Andre McDonald is visiting Gophers next weekend!

Well we do have one thing going for us that we haven't had in forever. The Gophs are a more stable program than Illinois right now. McDonald can know what he'll get here. How Illinois is going to come out of the transition is completely open to interpretation. Personally, 4 star recruits look good on the ledger, so I'd like him for no other reason than to know Kill can rope one or two a year.

I sure hope we can reel in McDonald and keep Harbison. 2 4-star receivers that have different styles could be huge for us in a few years if they pan out.

He saw Nelson zing a perfect 47 yd scoring TD up the left sideline for the East team while the Wisky recruit overthrows a wide open Andre by 15 yards on the West team. I hoping this is the final stocking stuffer for Christmas if Mac ends up a Gopher. The bad thing is I have visions of Henderson suger plums dancing in my head also. It should be a fun next 30 days.

I don't know Andre personally but I do know his family and he first and foremost values his education as he wants to be a teacher and a coach which what led him to Vandy as well as the coach deal. He is extremely close to his little brother and his brother loves the gophers. I could be wrong but I believe he chooses the gophs to stay close to his brother!!

At the risk of getting completely ripped (actually it's not a risk, it's a certainty on this board) count me as one who isn't terribly excited. I know this program isn't in a position to walk away from a 4 star recruit, much less potentially the top recruit in the state. On the other hand, he's playing games with his recruitment and it makes me wonder about his maturity and whether he may become a headache.*

*NOTE: I understand he has the right to look around. That's fine. But there's no reason to give a verbal "commitment" TWICE only to back out. If you don't know, so be it. There's nothing wrong with waiting to declare until you're ready. Unfortunately McDonald's recruitment seems to be all over the place.

I agree with you 100%. This kid is supposed to be a good talent, but he has already de-committed from three school and Coach Kill talks about how he wants guys that want to be Gophers. I dont know about this kid.

Man, if we get McDonald, can we just fast forward 2 or 3 years? Philip Nelson at QB. Harbison and McDonald out wide. Maxx Williams at TE. Jonah Pirsig at LT. That would be a great looking offense.
Don't forget Isaac Hayes in the middle of the line.

I agree with you 100%. This kid is supposed to be a good talent, but he has already de-committed from three school and Coach Kill talks about how he wants guys that want to be Gophers. I dont know about this kid.

What's the third school that he's has decommitted from? No one on here knows the circumstances lets stop judging him like we have an idea what he's going through. Him changing his commitment does not indicate a thing about him either positive or negative. The only reason people are saying negative things about him is because they got their feelings hurt when he decommitted from the Gophers.

Don't forget Isaac Hayes in the middle of the line.

And assuming Jones comes back healthy from his knee injury, he will be exciting to watch. And DCT as well. I'm also excited about Cochrain (sp?). If he's half as good as Kill says we could have a great pass rushing DE. This team could be fun to watch in a couple years if everything comes together.

What's the third school that he's has decommitted from? No one on here knows the circumstances lets stop judging him like we have an idea what he's going through. Him changing his commitment does not indicate a thing about him either positive or negative. The only reason people are saying negative things about him is because they got their feelings hurt when he decommitted from the Gophers.

Perhaps there are extenuating circumstances which necessitate de-committing. That said, I come from the school of thought that once you ask someone to the prom, you quit looking around and stick with the one you asked first. If there are not compelling reasons for the de-commit, I hope Coach Kill tells him to get lost. If he has good justifications, then we'll welcome him with open arms to the family.

Perhaps there are extenuating circumstances which necessitate de-committing. That said, I come from the school of thought that once you ask someone to the prom, you quit looking around and stick with the one you asked first. If there are not compelling reasons for the de-commit, I hope Coach Kill tells him to get lost. If he has good justifications, then we'll welcome him with open arms to the family.

Sorry, but we are not at the stage of our program where we can afford to tell a talent of his kind to, "Get Lost". I hope we see that day sometime in our future.

