it is the bottom of the 9th, two are out, and no one is on. And it is Sept 29th. Pretty bleak. Recruiting issues aside, w/out White I thought that the team would still improve.

NU and us are both DEAD.

NU is not dead-relook their schedule. Minn, PSU twice, Indiana, Iowa and Wisky. It would not be a stretch for them to go 5-1 and be 10-8. With their resume - that would do it. As for us- we are DEAD.

NU is dead. I'll eat my cat if they finish 5-1 after how they played last night. 4-2 at the very best, and I expect 3-3.

NU is dead. I'll eat my cat if they finish 5-1 after how they played last night. 4-2 at the very best, and I expect 3-3.

It's not out of the realm, especially if they beat us on Sunday. You don't think they can win all 4 games against PSU, Indiana and Iowa? But eating your cat? I'd expect that wager from a Bucky fan, not a civilized Purdue fan. Will you be posting video of it on YouTube if you lose?:cool:

It's not out of the realm, especially if they beat us on Sunday. You don't think they can win all 4 games against PSU, Indiana and Iowa? But eating your cat? I'd expect that wager from a Bucky fan, not a civilized Purdue fan. Will you be posting video of it on YouTube if you lose?:cool:

But, I don't think they can go 5-1, nor do I think they'll get into the field if they do. Their non-conference schedule was very weak, no wins over sure tourney teams. Their signature non-conference win is Notre Dame. They have one huge win (vs. Purdue...stab me), and one okay win (vs. Illinois, won't look as good as it does now by the end of the season). They'll need at least a Friday win in the BTT tournament if they finish 5-1, and maybe a regular season Wisconsin win, too.

The game against the Gophers might as well be a toss up ... I frankly have no idea what to expect from either team after their most recent games. I also wouldn't be surprised to see them lose @PSU (they're going to win a game sometime), or @IU.

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