Angry Message Board

Gold Rush

Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Maybe misery loves company, but I can tell there are a lot of people out there
including myself who are really upset by this loss to Wisconsin. I can only hope
the coaches and team are just as angry and take it out on Purdue! It will
be interesting to see how the team reacts to it this Saturday vs. Purdue.

People react to losing in different ways, but the people that get upset by it
have to be careful what they say on these boards because you never want to create more
problems. Calling out specific players could harm the team because you never
know who reads these boards, including parents, recruits or the players themselves.
You would never want to be responsible for bulletin board material that inspires
another team or helps sway a recruit away from our team.

At the very least, I know the people spouting off at the keyboards care about the
team. They WANT to have a good team and are angry and frustrated as it looks
like we still aren't there. The people that don't care probably aren't too big of fans
in the first place.

I think a win will help restore this board back to normal, but a loss to Purdue means this
board will be in full meltdown mode and I think I will try to stay away from it for awhile
if that happens. It does not help to see Bret Bielema's ugly mug grinning at me every time
I get into the Gopherhole, either. I think I will block that out for the rest of the week!!!

After a loss the board goes through the grieving process, over the top irrational anger, disappointment, deep philosophical analyses, moving on lets go get 'em.... not quite in that order but things tend to change over the week. For me, my shock and disappointment is now a determination for a great win on Saturday. No better time of the year than College Football Saturdays. Bring on Purdue.

I hate losing these trophy games but I think what's even worse is that the Gopher football program is once again relegated to third position behind the Queens and the Twins. Year after year we start with a bit of promise and then take the old swan dive. I'm hoping this year will bring a solid finish and we can regain some momentum.

I hate losing these trophy games but I think what's even worse is that the Gopher football program is once again relegated to third position behind the Queens and the Twins. Year after year we start with a bit of promise and then take the old swan dive. I'm hoping this year will bring a solid finish and we can regain some momentum.

"Once again"? When in the last 35 years wasn't it?

It's not the loss that's making me angry. It's the idot Wisconsin fans I had to endure. I can't even enjoy a game in my home stadium, becuause so called Gopher fans around me either gave or sold their tickets to Badger fans. I'm mocked by Badger fans for cheering for my team at home. It was the worst home game experience I've ever had.

Worst? It was by FAR the best IA/WI experience (in a loss) in regards to fan experience. They were a non-issue in regards to the outcome to the game. Sorry to hear that was the case for you Rickman. Winning makes a lot of things more tolerable. Remind those that sold tickets of becky supporters... "missed you last week"

I'm angry about the state of the program over the past 40 years :(
Since 1967, the Gophers are 19-136-1 against Big Ten teams with winning conference records (.125), for the past 10 years those numbers are 4-31 (.114).

I am not going to have a fit over one game against Wisconsin. That is now relegated to the past. I will be very angry, though, if the program cannot find a way to improve over last year with 18 returning starters. To improve, we must end up with at least a 3-5 record in the conference and get a bowl victory. If we are not 7-6 or better on January 1, I will be expecting changes in the program.

Some will say that this is setting the bar way too low. Again, note that I am saying that this is a minimum outcome to show that we've improved over last year (7-6 with an easier schedule). I am fine with incremental improvement - if it is consistent. I would rather have consistent small improvement than the vast ups-and-down that teams like John L. Smith's Spartans had.

Others will say its too early for an ultimatum and that Brewster needs at least 4 or 5 years. I could buy that if I didn't think our players this year are better than our players last year. So I think declining results could only be blamed on coaching.

Any way you want to look at it, I will be angry if the Gophers cannot continually improve.

yeah, we did a good job at keeping the red out i thought...but everyone is pissed because we are supposed to be a program that is turning around and the games we want to win the most every year (iowa and wisconsin), we are not winning which just pisses everyone off because of so much emotion that is put into those games. i mean, everyone has their badger or hawkeye friend that you trash talk the whole year and absolutely hates having to accept that they are on top again...

I'm angry about the state of the program over the past 40 years :(
Since 1967, the Gophers are 19-136-1 against Big Ten teams with winning conference records (.125), for the past 10 years those numbers are 4-31 (.114).


To improve, we must end up with at least a 3-5 record in the conference and get a bowl victory. If we are not 7-6 or better on January 1, I will be expecting changes in the program.

Prepare yourself now to be disappointed. If we are 7-6 on Jan. 1, or 6-7 with a bowl loss, there will be no changes in the program. (And there shouldn't be.)

I'm still disappointed over the game because this was a chance to finally beat a rival AND prove that we're inching up in the conference hierarchy. No and no. And it was due in large part to the complete lack of discipline we've been seeing for more than two seasons now.

Prepare youself for no changes no matter what. The staff and administration is focused on building a better program that can compete. If they deem the program to be improved they'll stay the course. Wins and Losses will have no bearing on their decision this year. Not that you're suppose to like it, but that is simply the way it is. Next year and the year after wins and losses will start to count more in the analysis. The idea being that as long as the program is improving wins and losses will eventually follow. Patience.

Just because we've improved doesn't mean we've improved beyond the talent level of the other teams. victories won't necessarily follow improvement until you are better than the teams ahead of you. There are three elite programs in the Big ten, ones that generally are in and out of the top 10. Then there are four other very good programs that have been consistently in and out of the top 25. That only leaves three other teams to beat consistently. Until we reach that next level improvement isn't necessarily going to yield more victories. We had a long way to go. We still have a long way to go. And guess what even if when we reach that next level, we'll still only have three teams we can dominate and four others that are tossups, and three more we'll be underdogs in. It's a huge mountain to climb. It isn't going to be fast and pain free.

I hate losing these trophy games but I think what's even worse is that the Gopher football program is once again relegated to third position behind the Queens and the Twins. Year after year we start with a bit of promise and then take the old swan dive. I'm hoping this year will bring a solid finish and we can regain some momentum.
Queens implying they are women because women are the inferior sex! Excellent joke forums user strokemonster!!!

Prepare youself for no changes no matter what. The staff and administration is focused on building a better program that can compete. If they deem the program to be improved they'll stay the course. Wins and Losses will have no bearing on their decision this year. Not that you're suppose to like it, but that is simply the way it is.

This is factually incorrect.

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