Are USC's players automatically released if they want out?


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Jun 5, 2009
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I'm trying to get a handle on the team that shows up at the Bank this year.
Does anyone know whether players are automatically allowed to transfer out of a bowl banned program if they want?
Anyone have any idea what the general strategy USC might use the next 2 years? Redshirt alot this year? Don't Redshirta lot? JUCOs? What did Alabama do?

From Pete Thamel of the NY Times:

"I go to bed with this. With essentially open market on USC seniors and juniors (free transfer), how many coaches have called already?
about 14 hours ago via TweetDeck"

I don't know the particulars but it seems we might see some Trojan Flight.

I bet Brewster is calling guys left and he should be.

You can expect a mass exodus from USC. Who wants to play for nothing? I am beginning to think the Gophers could go 2 and 0 against USC in the next two years.

With the horrific news of Nebraska's likely addition to the Big Ten, this is the only thing cheering me up right now.

I believe that only the players in their last two years of eligibility can transfer freely (w/out sitting out a year). What "Unregistered User" wrote seems to agree with that.

"the Gophers could go 2 and 0 against USC in the next two years."

yeah ok lol

I'm trying to get a handle on the team that shows up at the Bank this year.
Does anyone know whether players are automatically allowed to transfer out of a bowl banned program if they want?
Anyone have any idea what the general strategy USC might use the next 2 years? Redshirt alot this year? Don't Redshirta lot? JUCOs? What did Alabama do?

I'm curious to see what happens. For guys like Seantrel who were only going to be there for three years anyways, now he only has one weakened shot at playing in a NC or even just a big bowl game. Very curious to see what happens. Lane Kiffin is a hell of a recruiter (liar) and I wouldn't be surprised to see him do a pretty good job of convincing his guys to stay.

I bet Brewster is calling guys left and he should be.

You can expect a mass exodus from USC. Who wants to play for nothing? I am beginning to think the Gophers could go 2 and 0 against USC in the next two years.

With the horrific news of Nebraska's likely addition to the Big Ten, this is the only thing cheering me up right now.

I could be wrong but wouldn't it be a big violation for Brewster or any other coach to be calling players who are on another team trying to convince them to transfer?

Playing time and a big conference are first two priorities for the transfers. None of them are going to want to sit in a queue of players just as good as them for their final two years. The other consideration is that the most likely transfers aren't the big boys, they'll just enter the draft next year, it's the two deeps that will want a free fresh start. I would think the Gophers of the world are poised quite nicely.

I'm curious to see what happens. For guys like Seantrel who were only going to be there for three years anyways, now he only has one weakened shot at playing in a NC or even just a big bowl game. Very curious to see what happens. Lane Kiffin is a hell of a recruiter (liar) and I wouldn't be surprised to see him do a pretty good job of convincing his guys to stay.

SH only going there for 3 years anyways? Haha. Ok.


Juniors and seniors to-be on the USC Trojans' football team, hit with a two-year postseason ban among other punishments, will be allowed to transfer to other FBS programs without having to sit out a season, the NCAA clarified to ESPN on Friday.

"The second school would have to submit a waiver asking to waive the year in residence, but NCAA rules allow for this waiver to be granted if a student-athlete's first school has a postseason ban in their sport," NCAA spokeswoman Stacey Osburn said in an e-mail to ESPN's Joe Schad.

The rule does not apply to freshman who have signed national letters of intent, however. But schools with an interest in a USC junior or senior are allowed to initiate contact with the player, Osburn said.

Playing time and a big conference are first two priorities for the transfers. None of them are going to want to sit in a queue of players just as good as them for their final two years. The other consideration is that the most likely transfers aren't the big boys, they'll just enter the draft next year, it's the two deeps that will want a free fresh start. I would think the Gophers of the world are poised quite nicely.

I'd be curious to know if those kids who ended up 2nd team feel like their degree is their future, and they want to continue on and get a degree from USC and work the connections for a job.

It's possible that the U could pull off a win with USC in disarray. It might be an idea time to play them.

It might be...but I'd be a little wary of a team with a chip on its shoulder coming in here next year on a mission to thrash everyone as badly as they can.
That said, I'll take the chance of an even more humiliating beat-down when it comes with an increased chance of a team in disarray who we can steal a W from.

that would probably be the smart play for a lot of these guys. Especially a Jr who's buried on the depth chart. Then again, those aren't the guys Brewster should be going after. The only problem with this whole strategy is that stealing an upperclassman from USC really isn't any better than signing a JUCO, from a standpoint of providing depth and growth for our team. OTOH, at least you probably wouldn't have to worry about these guys flunking out of school, which seems to be a common refrain on the JUCO's we've brought in. And I would guess that most of the guys on the Trojan's second string would be starters for us.

