Another perfect day for football?


Pretty Sure You are Wrong
Jun 4, 2009
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I have been watching the forecast every day and so far it is shaping up like a cooler version of the Air Force game. Early in the week the forecasts looked like the upcoming Saturday would be wet. Then as the week goes on the weather looks better and better. Just today Saturday's forecast has gone from a 40% chance of rain all day to a 30% chance of showers in the morning then a decreasing chance in the afternoon. And it will be fun to finally break out my new gold sweatshirt after two tshirt games. Football weather!

I have my gold jacket ready to go, but will cold weather and possible showers ruin the success of solid gold saturday???

I have my gold jacket ready to go, but will cold weather and possible showers ruin the success of solid gold saturday???

It was hard to tell but it looked on TV like the rain ruined the white out at the Penn/Iowa game.

It was hard to tell but it looked on TV like the rain ruined the white out at the Penn/Iowa game.

It also ruined the game, giving the Hogeyes the big advantage because of their better LOS play.

The penn state game looked like a KKK rally with all the hooded white ponchos.

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