Anybody but Trestman!!


Active member
Feb 9, 2009
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I cannot believe these rumors have any traction. Maturi would confirm all our worst beliefs about him. What happened to hiring a marquee coach, a Tubby Smith type guy? The CFL is a joke.

The CFL is simply where he is now. He spent years in the NFL and CFB, working for and with
some of the best football minds in the business. He is well-respected within the coaching
profession. His current gig is his first shot as a head coach, and it looks like he's
doing a great job.

Marv Levy and Bud Grant also cut their teeth as head coaches in the CFL so I wouldn't
dismiss that experience out of hand.

Remember....a head coach at the FBS level is first and foremost a "program manager".
Many great Xs and Os guys fail at the job because they could not find a way to
simultaneously manage the 12-18 different "sub-jobs" that the HC job entails.

So many of you are panic-stricken over Trestman. If I were you, I would spend a few
nano-seconds to do a little research. When I evaluate a coach, I take a look at what his
players, teammates, and fellow coaches say. I almost NEVER listen to the media on that,
and I certainly do not use message boards as a source.

Dismiss and underestimate him at your peril. I'm not saying he's the one to be hired, but
I see no reason why he shouldn't be considered. Along with several others, I
believe he could succeed here with the right support from the U.

I cannot believe these rumors have any traction. Maturi would confirm all our worst beliefs about him. What happened to hiring a marquee coach, a Tubby Smith type guy? The CFL is a joke.

There is zero chance he will be the coach here. The least fit of any candidate out there.

I feel like I don't have enough information to make any kind of a decision on Trestman. He seems to me to be an unknown commodity. Many on this board throw around statements like, "He makes me want to puke" or "I would give up my season tickets if hired". Can anyone state specifically what they don't like about Trestman?

I feel like I don't have enough information to make any kind of a decision on Trestman. He seems to me to be an unknown commodity. Many on this board throw around statements like, "He makes me want to puke" or "I would give up my season tickets if hired". Can anyone state specifically what they don't like about Trestman?

1. The last time he coached college kids was way back in 1984. Except one year in 2005 From wiki :Trestman spent the 2004 season with the Miami Dolphins and in 2005 he returned to college football as the North Carolina State Wolfpack offensive coordinator where he was known for being a conservative play-caller.
2. His comb-over.
3. In 20+ years in the NFL he was never a head coach
4. Had nine different coaching stints in the NFL with 8 teams.
5. Was banished to the CFL
6. transferred from the U to go to Moorhead
7. Just seems to be a QB coach
8. Retread

The CFL is simply where he is now. He spent years in the NFL and CFB, working for and with
some of the best football minds in the business. He is well-respected within the coaching
profession. His current gig is his first shot as a head coach, and it looks like he's
doing a great job.

Marv Levy and Bud Grant also cut their teeth as head coaches in the CFL so I wouldn't
dismiss that experience out of hand.

Remember....a head coach at the FBS level is first and foremost a "program manager".
Many great Xs and Os guys fail at the job because they could not find a way to
simultaneously manage the 12-18 different "sub-jobs" that the HC job entails.

So many of you are panic-stricken over Trestman. If I were you, I would spend a few
nano-seconds to do a little research. When I evaluate a coach, I take a look at what his
players, teammates, and fellow coaches say. I almost NEVER listen to the media on that,
and I certainly do not use message boards as a source.

Dismiss and underestimate him at your peril. I'm not saying he's the one to be hired, but
I see no reason why he shouldn't be considered. Along with several others, I
believe he could succeed here with the right support from the U.

First off Levy and Grant have a total of 8 super bowl loses between them and neither ever coached college. Grant coached when the NFC was weak and Levy when the AFC was weak. I'm not blown away by that comparison.

Also, I've done some research on Trestman and he's always the guy who comes in when no one else wants the job (i.e. right before the head coach is about to be fired). His offenses are terrible and he never lasts more than a 2 years before being run out of town. The reason he's in the CFL is because no one in this country will hire him. At least Brewster was good at something (recruiting). Trestman will drive this program into the ground.


The CFL is simply where he is now. He spent years in the NFL and CFB, working for and with
some of the best football minds in the business. He is well-respected within the coaching

By uofi1998 (From

Posted Nov 22, 2004

Tim Brewster has learned under a long list of winners, including Bill Parcells and Mack Brown

He (Brewster) is highly respected by his peers,

1. The last time he coached college kids was way back in 1984. Except one year in 2005 From wiki :Trestman spent the 2004 season with the Miami Dolphins and in 2005 he returned to college football as the North Carolina State Wolfpack offensive coordinator where he was known for being a conservative play-caller.
2. His comb-over.
3. In 20+ years in the NFL he was never a head coach
4. Had nine different coaching stints in the NFL with 8 teams.
5. Was banished to the CFL
6. transferred from the U to go to Moorhead
7. Just seems to be a QB coach
8. Retread

9. Bob Sansevere supports him and Bob Sansevere knows nothing about college football. Ergo, there's some sort of agenda in play. A nefarious agenda? We'll find out.

