Anyone know how to watch a broadcast of the game?

Jul 12, 2011
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Hey guys, This is my first time posting, but i've been lurking for a long time. I'm a student at the U and I was at the game. Best game of my life! After storming the field, I really want to see a broadcast of the game. I know one member said that it was rebroadcasted from 6-9 this morning, but I didn't see that till late. Does anyone know how to watch a broadcast of the game again online or am I going to have to wait till the BTN airs it again? Thanks for listening. Ski-U-Mah!!!

The rebroadcast at 6:00 had a "moving ahead in the action due to time constraints" situation. By itself, that isn't a big deal and BTN does that a lot. However, I couldn't help but scratch my head when they decided to re-air the entire half time production and instead chose to cut the onside kick AND all but the last play of the game winning drive. WTF?!?!?!

One thing I picked up right away is one of my great pet peeves was fixed. I sure hope it is for all eternity... They had mic placement done perfectly so that the band actually sounded like a BAND, and not just 4 flutes with an echoing backup. It actually sounded more like the real thing, and equal to the consistent loud band sound normally heard from the Michigan, Ohio State, USC, etc. bands in their stadiums. Someone finally got it right with the mic placement!!

Thanks for the link arbogast. I'll see if I can find a way to log on there. That sucks about the time constraint cuts. I'll see if I can get it. Thanks!

Hey guys, This is my first time posting, but i've been lurking for a long time. I'm a student at the U and I was at the game. Best game of my life! After storming the field, I really want to see a broadcast of the game. I know one member said that it was rebroadcasted from 6-9 this morning, but I didn't see that till late. Does anyone know how to watch a broadcast of the game again online or am I going to have to wait till the BTN airs it again? Thanks for listening. Ski-U-Mah!!!

Welcome to GH! I always love to see new posters (that appear to be normal ;). I looked for it in my listing as well. To tide you over - ChemEGopher just tweeted me this link. What a beautiful onside kick! :)

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Yeah, taking out the onside kick and all of the game winning drive except the 4th and goal play was ridiculous. Bad decision, BTN!

Yeah, BTN2go is the way to go if you possibly can. You get the ENTIRE game, and usually pretty good quality. Sometimes I have trouble logging in on Firefox, but IE works well for me.

Ding ding ding....yes the entire game is on btn2go.

Great to see Q and team go to work on the 2nd TD. Would have had a wide open 2 pt conversion from Shortell ... just got to lob that over the LBs.


BTN2Go is the way to go. I got myself a work-around (using my dad's BTN2Go account) and re-watched the game last night. The last 2 offensive drives in the 4th quarter were things of beauty. It almost looked like a completely different team playing in Maroon and Gold.

BTN will have a "60 minute" rebroadcast today @ 6-7pm. (Whatever that is?).

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