And now UST is getting a new arena.


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Sep 26, 2010
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Certainly not for sports.

You think UST raises nothing outside of sports?
first, I didn't type "that I think UST raises nothing outside of sports"
second, its a multiuse arena, not just sports

i applaud the Anderson's support of UST and they have donated much in the past. But, from an annual donation perspective, total University operating budget perspective and an annual sports budget perspective, UST is a pygmy next to the U.

I say this not to downgrade UST, but more to show how little the U seems to care about basketball given the U's resources

If UST becomes the top college basketball program in Minnesota it won't be because they have more dollars and resources.

Is anyone donating $75 million towards a new basketball arena for the U?
Anyone, anyone, Bueller, Bueller?

in other old news: Mark Hall rang up about $800 in personal calls on a U phone, and finally quit the team for good: iirc 1982

the U raises more than $400M in donations annually now
The Anderson gift was apparently the 9th biggest gift ever to college athletics program ever.

I was wondering why I hadn't seen St Thomas in the MIAC standings lately.
I suggest not looking for them in the KenPom rankings either, that's more depressing.

On their way to being the premier D1 basketball program in the state it seems.

dude, do you really think this wasn't posted 6 weeks ago? did you just search the first few threads and suppose "well it's not here"

dude, do you really think this wasn't posted 6 weeks ago? did you just search the first few threads and suppose "well it's not here"
I literally had just heard it it in a blurb on Midco when watching the NSIC tournament. Don't be an ass.

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