Everyone says that nothing is final until they sign the LOI but as soon as someone decommits from the U for somewhere they feel is a better fit for them personally there is something wrong with them. There is a slight difference between the prom analogy and this situation. There is a definite victim in the prom analogy. The girl involved would be devastated. Decommitting is a victimless situation where no one is at home crying because of a decommit prior to signing day. By the way prom is one night, this decision affects the next 3-5 years of their lives. The only mistake he has made is not being able to control his excitement when finding the place he thought he wanted to be.

Someone needs to show this to McDonald relative to the coach from Vandy that was recruiting him:

Chris Beatty Year-by-Year:

2012- Illinois (assistant coach)
2011 Vanderbilt (wide receivers/offensive recruiting coordinator)
2008-10 West Virginia (running backs/slot receivers/Director of Recruiting)
2007 Northern Illinois (running backs)
2006 Hampton (offensive coordinator/quarterbacks/wide receivers)

Also, the IL profile says he is originally from Centreville, Va. and played college ball at East Tennessee State University. No ties to IL so nothing says when a better offer comes along he wouldn't bail to be somewhere else in 4 years. Don't choose a coach - choose a school.


Perhaps there are extenuating circumstances which necessitate de-committing. That said, I come from the school of thought that once you ask someone to the prom, you quit looking around and stick with the one you asked first. If there are not compelling reasons for the de-commit, I hope Coach Kill tells him to get lost. If he has good justifications, then we'll welcome him with open arms to the family.

De-committing is annoying, but I think that'd be a little hypocritical of the U. I mean, we essentially did the same thing to Ballesteros and a couple other kids. In the recruiting process, things change. There is an implied contingency in offers and commits. It's sometimes nothing more than "I think I can do better". That certainly appears to be the case with Ballesteros, there is no indication that his offer was pulled for any reason other than him not being as good as we thought.

Just one question...How many have been in McDonald's situation as a recruit?

I miss spoke, I meant he has de-committed twice now and thank you for the correction. I didnt say anything positive or negative, just that I didnt know how i felt about this kid. I am also not hurt by the fact he de-committed, I dont trust any "Hard Verbal" until they sign on the dotted line and its like someone who gets married and divorce several times. . . eventually, you begin to wonder whats going on.

Just one question...How many have been in McDonald's situation as a recruit?

Probably none of us, but that doesn't mean you can't judge it. I've never coached or played in the Rose Bowl and I know it's beyond idiotic to try to spike the ball with 2 seconds left.

I have always said de-committing is annoying, especially early in the process because no one forced these kids to commit to anything. I also think pulling a scholarship would be annoying from the players standpoint. So i'm really not bashing McDonald.

Probably none of us, but that doesn't mean you can't judge it. I've never coached or played in the Rose Bowl and I know it's beyond idiotic to try to spike the ball with 2 seconds left.

I have always said de-committing is annoying, especially early in the process because no one forced these kids to commit to anything. I also think pulling a scholarship would be annoying from the players standpoint. So i'm really not bashing McDonald.

True, but it is one thing to look on the outside and another thing to have to be the one who is making the decision. I do realize that the committing/de-committing can make one a little leary, but still, it is awfully easy to be critical of others when we have never been in their situation, especially when many of us already have a desire for them to do what we want, not what may be best for them.

In McDonald's case, it seems pretty likely an assistant coach appealed to him and that has now changed. I don't think that in and of itself should have made the decision to drop MN or drop Vanderbilt for that matter. He probably is thinking who will get him best prepared for the pros...and honestly, the way College football and pro contracts are today, hard to fault him on that.

De-committing is annoying, but I think that'd be a little hypocritical of the U. I mean, we essentially did the same thing to Ballesteros and a couple other kids. In the recruiting process, things change. There is an implied contingency in offers and commits. It's sometimes nothing more than "I think I can do better". That certainly appears to be the case with Ballesteros, there is no indication that his offer was pulled for any reason other than him not being as good as we thought.

