Anthony Hayes

I want to know your definition of "essentially no difference"... Frankly, Stanford and the U don't belong in the same sentence in terms of level of academics in my opinion, and that is no shot at the University of Minnesota at all.

That is what I mean by no difference. In most engineering fields, take the top 5 or 6 and really there is no difference. Most years we are between 1-4 in chemical engineering at the U, and that's statistically where our smartest kids go.

If you want to compare sociology departments go ahead, but I'm more interested in comparing our best departments to theirs. Overall, yes, Stanford's dumb kids are smarter than the U of M's dumb kids. Most football players fall into this category. If you are smart enough, you can go anywhere, and a lot of these kids know that Big Ten schools are every bit as good as (and sometimes better than) Stanford, Caltech, or MIT, depending on what you want to do.

I would love to have Anthony on our team, but there is no way that he is 6' 3. I've seen him in person and stood next to him while he had none of his gear on and he maybe had an inch on me and I am 6'0. With that being said, I will still be somewhat shocked if he ends up at the u as institutions highly regarded for their academics come first to students and their parents at places like Breck/blake/STA. You don't pay 20 grand a year or whatever it is to attend high school and end up at the U if you are capable of getting into the upper tier colleges --even if you are a d1 caliber athlete. Nothing against the U academically, but a degree from Stanford has much more merit nationally. Plus you have the SoCal chicks at your disposal :cool02:

A Stanford degree opens more doors for people but the SoCal chicks are a long drive away, Stanford is NoCal- still nice looking ladies

Academic Rankings World Universities - Math: Stanford 4th, UofM 28th
ARWU - Physics: Stanford 6th, UofM between 76-100th. (major drop from years past!!!)
ARWU - Chemistry: Stanford 4th, UofM 28th
ARWU - Computer Science: Stanford 1st, UofM 42nd
ARWU - Business/Economics: Stanford 4th, UofM 12th
ARWU - Life/Agricultural Sciences: Stanford 5th, UofM 35th
ARWU - Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy: Stanford 12th, UofM 15th
ARWU - Social Sciences: Stanford 3rd, UofM 12th.

Of all world Universities ranked in this research, the U of M consistently ranked in the top 20% of all Universities and were in the top 5th percentile in 5 different categories. Everyone should think Stanford is an elite university in every category of performance. The U is competitive in every academic area. Given a choice between the 2, I would have prefered Stanford. Given where I ended up, I am fine with the U. We rank in the top 30 of 500 overall.

Dollar for dollar (since I paid my own way through school), the U is a competitive choice...and my only choice for a top education. If money were no object...Palo Alto would have been nice!

Boston College is Notre Dame 2 and St Thomas Academy is a Cretin Durham Hall 2. He will go there because every Cretin kid dreams of playing football at Notre Dame, so since St Thomas Academy is Cretin High 2 their kids dream of attending Notre Dame 2 Boston College.

Boston College has owned Notre Dame on the Football Field, therefore they are Boston College 2

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