Are the White, Bostick, and Mbakwe suspensions really that bad?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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We knew we had a full squad this year. We knew playing time would be tough. Mbakwe is out probably this entire season. White and Bostick? Who knows how long? But we have so many other guys ready to step up and play, I almost think it's a good thing if our roster thins out a bit. Players sit on the bench less, stay warm, learn to play with one another. Someone is likely to step up who might not have otherwise. Carter looks a bit better. Iverson is certainly bigger/stronger. Williams will find a lot more playing time. DJ will keep his playing time. These guys have a better opportunity to become a cohesive unit, which is so important in the game of basketball.

As much as I want to see these three guys succeed, and as much as I believe that each has plenty of talent to help this team, on the other hand I don't see how this team will be any worse this year than last year, and the Gophers should be right around the bottom of the top-25 all season, with hopefully a top-half seed for the Big Dance.


I tend to agree - maybe a red shirt for White - a year to shape up - to earn to play next year?

No chance for White redshirt...he'll go pro before he accepts that. He'll be on the court within a month I bet

Unless Royce completely ingores the message Tubby is sending...he will play before the BT starts...perhaps sooner? My gut tells me both Bostick and White will be ready to go come BT play. As for Mbakwe...who knows.

There is no way that Royce White is ready for the NBA. A 6-7 power forward with limited range on his jump shot are a dime a dozen. With that being said, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he decides to go pro after this year. Royce has demonstrated his inablity to think clearly multiple times in the past 2 years. I am hopeful that the latest mess will wake him up, but I'm not at all optimistic.

Oh the irony...

Am I the only who saw the irony of us losing two 6 foot 8 inch 240 pound forwards and you saying,

"I almost think it's a good thing if our roster thins out a bit."


:) :) :)

I was thinking it may be good for Tubby to get Royce a former NBA player as a mentor. Someone who can tell him how things work. Maybe JR Rider...

Out of fairness

I hate to see Bostick get lumped into these discussions as we have no firm idea what he's done. While I've heard a few rumors, all we know is it was a violation of team rules and it's being handled by Tubby. As to the length of his suspension, etc it seems like we're unfairly including him in the reactions to White's criminal misdemeanor charges and to Mbakwe's pending legal disposition of felony charges.

Its good for Royce to have Tubby as a mentor. We're a month into this thing...lets give it time to play out. Royce needs a father figure and now he'll get one. Breakin in has started.

Things will be just fine.

I tend to agree - maybe a red shirt for White - a year to shape up - to earn to play next year?

Red shirt a five star? Even if he is suspended, are you crazy?

Fat Pat said the other day that White has also been kicked out of the dorm because of his behavior. I don't believe anything Fat Pat says or writes. Does anyone have any knowledge?

As to the team improving, I agree this will be the key. Ralph & Colton are both much stronger and aware of what they will face. It looks like Joseph has improved a bunch. Westbrook actually looks like an athlete for the first time. And Cobbs and Carter will get large minutes. This team is significantly better without White or Mbakwe and if we get just one of them back we move from the margin of being ranked to solidly ranked.

This is going to be a terrific year and the basketball team will help take my mind off of Brewster's team.

Pat doesn't know squat about teh situation. Also, as Rick pointed out, lets stop jumping on was a team rule violation. I've heard rumors and none of them involve being in trouble with the law.


I respect your optimism, but there's a whole lot of smoke about Royce and his living situation. Heard it from way too many people. And when there's smoke ..... yes, there's usually fire.

As I've said before, I'm only surprised that he wasn't able to even get to the first exhibition game of his career before being suspended.

I fully expect White to be in uniform for the Big Ten opener .... and I'm very disappointed about it.

IF White shoplifted $100 in jeans
IF White pushed a security guard down doing it
IF White has already been kicked out of a dorm

I don't think he should suit up at all this year.

Fat Pat said the other day that White has also been kicked out of the dorm because of his behavior. I don't believe anything Fat Pat says or writes. Does anyone have any knowledge?

As to the team improving, I agree this will be the key. Ralph & Colton are both much stronger and aware of what they will face. It looks like Joseph has improved a bunch. Westbrook actually looks like an athlete for the first time. And Cobbs and Carter will get large minutes. This team is significantly better without White or Mbakwe and if we get just one of them back we move from the margin of being ranked to solidly ranked.

This is going to be a terrific year and the basketball team will help take my mind off of Brewster's team.

Royce was kicked out of his apartment/dorm whatever in Roy Wilkins Hall and is now living in a single in Pioneer Hall. I'm positive about this, I have a friend who lives on the floor he moved into.

Royce was kicked out of his apartment/dorm whatever in Roy Wilkins Hall and is now living in a single in Pioneer Hall. I'm positive about this, I have a friend who lives on the floor he moved into.

Well, that should prevent the dorm parties, anyway, as single rooms are awfully small. Is he the only basketball player in Pioneer Hall? I don't remember any in Frontier or Pioneer when I was in Frontier and ate at Pioneer, although there were a bunch in Centennial (my room was next to Sam Jacobsen; Hosea Crittenden, John Thomas, and I think Miles Tarver in there too, with Clem occasionally roaming the hallways).

Who was Royce living with originally? I thought players always lived with other players, but I haven't heard anything about who he lived with and I would think that if he lived with another player there would have been some talk about his roommate needing to find another one. I thought that Rodney and Royce were going to be roommates, but I think I remember reading that Rodney's living with Cobbs. I suppose they could've been roommates before White was kicked out, but it seems like it would be tough for one roommate to get in trouble and not the other.

Do you all read Us Weekly, too? I've never seen so much obsession about off the court situations. I yearn for the days of these petty crimes just being swept under the rug and out of the public eye. If Royce does play this year (he absolutely should in my opinion) will all of you boo him? Will you cheer if he helps us to a big win? Will that make you hypocrites?

Do you all read Us Weekly, too? I've never seen so much obsession about off the court situations. I yearn for the days of these petty crimes just being swept under the rug and out of the public eye. If Royce does play this year (he absolutely should in my opinion) will all of you boo him? Will you cheer if he helps us to a big win? Will that make you hypocrites?

He may very well play, but it isn't uncommon for athletes to be kicked off Division 1 teams for the exact same crime especially when you have had as many off the court issues that he has. The dude doesn't deserve to be on the team plain and simple, but he will be because of his talent level.

Too bad our AD doesn't have the balls like Illinois does to kick him off. Illinois top pitcher on it's baseball team was recently kicked off for shop-lifting. It happens people....and he didn't even get kicked out of his former high school, kicked out of his dorms one month in to the school year or assault a security guard. He could easily get suspended for the year. Easily.

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