I agree with Bob. Posters saying we should tell Andre to get lost are nuts. This is a business.

This balmy winter can't be hurting us for anyone that has that concern in the back of their mind. I know for me, this winter has been a piece of cake (I hate the bitter cold).

Everyone says that nothing is final until they sign the LOI but as soon as someone decommits from the U for somewhere they feel is a better fit for them personally there is something wrong with them. There is a slight difference between the prom analogy and this situation. There is a definite victim in the prom analogy. The girl involved would be devastated. Decommitting is a victimless situation where no one is at home crying because of a decommit prior to signing day. By the way prom is one night, this decision affects the next 3-5 years of their lives. The only mistake he has made is not being able to control his excitement when finding the place he thought he wanted to be.

Although I agree this may not be the best analogy, I'm a bit amused by your take on it. On the one hand, you suggest there is a victim if you back out on your prom date; however, it really isn't a big deal because it's just one night. While I agree it is probably harder on the girl than, say, the coaching staff and other players you made a promise to, it's only McDonald who is impacted for the next 3-5 years? Remember, McDonald helped talk Nelson and recruits into coming to MN after he made a commitment. Furthermore, I guess this implies we shouldn't worry a whole lot about the girl because (with some good counseling) she'll get over after a month or two.

I understand kids have trouble making up their minds but I'm with those on this board that see this as a potential red flag. If a kid thinks it's O.K. to back out on a commitment of any kind (and this kid has done it twice now), they're probably more likely to repeat it in the future. Again, he may have some compelling reasons for what he has done and, if so, fine. I just hope Coach Kill never trades personal integrity for star power at the risk of poisoning the water.

Although I agree this may not be the best analogy, I'm a bit amused by your take on it. On the one hand, you suggest there is a victim if you back out on your prom date; however, it really isn't a big deal because it's just one night. While I agree it is probably harder on the girl than, say, the coaching staff and other players you made a promise to, it's only McDonald who is impacted for the next 3-5 years? Remember, McDonald helped talk Nelson and recruits into coming to MN after he made a commitment. Furthermore, I guess this implies we shouldn't worry a whole lot about the girl because (with some good counseling) she'll get over after a month or two.

I understand kids have trouble making up their minds but I'm with those on this board that see this as a potential red flag. If a kid thinks it's O.K. to back out on a commitment of any kind (and this kid has done it twice now), they're probably more likely to repeat it in the future. Again, he may have some compelling reasons for what he has done and, if so, fine. I just hope Coach Kill never trades personal integrity for star power at the risk of poisoning the water.

I see where you're coming from but you missed my point. I was saying the kid is more likely to proceed with the prom date because it's only one night and not a long term commitment like a college choice. Plus high school girls are far more emotional than college football coaches. I think.

Vandy has its HC and four assistants watching McDonald at the Timberwolves Shootout tonight.

Go Gophers!!

Someone needs to show this to McDonald relative to the coach from Vandy that was recruiting him:

Chris Beatty Year-by-Year:

2012- Illinois (assistant coach)
2011 Vanderbilt (wide receivers/offensive recruiting coordinator)
2008-10 West Virginia (running backs/slot receivers/Director of Recruiting)
2007 Northern Illinois (running backs)
2006 Hampton (offensive coordinator/quarterbacks/wide receivers)

Also, the IL profile says he is originally from Centreville, Va. and played college ball at East Tennessee State University. No ties to IL so nothing says when a better offer comes along he wouldn't bail to be somewhere else in 4 years. Don't choose a coach - choose a school.

Seem like promotions each year, not sure if I would show him that.

CJCarter-there is a victim here. Its the team-coaches and fans. We may have stopped recruiting wide receivers as a priority because of his commitment. That can really hurt a team when you are counting on someone and they break their word. Innocent people get hurt when someone does not keep their word. No its not the end of the world but its not the right thing to do in most cases.

