Apology for the 10 players

Jan 14, 2016
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As a former student, and as a former HUGE fan, I want to apologize on behalf of Gopher Nation. You guys don't deserve to be treated like this. It is OUR privilege to have you on campus and playing for us. Best wishes, and I hope you guys transfer to a real school that cares about it's athletes.

You say that Maroon & Gold Lives Matter...you have many "posters" who are concerned about what is happening, want the facts, concerned about proper due process as it has already been done once...and you tell them to transfer? No you didn't apologize on my behalf. Get lost.

Apologizing to the players that put themselves in this situation? You must be joking.

As a former student, and as a former HUGE fan, I want to apologize on behalf of Gopher Nation. You guys don't deserve to be treated like this. It is OUR privilege to have you on campus and playing for us. Best wishes, and I hope you guys transfer to a real school that cares about it's athletes.

Couldn't agree more. You are representing the U and not getting any support from your President and your Athletic Director. As such you deserve an apology. Suspended because some PC group, who despise athletics, need to do something to justify their existence. But the people who should watching your back,have checked out. Takes courage to undo a wrong-something both the afore mentioned administrators lack. Again sorry about what happened here. Hope you can find a new school with administrators who will support you. You deserve better than what transpired at the U.

I love how all the wretched foul Badger-lovers congregate here at any mention of Gopher-related angst.

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as a former student who faced discplpinary action by the EOAA, i can say i feel for these guys. I was caught with an open container at a hockey game. Three months after, and after i had already served my community service and thinking all this had blown over, i got called into the EOAA office and raked over the coals threatening expulsion. Keep in mind i was a 3.8 student, no priors, academic probation or anything of the sort, I couldnt help but feel like this lady had an axe to grind. I left the meeting having to do more community service (which fine, i picked up trash in dinkytown on a sunday morning), come up with an action plan to give up on drinking, and was then put on academic probation for a year. Point is the EOAA is on a complete power trip, by god if the student conduct code was broken, everyone is getting ****ed. These people are definitely over the top, and I feel for these players.

I wonder if there were any other students at this apartment? and if so what is their punishment and do there names also can put in a press release? yea yea, these are public figures i get it, but still. This whole situation and how it has been handled just makes me lose a lot of confidence in the U. Its like everyone is out to get each other, stupid liberal in-fighting ruining our sports!

Anyhoo, my two cents. Hope that ramble was coherent enough.

As a former student, and as a former HUGE fan, I want to apologize on behalf of Gopher Nation. You guys don't deserve to be treated like this. It is OUR privilege to have you on campus and playing for us. Best wishes, and I hope you guys transfer to a real school that cares about it's athletes.

Complete BS. Any player who witnessed other players having gang sex with the girl without her consent and did nothing to stop it deserves to be kicked off the team at a minimum. If they participated in sex in any way they deserve to be expelled from the U. Period.

as a former student who faced discplpinary action by the EOAA, i can say i feel for these guys. I was caught with an open container at a hockey game. Three months after, and after i had already served my community service and thinking all this had blown over, i got called into the EOAA office and raked over the coals threatening expulsion. Keep in mind i was a 3.8 student, no priors, academic probation or anything of the sort, I couldnt help but feel like this lady had an axe to grind. I left the meeting having to do more community service (which fine, i picked up trash in dinkytown on a sunday morning), come up with an action plan to give up on drinking, and was then put on academic probation for a year. Point is the EOAA is on a complete power trip, by god if the student conduct code was broken, everyone is getting ****ed. These people are definitely over the top, and I feel for these players.

I wonder if there were any other students at this apartment? and if so what is their punishment and do there names also can put in a press release? yea yea, these are public figures i get it, but still. This whole situation and how it has been handled just makes me lose a lot of confidence in the U. Its like everyone is out to get each other, stupid liberal in-fighting ruining our sports!

Anyhoo, my two cents. Hope that ramble was coherent enough.

I'm sorry to ask this, but this was all simply over an open container at a hockey game and nothing else?

I went to UMD and probably 25% of the student section had open containers at every game.

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Wait wat does apologizing ... for someone else's actions even .. mean?

As a former student, and as a former HUGE fan, I want you to apologize to Gopher Nation. You guys deserve to be treated like this. It is YOUR privilege to be on campus and playing for us on a full scholarship. Good riddance and I hope you guys transfer to a school that cares only about it's athletes, I'd suggest Baylor.


