AP: What’s my motivation? Stakes low for 2-win Big Ten teams


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Nov 11, 2008
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per the AP:

Minnesota has had its last two games canceled because of COVID-19 issues, more than 20 players will be unavailable for this week’s game and the Gophers’ best player has opted out.

It begs the question: How motivated are the Gophers to play Nebraska on Saturday and next week’s game against a yet-to-be-announced opponent?

P.J. Fleck understands why he’s asked. His Gophers are among 10 Big Ten teams sitting at two wins in this abbreviated season, and the question could be asked of any of the 10.

Uncertainty about whether there would be a season, stoppages during the season and daily COVID-19 testing and strict safeguards put in place to avoid the virus have made the last 10 months a grind. One might wonder if players, many of whom are mentally and physically beaten down, would just like to get the season behind them and move on to next year.

Fleck said it doesn’t work that way.

“Anybody who’s here cares, period,” he said. “It’s too hard of a game not to invest as much as you do and not care. I think there have been challenges that have challenged every single one of us, of how much it matters to all of us and what truly matters to us.”

Like Fleck, Nebraska coach Scott Frost isn’t worried about a dwindling care factor among his players.

“I think we have more guys on the team now that love football, that certainly helps,” he said. “I think we’ve got guys that care about each other more. They still feel like they’re having fun playing and have something to prove.”

Half the two-win teams have fallen well short of preseason expectations.

Go Gophers!!

I think for NFL guys and guy's whose heart really wasn't in the game before the season, etc, yeah there's competing interests.

Other guys, I think they generally want to play.

People who ask that question don’t really get it.

The college football playoff has made people forget what college football is about.

Interesting to see the quote from Boston College yesterday whose players decided to pass on any bowl game this year. Basically they have had one positive test on the team all year, but the mental stress put on the players all season to meet protocols has worn them out physically and mentally.

Interesting to see the quote from Boston College yesterday whose players decided to pass on any bowl game this year. Basically they have had one positive test on the team all year, but the mental stress put on the players all season to meet protocols has worn them out physically and mentally.
Part of playing football is fun. This year isn’t fun for anyone.
Let’s work our asses off and have no social life to play in an empty stadium?

Interesting to see the quote from Boston College yesterday whose players decided to pass on any bowl game this year. Basically they have had one positive test on the team all year, but the mental stress put on the players all season to meet protocols has worn them out physically and mentally.
I could see that. If you go to a bowl game which are held generally in the week after Christmas and just after NYD, protocol would probably mean not staying with your family that whole time. For a, say 3 win team, to go to a second rate bowl game where there are no fans, no special events or socialization, and quarantine away from family for the holidays, that doesn’t sound too appealing.

Are there really going to be many bowl games as a number of them have already been cancelled anyway?

Are there really going to be many bowl games as a number of them have already been cancelled anyway?
Not sure how many there’ll end up being but it’ll be more than just the New Years 6

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