Apology for the 10 players

Fair point. But if she's not a slut for agreeing to a gang bang, what is she?

I don't know but it doesn't help you sell the narrative that the football players are getting raked over the coals. It makes it easy for someone to dismiss you as a misogynistic knuckle dragger only worried about the football team, rather than to have to refute your argument.

They didn't do anything wrong, a bunch of women on their periods have their panties in a bunch. No arrest were made or charges were filed a "settlement" was reached. Now all bets are off and I hope this bitch gets sued. We are not Baylor, are boys did nothing wrong


Or according to Coach Sawvel, wasn't even the building. Sad

From Police report, DJam "may" have been consensual. Acts with "at least" 3 others was not.

The police report said at least 3 others was not? Then how in the world did they not get charged? What you meant is the accuser stated that, correct? The videos came later, yes?

From Police report, DJam "may" have been consensual. Acts with "at least" 3 others was not.

So the police found that it was not consensual, but the charges were dropped? Either that statement was wrong or our legal system is setting a bunch of rapists free. Which is it?

The police report said at least 3 others was not? Then how in the world did they not get charged? What you meant is the accuser stated that, correct? The videos came later, yes?

Yes those are her words. Scary part is that she really can't remember how many entered the room.

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Yes those are her words. Scary part is that she really can't remember how many entered the room.

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Ok - her words, not the police's words.

Yes those are her words. Scary part is that she really can't remember how many entered the room.

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So what was the point you tried to make here?

I wouldnt be so quick to appologize to the players if I was you. Just because they werent charged with a crime due to lack of evidence does in no way mean they did nothing wrong. For all you know the girl perhaps agreed to one thing and someone either took it to far or was degrading to her. It may not have been a crime at the beginning or during the vid but once she says thats enough it may very well be after that. None of us here know exactly what went on. Due process should play out though and actual facts and evidence considered before making any kind of recommendation or decision. It appears that hasnt happened which is sad.

So the police found that it was not consensual, but the charges were dropped? Either that statement was wrong or our legal system is setting a bunch of rapists free. Which is it?

There is a wide gape between what the police/detective/prosecutors believe happened and a person being charged. Beyond a reasonable doubt is a large hurdle to jump.

I wouldnt be so quick to appologize to the players if I was you. Just because they werent charged with a crime due to lack of evidence does in no way mean they did nothing wrong. For all you know the girl perhaps agreed to one thing and someone either took it to far or was degrading to her. It may not have been a crime at the beginning or during the vid but once she says thats enough it may very well be after that. None of us here know exactly what went on. Due process should play out though and actual facts and evidence considered before making any kind of recommendation or decision. It appears that hasnt happened which is sad.

When you have to add in a clause that the players aren't allowed to sue you, you're hiding something

Am I missing something, or is this board just for U of MN students and alumni?

He and only he decides who are fans which means you are not needed. Now if only the GH mods would elevate him to Emperor of Mods, he would eventually be the only one posting here on GH along with a select few minions who suck up to him. If left totally in charge, he would eventually have all of TCF to himself on game day seeing he is the only true fan.

When you have to add in a clause that the players aren't allowed to sue you, you're hiding something

Note she also agreed not to civilly sue the players, why would they put that in if the players weren't guilty??? See how that works?

In other words, no, that doesn't mean that at all. That's pretty common in cases like this. Otherwise the players could theoretically sue for libel/slander (can't remember which is which, too lazy to figure it out). Once she agreed to drop the restraining order, it could be perceived as a statement that the whole thing was done solely to defame the players, rather than that they came to a mutual agreement that satisfied everyone. Even if the players had no legitimate case they could keep her in court for years, theoretically.

There has to be more to this than we know (well I hope there's not, but I hope there is if you know what I mean - definitely suspect there is). Why would a player that wasn't there be punished(assuming Sawvel is accurate)? Don't give me this PC culture crap, or else the whole team would be suspended. There has to be something else, like accusations the player interfered in the investigation, intimidated a witness or the victim, etc.

This is just disappointing overall.

