Antoine Winfield says if President & AD at the U keep their jobs his son will leave


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Nov 11, 2008
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Antoine Winfield says if President & AD at the U keep their jobs his son will leave

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I would also be upset if my son were railroaded by a slanted and absurdly stacked disciplinary process that literally makes the accused prove they are innocent.

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It's Kaler and the board, Coyle is following marching orders.

I don't blame Sr. one bit, and with the season Jr. has had, he'd be welcome pretty much anywhere.

Coyle is rivaling Brewster as worst hire ever for U of M. It would be nice to see Antoine Sr. hit the sports talk circuit regarding this case.

The only thing he is probably guilty of is being in the same building as has been said of the four facing a year's suspension. The **** is hitting the fan... this program is toast if Kaler and Coyle do nothing about it.

Now that he's proved his football prowess in the B1G, Urban will probably give him a scholarship now.

Well then the Regents need to pull their heads out, wipe off the brown rings, on their necks and get it fixed. This is going to be a crapstorm that will make the Norwood ticket increases seem like a tiny bump in the road for marketing Gopher football.

So far Kaler and his minions have pissed the whole thing right down their legs.

Yep. I was annoyed at the Norwood stuff. I bitched during the Brewster years. If this thing continues to play out the way it has been, I'm done. At least I'm done until Kaler and Coyle are gone.

The U has a sick culture of extremes.

It's impossible to see a scenario where both Coyle and Claeys are employed by the U on 12/1/17. If even 1/1/17. The fallout from this will set us back to 2010 levels, IMO.

Ok, I have no sources and this is just my opinion but I think the reason Winfield Sr. is so pissed off is because he knows his son has done nothing wrong except for maybe being in the same building complex, yet when he went to as Coyle, Coyle could not give him a reason as to why his son was suspended, other than the EOAA having his name listed. Coyle and Kaler pretty much was given this EOAA report and said, "Oh, we don't want any fall out so let's suspend everyone listed and let due process happen later." And BAM, now the **** hit the fan and they are stuck. Seriously, if all they have on Winfield Jr. and the other three, is that they are guilty because of their vacinity only, then Kaler and Coyle should be fired... because they literally gang banged Winfield Jr.'s image, lively-hood, career. All because Coyle and Kaler felt pressure from this EOAA entity, without letting it all play out.

Anybody on this roster with another option is going to leave. Can't say I blame them either.

I didn't anticipate such an amateur hour from Coyle. He was backfooted early.

I didn't anticipate such an amateur hour from Coyle. He was backfooted early.
Perhaps, but Claeys should not have been popping off on Twitter. Very stupid, even if a few of his kids got the shaft for "simply being there." Being there has consequences, just like in high school if you got caught at a beer bash but never touched a drop - the school can suspend. The coach is writing his walking papers if he makes Twitter posts that counter the administration's execution of policy.

Perhaps, but Claeys should not have been popping off on Twitter. Very stupid, even if a few of his kids got the shaft for "simply being there." Being there has consequences, just like in high school if you got caught at a beer bash but never touched a drop - the school can suspend. The coach is writing his walking papers if he makes Twitter posts that counter the administration's execution of policy.

Johnny Paycheck.

Good for Antoine Sr. and the players for sticking up for the guys that are clearly not getting due process here. I know the kids don't have a constitutional right to attend a public university, but no one has a moral obligation to play or stay at a school that treats their students this way either. I think Claeys is hiding behind the players and half in on the issue. He should have started saying "I'm done unless my players get fair treatment." The after the fact support of the kids is a dumb half measure on his part that can lead to his firing just as easily as if he had taken the lead and it seems typical of his leadership so far that he can recognize it in the kids but not actual offer any on his own.

It's impossible to see a scenario where both Coyle and Claeys are employed by the U on 12/1/17. If even 1/1/17. The fallout from this will set us back to 2010 levels, IMO.

You are 50% right...Coyle and Claeys are not going anywhere, though.

As far as Winfield Sr...the door is now wide open for Junior to go to Ohio State, which is what I am sure they both wanted in the first place.

Claeys is trying to thread the eye of the needle here. It's a tight squeeze.

Good for Antoine Sr. and the players for sticking up for the guys that are clearly not getting due process here. I know the kids don't have a constitutional right to attend a public university, but no one has a moral obligation to play or stay at a school that treats their students this way either. I think Claeys is hiding behind the players and half in on the issue. He should have started saying "I'm done unless my players get fair treatment." The after the fact support of the kids is a dumb half measure on his part that can lead to his firing just as easily as if he had taken the lead and it seems typical of his leadership so far that he can recognize it in the kids but not actual offer any on his own.

In fairness to Claeys he may not have known how severely his players were being screwed. I doubt he was given any more information than the players or informed about the results of the interviews. As a parent I would feel really good that he stood up for my son/s versus being more concerned about how doing so may impact his career. We intrust our children's welfare to the guy who comes into our home and asks for them to attend their school. O respect Claeys stance and position.

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The person(s) that signed off on this suspension are ultimately responsible for this national meldown/embarrassment. What the hell did they expect would happen?

Kaler had to be the last word I would think. Someone mentioned Coyle also. Whoever is responsible needs to be gone.

Someone over there needs to show some balls.

Perhaps, but Claeys should not have been popping off on Twitter. Very stupid, even if a few of his kids got the shaft for "simply being there." Being there has consequences, just like in high school if you got caught at a beer bash but never touched a drop - the school can suspend. The coach is writing his walking papers if he makes Twitter posts that counter the administration's execution of policy.

As far as I know, Claeys' only public statement was his tweet. It's becoming clear that Coyle either didn't have Claeys or his staff on board or his coaches quickly abandoned ship as the iceberg neared.

It's troublesome that an 80 plus page list of particulars that obviously would have been seriously vetted and reviewed landed like a bomb out of the blue. The launch was so inept that the administration had to quickly say that "indefinite suspensions" included the Holiday Bowl. It's been react, react, react or "privacy" ever since. The players saw the weakness.

How are the players being screwed for violating school policies? I put policies in the pleural form, because it is obvious that more than one code of conduct was being abused. I find it very doubtful that a school administrator would violate a student's right to a fair hearing and consideration and I find it hard to believe that these athletes were suspended for "not being there". That is the worst form of speculation that gets repeated on this board. Pure crap. They got suspended for cause. The administration is acting like the administration should. They read the report. They agreed with the report. And, they are standing by their staff who made the call, all in performing the duty they are required to perform under federal code.

Once again, into the breach of faith, my friends.

Actually, they are "performing their duty" under a novel interpretation if Title 9 that is only a few years old. It is a politicized interpretation, and is designed to address historical and group based grievances, not just individual justice. Thus we have students railroaded all the time on the basis of murky allegations.

Your confidence in this commission is disturbing.

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