Doc1001 said:
CJCarter-there is a victim here. Its the team-coaches and fans. We may have stopped recruiting wide receivers as a priority because of his commitment. That can really hurt a team when you are counting on someone and they break their word. Innocent people get hurt when someone does not keep their word. No its not the end of the world but its not the right thing to do in most cases.

Are you serious? Would you rather have no verbals and all 25 spots are up for grabs on signing day with all the predictability of a game of musical chairs? You know schools pull offers too.

Are you serious? So its just not a big deal to keep your word in todays world.

CJCarter-there is a victim here. Its the team-coaches and fans. We may have stopped recruiting wide receivers as a priority because of his commitment. That can really hurt a team when you are counting on someone and they break their word. Innocent people get hurt when someone does not keep their word. No its not the end of the world but its not the right thing to do in most cases.

It goes both ways. We keep recruiting positions where kids have "committed". Look at what happened with Ballesteros and Twitty, both of those kids committed to the U and had their offers pulled. It works both ways.

De-committing is annoying, but I think that'd be a little hypocritical of the U. I mean, we essentially did the same thing to Ballesteros and a couple other kids. In the recruiting process, things change. There is an implied contingency in offers and commits. It's sometimes nothing more than "I think I can do better". That certainly appears to be the case with Ballesteros, there is no indication that his offer was pulled for any reason other than him not being as good as we thought.

Bob_Lobaw, I think that is pretty naive to say that Kill did this, what evidence to you have to make such a claim? I think when it is throwing dirt on things, especially when you dont know what actually happened, that you should just not make such a statement. Maybe Ballesteros didnt have the grades, maybe he didnt follow some sort of guidelines in place to ensure his offer would stand. The point is unless you spoke with Ballesteros, please dont post such claims that have no merit to stand upon. Or did you speak with Ballesteros first hand? Im going to bet no

Bob_Lobaw, I think that is pretty naive to say that Kill did this, what evidence to you have to make such a claim? I think when it is throwing dirt on things, especially when you dont know what actually happened, that you should just not make such a statement. Maybe Ballesteros didnt have the grades, maybe he didnt follow some sort of guidelines in place to ensure his offer would stand. The point is unless you spoke with Ballesteros, please dont post such claims that have no merit to stand upon. Or did you speak with Ballesteros first hand? Im going to bet no

Give me a break. Stuff like that happening is common knowledge. Jordan Hinojosa's dad was on here talking about the U not being interested in Ballesteros anymore (a week later his offer was pulled). College football teams pulling offers is extremely common, I was ripping on Kill about it because it's simply part of the game.

But nope, I didn't hear it from Ballesteros personally, it's simply common knowledge and common sense that schools pull offers.

It goes both ways. We keep recruiting positions where kids have "committed". Look at what happened with Ballesteros and Twitty, both of those kids committed to the U and had their offers pulled. It works both ways.

I often wonder if many offers are conditional and some are pulled back due to not meeting conditions laid out, or if some where pulled due to coaches finding out a better player later on in the recruiting cycle. I think Coach Kill is fair and forthright to the kids that he recruits, but he will do what is best for the program. I would think that academic casualties are a common reason why offers are pulled. But, then what do I know...

I often wonder if many offers are conditional and some are pulled back due to not meeting conditions laid out, or if some where pulled due to coaches finding out a better player later on in the recruiting cycle. I think Coach Kill is fair and forthright to the kids that he recruits, but he will do what is best for the program. I would think that academic casualties are a common reason why offers are pulled. But, then what do I know...

Yeah, I am sure there is an element of things being contingent on a certain number of factors but I have a hard time believing a kid like Ballesteros thought his offer was going to be pulled. He didn't take any other recruiting visits and essentially shut down his recruiting when he "committed". Furthermore, you see it happen to kids well after their season is over (Sam Rohr).

I think it's a matter of a lot of commits and offers have a built in degree of contingency.

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