Apologizing to the players that put themselves in this situation? You must be joking.

How exactly does a kid sleeping in a different bedroom having NOTHING to do with any of this or a kid who wasn't even there but somehow their name got put on it and suspended for it, was putting themselves in this situation.. By existing? Or just existing on the U of M campus..?

I'm sorry to ask this, but this was all simply over an open container at a hockey game and nothing else?

I went to UMD and probably 25% of the student section had open containers at every game.

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UMD not nearly as liberaly nutjobish and feministic (idc they're real words) as the U...

How come we never hear of issues like this from say the Baseball Taem, or either of the Hockey Teams, or Danceline, or Volleyball? Why is it that anytime poop hits the fan it's always the Football players almost 99.5% of the time the ones in trouble?

I'm sorry to ask this, but this was all simply over an open container at a hockey game and nothing else?

I went to UMD and probably 25% of the student section had open containers at every game.

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Correct, my friends and i were passing around a fountain drink bought from the rink with some whiskey in it. They saw us passing it around and asked us to leave. I took the fall because i was the only one who was 21 at the time. So my friends decided to leave with me and the UMPD stopped us and gave them both minors and me an open container ticket. My friend turned 21 at midnight no less. It was all very ridiculous and frustrating.

Can you go to their fan board and leave this one, please? This board is for fans of Gopher football.

UMD graduates get a diploma that states they graduated from the University of Minnesota. It doesn't mention Duluth anywhere. Many UMD graduates love Gopher football and more than a few of them have season tickets to the games.

How come we never hear of issues like this from say the Baseball Taem, or either of the Hockey Teams, or Danceline, or Volleyball? Why is it that anytime poop hits the fan it's always the Football players almost 99.5% of the time the ones in trouble?

Maybe because there's more of them? 85 schollies versus ...?

Apologizing to the players that put themselves in this situation? You must be joking.

What situation did they put themselves in????? The police and the prosecutor's office both feel that there's nothing more to do. As far as I can see, the only situation they were in is being popular targets at a femi-nazi communist campus.

Complete BS. Any player who witnessed other players having gang sex with the girl without her consent and did nothing to stop it deserves to be kicked off the team at a minimum. If they participated in sex in any way they deserve to be expelled from the U. Period.

It aint about that. This is nothing more than a vindictive slut methodically planning to ruin the lives of these men and hurt the team in the process. Once this is done, I hope the players set up a GoFundMe and get a good lawyer to sue the **** out of this slut for character defamation.

Can you take your self-righteousness and shove it up your ***? Or I'll be glad to, tough internet guy.

Threatening people on the internet...and I'm the "tough internet guy". Ok. By your own admission, you're no longer a Gopher fan. Why are you here?

It aint about that. This is nothing more than a vindictive slut methodically planning to ruin the lives of these men and hurt the team in the process. Once this is done, I hope the players set up a GoFundMe and get a good lawyer to sue the **** out of this slut for character defamation.

You're making yourself sound foolish with the childish name calling. People are more likely to take you seriously if you talk like an intelligent adult.

As a former student, and as a former HUGE fan, I want to apologize on behalf of Gopher Nation. You guys don't deserve to be treated like this. It is OUR privilege to have you on campus and playing for us. Best wishes, and I hope you guys transfer to a real school that cares about it's athletes.

How do you know what they deserve? Seriously, that's not a rhetorical question.

Complete BS. Any player who witnessed other players having gang sex with the girl without her consent and did nothing to stop it deserves to be kicked off the team at a minimum. If they participated in sex in any way they deserve to be expelled from the U. Period.

It was consensual

Can you go to their fan board and leave this one, please? This board is for fans of Gopher football.
I played football for UMD and it is completely acceptable to be a fan of gopher football as this is the only D1 football in the state.

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Can you go to their fan board and leave this one, please? This board is for fans of Gopher football.

I graduated from UMD, my University of Minnesota Diploma is signed by Ken Keller, and I have been a staunch supporter of Gopher Football my entire life, and season ticket holder.
Plus, UMD does compete with the "Main U" in football.

It took me years to be able to partake in the Minnesota Rouser though, since it was jammed down our throats so many times at hockey games....But I'm getting over it.

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