Another Brewster Thread


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Yeah, sorry, but bear with me, if you'd like.:(

Brewster's got to go for many reasons expressed around here by people who actually care about the program, neutral observers, douc@%^ag trolls posting for the first time and old-line Masonites who have been begging, hoping, praying and talking non-stop about how Saint Glen was crucified by Judas Maturi, then replaced with the inexperienced and/or incompetent Brewster.

While sometimes it's hard to tell the last two types of posters apart anybody who meets any discussion about Mason with "oh, yeah, at least he was better then BREWSTER" is probably a Masonite. (Full disclosure, I liked the Mason re-signing, but his actions after were..odd.)

Me? Any sober reading of my posts makes it pretty clear that I've never been sold on Brewster's coaching ability but I truly was hoping that with experience and better Coordinators he'd get it right. , He also seemed to give a damn about something besides his bank account and ego, something that Glen, Gordy etc. never did. That and the fact that if Brewster didn't make it I thought Minnesota would never get anybody worthwhile to replace him unless they could find someone Minnesota ties. Still do.

Saturday night though was the end. The tacking still sucks, D-Ends and LB's are still too small but this fanatical commitment to run the ball is just insane. The irony is most of the old guard demanding the Gophers "pound the rock":rolleyes:, and how their frustration is boiling over isn't lost on me. No the point is if Brewster stick's with this approach the Gophers are dead anyway. Let's just get this over with now.

The reason I wanted to post this separately, is I wanted to ask the Masonites if Brewster's firing will lead to them actually supporting the team again rather then coming-off like Panther Hawks on prune juice? Many appear to demand that Maturi go too. Will that be enough? Really, what will make the old, self-righteous SOBS stop bitching, whining and booing?

Of course, I'm on the "ignore list" for most of them. :clap:

My God - This Is Not About The Past

It is about the future.

They have to "take a flame thrower" to the program. Start completely fresh.

Maturi has to go - he MUST be personally accountable for the what has turned out to be an abominably poor hire.

Our new University president must be committed to fielding a competitive football team - one worthy of the new stadium, and long-suffering fans. Which means . . .

- Willingness to allot requisite $$$ for the effort
- Hiring a knowledgeable, and nationally-known and respected, AD that will . . .
- Hire a nationally known and respected head football coach, with experience, with a capable staff

Lots to add, but will take HOURS.

I liked coach Mason I will admit that, liked Brew to, until this year

The loss to South Dakota was just to much to take. Coach Brewster works his butt off, put's in a ton of time and effort but with him, this staff they are just not getting the payoff. The talent is not improving with experience, that seems to cry out for new leadership and a change.
Coach Mason , he alway's struck me as someone that was pretty distant, understood football, decent football coach, could teach technique and found enough players to win a few games but was not the most likeable of person's. He did not seem like he tried that hard to elevate Minnesota and was satisfied with status quo. That said by the end of the Mason era, I was ready to try something new, maybe not as new as Brewster and the gamble that Maturi reached for but, the collapses on defense and losing ground to "once" rivals was getting really old. We have a brand new stadium, a beautifull FRICKING heck of a football stadium and it is already becoming an empty building. That is as disheartening as anything seeing everyone leave and the place as empty as a soccer game. Now all of the complaing, bitching and whineing is getting really old. 1-3 this is "FUN" for nobody. I am an alumn of the U but frankly do not know why I care about football as much as I do, there just has not been a lot of payoff for hanging in for 14 years as season ticket holder, the bad student years under Wacker and now seeing this regression back to that ERA. I sure as heck do not enjoy hearing the fire "brewster" chants, the T-shirts and the booing at the games. The only difference I see now is at least people care enough to come to games and we actually have student section. The Wacker era, not a lot of folks even cared when he was fired. All of this is becoming tiresome and hard to see. The inevitable Kinnick "North" will be just as hard to take, as that already looms large seeing all of the pigeon droppings fill up TCF.

College football is supposed to be fun, all of the pre-game stuff is good, but the play on the field is wearing on everyone's last nerve and creating a thin line in "belief" in the staff. Just not seeing a lot of improvement and recruiting was supposed to be a big part of this staffs game plan. Now the plan seems to be pound the ball hope we keep the D off the field and score just enough points to win, and gophers still lose games. There is a ton of frustration.
Throwing around criticism and blame, this stuff is easy to do but by no means is fun for anybody. All we can do is voice our displeasure by not showing up anymore, this does more damage and has the exact opposite of what we all want. I don't know what we do, we are at a real crossroads as fans, all of these FIRE Brewster chants, the BOOING all of this stuff is doing a lot of damage, the frustration level has just reached breaking point that is staring to do more harm than good. I will still go to the games and cheer and bring kids and friends, but the dollars invested are getting harder to justify.

It is about the future.

They have to "take a flame thrower" to the program. Start completely fresh.

Maturi has to go - he MUST be personally accountable for the what has turned out to be an abominably poor hire.

Our new University president must be committed to fielding a competitive football team - one worthy of the new stadium, and long-suffering fans. Which means . . .

- Willingness to allot requisite $$$ for the effort
- Hiring a knowledgeable, and nationally-known and respected, AD that will . . .
- Hire a nationally known and respected head football coach, with experience, with a capable staff

Lots to add, but will take HOURS.

Yeah, kind of what I was afraid of; until or unless you get everything that you want no support is forthcoming. Since the likely hood of that is nil you're not going to support the program or shut-up about it? What's the point?

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