Someone texted's Dennis Dodd: "Are the junior and senior USC Song Girls eligible to transfer?"

An excellent question. This is what is truly at stake here. ;)

that would probably be the smart play for a lot of these guys. Especially a Jr who's buried on the depth chart. Then again, those aren't the guys Brewster should be going after. The only problem with this whole strategy is that stealing an upperclassman from USC really isn't any better than signing a JUCO, from a standpoint of providing depth and growth for our team. OTOH, at least you probably wouldn't have to worry about these guys flunking out of school, which seems to be a common refrain on the JUCO's we've brought in. And I would guess that most of the guys on the Trojan's second string would be starters for us.

I agree that transfers are a risk. USC transfers are not different. UNLV has had 2 USC QB's (Jason Thomas and Rocky Hinds) transfer in. The fans assumed/hoped that these guys would lead UNLV to many great victories and were sorely disappointed in both cases, although Thomas did have his solid moments.

One thing I missed in this was that the Pac-10's in house transfer rules are unaffected and upperclassmen waiting to transfer would have to sit a year if they wanted to stay in the Pac10.

Eastward, Ho!

A real interest is what happens if a kid ends up back in the Pac 16 by the end of the summer when his transfer target transfers in turn...;)

I could be wrong but wouldn't it be a big violation for Brewster or any other coach to be calling players who are on another team trying to convince them to transfer?

In the case of upperclassmen with suspended postseasons, they are fair game. USC has just become the most talent laden junior college in history and I am guessing the Big Ten and SEC sharks are circling en masse looking to plug holes with some high quality talent.

That being said, it will be interesting to see who actually leaves. Certainly glory-hounds abound in that program, that being a major draw for them in the first place, but will they have the gumption to take a risk at trying to leverage playing time at another institution? A stressful summer, no doubt awaits many of them, as they are going to be mobbed with offers all over again. I wouldn't be surprised if some already buried on the depth chart take this as a free get of jail card.

Another good read

I agree that transfers are a risk. USC transfers are not different. UNLV has had 2 USC QB's (Jason Thomas and Rocky Hinds) transfer in. The fans assumed/hoped that these guys would lead UNLV to many great victories and were sorely disappointed in both cases, although Thomas did have his solid moments.

A big difference here is motives for transferring. If you get a fifth string guy who was just looking for any playing time, yeah there is a good chance he won't pan. If you get a second string guy who is anxious as all hell that Lane was going to bench him for 'his guys', still is a little shocked from the Pied Piper running off to Seattle, and now finds out that he can't even vicariously enjoy a bowl game that is a whole different story. This kid could be a great get for a team that is in shooting distance from a conference championship, but still needs some holes plugged. I would welcome any such additions, but imagine a mid-high-level program that could bill itself as a sure bowl contender looking to make it to the next level would be a bigger sell. Sadly, I thought of a Wisconsin or Iowa, but doubt the conservative coaches will capitalize.

A big difference here is motives for transferring. If you get a fifth string guy who was just looking for any playing time, yeah there is a good chance he won't pan. If you get a second string guy who is anxious as all hell that Lane was going to bench him for 'his guys', still is a little shocked from the Pied Piper running off to Seattle, and now finds out that he can't even vicariously enjoy a bowl game that is a whole different story. This kid could be a great get for a team that is in shooting distance from a conference championship, but still needs some holes plugged. I would welcome any such additions, but imagine a mid-high-level program that could bill itself as a sure bowl contender looking to make it to the next level would be a bigger sell. Sadly, I thought of a Wisconsin or Iowa, but doubt the conservative coaches will capitalize.

I think you are right on here. A team like the Gophers would realistically have shots at guys lower in the depth chart, or have some existing ties to MN (perhaps they are local or were heavily recruited, and kept MN in their top 5 until the end. Are there any of those that are upperclassmen?)

I think the only real opportunity for the Gophers here is most likely to fill glaring weaknesses where even a 3rd or 4th string USC player represents an immediate improvement, and who likely wouldn't start at a BSC contender.

I don't think anyone wants to be the first one to transfer out. He will be considered a scab etc. I also agree that Lane is a heck of a talker (liar) etc., and believe he will keep the team somewhat intact for the time being. It will be interesting to see what happens.

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