I'd Be Thrilled With Trestman

This malice toward an ex-Gopher QB is really baffling, and a bit disquieting to be honest. It's almost as if Trestman must have kicked someone's dog or something. The guy has had a great track record of developing QB's and coordinating high-scoring offenses, and has recently proven his HC chops by winning the CFL championship. I'd be proud and happy to have him here as our head coach. If he's good enough for Tony Dungy, he's sure as heck good enough for me (proud Gopher alum).

If he's good enough for Tony Dungy, he's sure as heck good enough for me (proud Gopher alum).

How is he good enough for Dungy? If you're referring to the quote from the Dan Patrick Show, you're taking it out of context.

Thanks Glovedgopher for your post. I always appreciate it when I see real thought put into a post instead of just throwing insults around :)

There is zero chance he will be the coach here. The least fit of any candidate out there.

The fact that you're saying this, makes me feel a lot better. Geez, we wanna win, not satisfy a few people's wet dream.

This malice toward an ex-Gopher QB is really baffling, and a bit disquieting to be honest. It's almost as if Trestman must have kicked someone's dog or something. The guy has had a great track record of developing QB's and coordinating high-scoring offenses, and has recently proven his HC chops by winning the CFL championship. I'd be proud and happy to have him here as our head coach. If he's good enough for Tony Dungy, he's sure as heck good enough for me (proud Gopher alum).

How many teams are in the CFL? Eight. Proves nothing to me.

Good article.

Like I said before, if he's worth hiring just for his loyalty to the U, then he would be the type of person willing to be O-coordinator at the U. I just think that right now, because we are so desperate to have a big-name guy who can flat out coach and recruit and graduate players, Trestman doesn't fit the bill.

Now if we were to get a Defensive-minded coach, and all around good guy like Leslie Frazier, I would be 100% hoping for Trestman as O-coordinator. Dungy seems to like both, or at least seems to think both guys could fit in well in Minnesota. This gives us the initial big name splash of Frazier, but also gives Trestman a chance to be hired from the inside if Frazier decides to go on to bigger and better coaching jobs (like many think he is capable of).

9. Bob Sansevere supports him and Bob Sansevere knows nothing about college football. Ergo, there's some sort of agenda in play. A nefarious agenda? We'll find out.
10. Looks like a pedophile. Check his property for windowless vans.


Also, I've done some research on Trestman and he's always the guy who comes in when no one else wants the job (i.e. right before the head coach is about to be fired). His offenses are terrible and he never lasts more than a 2 years before being run out of town. The reason he's in the CFL is because no one in this country will hire him. At least Brewster was good at something (recruiting). Trestman will drive this program into the ground.[/QUOTE]

He probably likes his hamburgers with mayonaise on top which also should disqualify him.

As much as I'd like living in Montreal, and apparently Trestman likes Montreal which is admirable, I do not want him to be our coach.

He would be a huge upgrade over what we had, but the program can do much better with Leach or Bellotti. (or Grant or Caruso OK, maybe not so much those two although they'd still be an upgrade)

1. The last time he coached college kids was way back in 1984. Except one year in 2005

So the last time he coached college kids was 2005..of course he was there two the last time he coached college kids was in 2006. But 1984 sounds better.

From wiki :Trestman spent the 2004 season with the Miami Dolphins and in 2005 he returned to college football as the North Carolina State Wolfpack offensive coordinator where he was known for being a conservative play-caller.

We're going to conduct the coaching search through wikipedia?

"Wikipedia is the best thing ever. Anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject. So you know you are getting the best possible information." - Michael Scott

We're going to conduct the coaching search through wikipedia?

"Wikipedia is the best thing ever. Anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject. So you know you are getting the best possible information." - Michael Scott

The attempted nullifying of the credibility of Wikipedia is a tried action. And while there's a valid point in the fact that anyone can write whatever they want about any subject, Wikipedia also compiles links to sources that provide said information.

Of course, using those sources would involve an additional click here and there and a bit of digging, maybe.

To shoot down someone's argument because they used Wikipedia as a source is a poor generalization. Also, if you are going to question one's information, at least provide some of your own (with a source of course.. Because we wouldn't want anyone to question your posts validity, right?)

When firing a coach you should always ask yourself, will other teams at the same level be lining up to hire him? If so, you're probably making a mistake (think Mike Shanahan in Denver.)

When looking for a coach to hire, ask yourself 'do other teams at the same level have him on thier short list? If the answer is no, you should probably run away. No other BCS or even non-BCS job will even have Marc Trestman cross their mind. None. Not even North Texas. At least Brewster had been in some final groups when we hired him (Iowa State I believe.)

