Annual GopherHole Survey


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
I'll be conducting my annual GopherHole Survey in early February.

The survey, as in years past, will have three sections: a) demographics; b) GopherHole-related questions (an important component - time to express what you like and/or don't like about the website as well as suggestions to improve GopherHole (the GopherHole Staff pays close attention to this section. They've implemented some of your suggestions.); c) some (hopefully) fun questions about Gopher athletics or related material.

Many of you (regular contributors) participate frequently, some occasionally and a few not at all. I'm hoping more will fill out the questionnaire this year, and, of course, we'd like to hear from the many lurkers that visit us daily. We welcome you! It's a good way to get started in becoming an active member.

The survey has a two-fold purpose: to introduce yourselves to the membership (sometimes the demographics illustrates the background and apparent perspective(s) of some members). Second, and more importantly, it gives the membership an opportunity to give the GopherHole Admins feedback (vitally important to all organizations that provide a service) and for you to give them input as to what you think they can do to improve the website that we enjoy and visit with regularity.

I hope you strongly consider participating.

A few days after the survey ends, I'll tablulate the responses and post summaries and a few comments related to the three sections.

Thanks in advance . . .

Go Gophers!!

Don't forget to include a question on whose your favorite poster so I can answer DL65!

DL, you put a lot into this, and it is a great survey. Looking forward to it again. Keep up the good work. Doc.

How about a question asking what everyone's favorite gameday snacks and tailgate foods are. I'm always looking for new ideas of things to make when watching my favorite teams.

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