I'm absolutely shocked at how badly the University have handled this. I can't comment on the justice of the case/allegations as I don't know enough about what happened - but for everyone concerned - the girl and her family, the players and their families, they deserve closure on the issue.

From what I have read, the young lady was glad it was all over when the legal investigation ended - if that wasn't/isn't the case I might view what is happening now differently, but presuming that quote/report is accurate, the University IMHO is showing a complete disregard for the wishes and emotional health and well-being of everyone concerned. To drag these kids back into the media spotlight again is an absolute disgrace - any investigation the University was carrying out should have concluded at the same time as the legal investigation. I feel so sorry for everyone concerned.

If the players decide to boycott this game I will support them 100%. If that happens the University should refund the tickets and travel for any fan that has bought them.

I'm absolutely shocked at how badly the University have handled this. I can't comment on the justice of the case/allegations as I don't know enough about what happened - but for everyone concerned - the girl and her family, the players and their families, they deserve closure on the issue.

From what I have read, the young lady was glad it was all over when the legal investigation ended - if that wasn't/isn't the case I might view what is happening now differently, but presuming that quote/report is accurate, the University IMHO is showing a complete disregard for the wishes and emotional health and well-being of everyone concerned. To drag these kids back into the media spotlight again is an absolute disgrace - any investigation the University was carrying out should have concluded at the same time as the legal investigation. I feel so sorry for everyone concerned.

If the players decide to boycott this game I will support them 100%. If that happens the University should refund the tickets and travel for any fan that has bought them.

The U was investigating whether the players violated the Student Code of Conduct. They were not investigating criminal conduct. 'The standard of proof is considerably less for SCOC violations than for crimes. Anyone paying attention knew the investigation was on-going.

Okay, as a father of women, this isn't a feminist issue. It is an issue of power and abuse. Men lining up to have sex with a drunk women is not honorable. It is not sport. It is not right. And, those ten and the others who support them can walk off campus and I will be happy to see you leave campus. I don't care if the game is lost. I don't care if you have to be replaced on the roster. The guys who replace you will know for certain that this type of behavior is not welcome at the U. NOT WELCOME.

Here is a hashtag for you "lives matter" folk. #womenslivesmatter

Okay, as a father of women, this isn't a feminist issue. It is an issue of power and abuse. Men lining up to have sex with a drunk women is not honorable. It is not sport. It is not right. And, those ten and the others who support them can walk off campus and I will be happy to see you leave campus. I don't care if the game is lost. I don't care if you have to be replaced on the roster. The guys who replace you will know for certain that this type of behavior is not welcome at the U. NOT WELCOME.

Here is a hashtag for you "lives matter" folk. #womenslivesmatter

This issue would not have blown up as much as it has if the 4 involved had been expelled. Adding 6 more people out of the blue, some who were asleep or not even there, and issuing vague explanations and confusing press conferences is what sent this thing nuclear.

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The U was investigating whether the players violated the Student Code of Conduct. They were not investigating criminal conduct. 'The standard of proof is considerably less for SCOC violations than for crimes. Anyone paying attention knew the investigation was on-going.

My main point is exactly what you have described. Given that the standard of proof is less for a student code of conduct case compared to a criminal investigation, there is absolutely no excuse as to why the U couldn't have announced the SCOC verdict at the same time as the criminal investigation concluded. Their tardiness is forcing all concerned (the girl, the alleged offenders, the football players and staff - and also the fans) to relive this whole nightmare twice when doing it once is difficult enough. Not only is that appalling PR for the University, it implies (at best) that the administration is either indecisive or disorganised and (at worst) that it is insensitive to the victim or the falsely accused depending on how this is interpreted.

My visit to Minnesota a few years ago was one of highlights of my life. I thought the facilities were amazing and the people incredibly warm and friendly. My short insight into the work of University staff at operational level (the Athletics media team) left me with the impression that things in the US are very well-run and highly creative. If my children had wanted to study at an American University rather than staying in Britain I would have pushed them to apply to Minnesota. I am so disappointed that top level administration have handled this in a way that I feel has accentuated the damage to the reputation of the University.

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