as a former student who faced discplpinary action by the EOAA, i can say i feel for these guys. I was caught with an open container at a hockey game. Three months after, and after i had already served my community service and thinking all this had blown over, i got called into the EOAA office and raked over the coals threatening expulsion. Keep in mind i was a 3.8 student, no priors, academic probation or anything of the sort, I couldnt help but feel like this lady had an axe to grind. I left the meeting having to do more community service (which fine, i picked up trash in dinkytown on a sunday morning), come up with an action plan to give up on drinking, and was then put on academic probation for a year. Point is the EOAA is on a complete power trip, by god if the student conduct code was broken, everyone is getting ****ed. These people are definitely over the top, and I feel for these players.
I wonder if there were any other students at this apartment? and if so what is their punishment and do there names also can put in a press release? yea yea, these are public figures i get it, but still. This whole situation and how it has been handled just makes me lose a lot of confidence in the U. Its like everyone is out to get each other, stupid liberal in-fighting ruining our sports!
Anyhoo, my two cents. Hope that ramble was coherent enough.