As a Gopher football fan I am thankful for:


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2010
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the potential to have coaching continuity and not having to wonder what offense or defense we will be running next year.

the friends I have met tailgating, and something to look forward to almost every Saturday!

TCF Bank Stadium.

After suffering through The Dome for decades, I will be thankful for TCF for the rest of my life. I still love walking up to that stadium even during two-win seasons.

That we have a football coach that has the ability and commitment to see this thing through.

TCF Bank Stadium (a.k.a. Mecca), Coach Kill, Saturday games, following recruiting in the off season, and a new AD next season.

they are all great reasons to be thankful, TCF is fun to see win or lose. (Winning is clearly a lot better!)

A day to be thankful, and to look forward to the future. Coach Kill has brought us hope and I for one appreciate his efforts that he has done. Not quite sure how many other coaches would have put together the efforts that he has done in many different areas.

That the Gophers haven't been kicked out of the conference.

That my tickets ended up being for the Gophs two victories! Beating Iowa, and storming the field with my friends.

TCF Bank Stadium (a.k.a. Mecca), Coach Kill, Saturday games, following recruiting in the off season, and a new AD next season.

Mecca, awesome.

I'm thankful for all the gopher fans that have stayed the course. Salute!

I'm thankful for coach Kill and his staff.

I'm thankful for this web site, and how the moderators don't get too overbearing.

Most of all I'm thankful for the U! Thanks!

thankful for gopher football. always will be. we love our boys, how they are OUR team and play for OUR state (and not a million dollar paycheck like the NFL rubes in town) and will support them each and every saturday until my final days.

be thankful for golden gopher football folks. always be. even though the lame media haters don't want you to ever be.

Go Golden Gophers! Beat Illannoy!

thankful for gopher football. always will be. we love our boys, how they are OUR team and play for OUR state (and not a million dollar paycheck like the NFL rubes in town) and will support them each and every saturday until my final days.

be thankful for golden gopher football folks. always be. even though the lame media haters don't want you to ever be.

Go Golden Gophers! Beat Illannoy!

Excellent post!

Go Gophers!

Mecca, awesome.

I'm thankful for all the gopher fans that have stayed the course. Salute!

I'm thankful for coach Kill and his staff.

I'm thankful for this web site, and how the moderators don't get too overbearing.

Most of all I'm thankful for the U! Thanks!

Forgot something:

I'm thankful for all the great posters on this board, especially those that are fans of other teams. I enjoy the outside perspective.

I'm thankful for the rich tradition of our program and for those who've labored to educate us as to that tradition. Ski U Mah!

As a Gopher Fan and GopherHoler...I am thankful for...

BleedGopher's unfailing efforts to ensure anything and everything from the sports media related to Golden Gopher Football gets posted on this site.

Hats Off To Thee Bleed!

Go Gophers! In Kill We Trust!

I am grateful the University has adopted the OneStop and MyU systems for navigating classes and advising students. We have had some wonderful alumni give substantial donations to make this happen.

The new stadium and the rich and wonderful history and heritage of Gopher football...

I'm thankful for the tears in my eyes each and every time I hear that beautiful refrain, "Minnesota, hail to thee...."

I'm thankful when I see Goldie have to do a LOT of pushups!

I'm thankful for the energy of being around students and the marching band.

I'm proud of this team, love the integrity of Coach Kill and his staff and no matter what kind of pain we've all had this year, I am grateful to have this community that comes together to love us the Gopher experience! Coach says we're building on concrete, not sand, and I believe him.

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