The man is 54 years old. He's coached in college a whopping 2 years out of 30 and it was a disaster. He never stayed in the same place in the NFL longer then 2-3 years. These are huge, massive red flags. His ONLY distinguishing characteristics are that he's an Alum and he grew up in MN. There are tons of people on this very board who share these and they should count for anything more then a tie-breaker between to equal candidates.

This has all the marks of an epic disaster written all over it and the man at the controls is sadly fully capable of pulling it off.

The attempted nullifying of the credibility of Wikipedia is a tried action. And while there's a valid point in the fact that anyone can write whatever they want about any subject, Wikipedia also compiles links to sources that provide said information.

Of course, using those sources would involve an additional click here and there and a bit of digging, maybe.

To shoot down someone's argument because they used Wikipedia as a source is a poor generalization. Also, if you are going to question one's information, at least provide some of your own (with a source of course.. Because we wouldn't want anyone to question your posts validity, right?)

Well, if you want to use Wikipedia to judge Trestman negatively, you might be disappointed. There's a lot of positives in there:

Trestman then moved to the National Football League and coached the running backs with the Minnesota Vikings in 1985 and 1986. He became quarterbacks coach with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 1987 then held the same position with the Cleveland Browns in 1988. In Cleveland he again coached Kosar and the team finished 10-6 and made the playoffs. He was promoted to offensive coordinator in 1989. That year Kosar passed for 3,533 yards and 18 TDs, wide receiver Webster Slaughter had a franchise record 1,236 receiving yards, and the Browns made it to the AFC Championship game.

In 1990, Trestman returned to Minnesota as quarterbacks coach for the Vikings. He spent two years there and then left coaching for three years.

He returned to the NFL in 1995 as quarterbacks coach and offensive coordinator with San Francisco, where he served in that capacity through 1996. The first year he was there the 49ers led the NFL with 457 points scored, 644 pass attempts and 4,779 passing yards.

Trestman moved to the Detroit Lions and quarterbacks coach in 1997. That year Lion's quarterback Scott Mitchell passed for 3,484 yards, second most in team history.

In 1998 he was with the Arizona Cardinals as quarterbacks coach and offensive coordinator. That year quarterback Jake Plummer threw for 3,737 yards, and the Cardinals made the playoffs for the first time since 1982 and won their first post season game in 51 years.

He next went to the Oakland Raiders in 2001 as the quarterbacks coach. In 2002 he was promoted to offensive coordinator and the Raiders led the NFL in total offense with 389.8 yards per game and passing yards with 279.7 per game. That Raider team made it to the Super Bowl but lost to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Trestman spent the 2004 season with the Miami Dolphins and in 2005 he returned to college football as the North Carolina State Wolfpack offensive coordinator where he was known for being a conservative play-caller.

On December 18, 2007, Trestman was confirmed as the head coach for the Montreal Alouettes of the Canadian Football League. The Alouettes narrowly lost 22-14 to the Calgary Stampeders in the 2008 Grey Cup championship game. At the conclusion of the season, he was nominated for the CFL's Annis Stukus Award as the league's top coach, with Calgary's John Hufnagel winning. On March 5th 2010, Trestman won the Coach of the year award.

In 2009, Trestman led the Alouettes to the Grey Cup, winning with a thrilling field goal with no time left on the clock.After the season,it was announced that he was signed through the 2012 season as the head coach.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

Tell me more about prestigious CFL awards.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

Tell me more about prestigious CFL awards.

The CFL is probably a better brand of football than say, The Sun Belt conference, or the MAC, but some people around here seem to be all for getting a successful coach from a lower end D1 conference.

I'm not saying we should hire the guy (I want Leach. Period.), but I don't understand the seething hate for Trestman. It seems bizarre to me.

Well, if you want to use Wikipedia to judge Trestman negatively, you might be disappointed. There's a lot of positives in there:

I'm sure there is. I'm not necessarily for or against Trestman, except that there's about 12 other names I'd love before him.

I just hate how people discredit Wiki-users in such a condescending manner. =)

The CFL is probably a better brand of football than say, The Sun Belt conference, or the MAC, but some people around here seem to be all for getting a successful coach from a lower end D1 conference.

I'm not saying we should hire the guy (I want Leach. Period.), but I don't understand the seething hate for Trestman. It seems bizarre to me.

I have no opinion, but it does seem really weird.

And Leach is not going to be the coach. Move on.

The CFL is probably a better brand of football than say, The Sun Belt conference, or the MAC, but some people around here seem to be all for getting a successful coach from a lower end D1 conference.

I'm not saying we should hire the guy (I want Leach. Period.), but I don't understand the seething hate for Trestman. It seems bizarre to me.

Some of us have children.

Totally Qualified

Come on people. Trestman was a big part of a national title in college. He was a big part of a Super Bowl win. He has CFL Grey Cup titles. He can coach. Just say you don't like him but don't make stuff up.

Leach or Peterson are my preferences.

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