An offense CANNOT succeed when the QB cannot make the simplest of throws


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Adam Weber needs to be a backup QB. Either his skills/confidence have completely disappeared, or he does not fit the offensive scheme well. In either case, he is incapable of leading this team to victory, and I don't understand what it takes to get him benched. As of now, the Gophers have about 60 yards, most of them on one play of 41 yards - a play in which a better throw would have resulted in an easy TD.

Does this game remind you of the S. Dakota game?

This game has been exactly like the Jackrabbits game so far. What bothers me the most is that Weber looks completely gunshy again. He is getting a decent amount of time and he just looks uncomfortable back there. Granted, our running game has been brutal, but ISU is completely stacking the box because they don't respect Weber in the least.

Adam Weber needs to be a backup QB. Either his skills/confidence have completely disappeared, or he does not fit the offensive scheme well. In either case, he is incapable of leading this team to victory, and I don't understand what it takes to get him benched. As of now, the Gophers have about 60 yards, most of them on one play of 41 yards - a play in which a better throw would have resulted in an easy TD.

a better throw from weber to gray on that wheel-route may have been a TD. a better throw from weber to stoudermire would probably have been a TD or at minimum the ball on the iowa state one yard line.

so far i am putting this score on one else. weber just doesn't have what it takes. has not had it all year......and especially since decker went down. for 3 years decker made weber look like a much better QB than he really is. we are just seeing what weber really is......and that is a pedestrian QB who panics a lot.

Does this game remind you of the S. Dakota game?

Not at all. S. Dakota St. didn't have a QB that could hurt us. ISU's QB is not a good QB, by any means, but is plenty good enough compared to our QB.

Adam Weber needs to be a backup QB. Either his skills/confidence have completely disappeared, or he does not fit the offensive scheme well. In either case, he is incapable of leading this team to victory, and I don't understand what it takes to get him benched. As of now, the Gophers have about 60 yards, most of them on one play of 41 yards - a play in which a better throw would have resulted in an easy TD.

Probably a QB who proves he can handle the position. That's the sad fact, I'm afraid, that Weber is the best we have. Gray has seemingly unlimited potential, but that's it right now. He needs time and this staff hasn't been willing to make the leap, maybe for good reason. I guess they'd be the ones who would know.

Weber needs to put the team first and quit football and play intramural horseshoes instead.

What I cannot get out of my mind as I sit here mulling over another gut-wrenching loss is this:
Our coaching staff had 15 practices to get ready for this opponent. They looked at plenty of film, personal, and situational strategies. And I assume ISU did the same. But the end result looked exactly like our last 2 games, p#ss poor offense execution! Our D did a very good job for the most part, but 9 of these guys will be out in the real world next fall. Two weeks of prepration and we get this...the U should have the coaches refund their salary for those two weeks. Happy New Year.

What I cannot get out of my mind as I sit here mulling over another gut-wrenching loss is this:
Our coaching staff had 15 practices to get ready for this opponent. They looked at plenty of film, personal, and situational strategies. And I assume ISU did the same. But the end result looked exactly like our last 2 games, p#ss poor offense execution! Our D did a very good job for the most part, but 9 of these guys will be out in the real world next fall. Two weeks of prepration and we get this...the U should have the coaches refund their salary for those two weeks. Happy New Year.

Well, all that said, usually our guys were in the right spot to make the plays, and a lot of good plays were's just that our QB did not hit nearly any of those open receivers and made horrible decisions for about 2 1/2 quarters of the game, then suddenly became adequate, and finally seemed to hit his stride on the last drive; then, without having any turnovers in the game, was replaced for a more turnover-prone guy at the moment when the only thing they could NOT have was a turnover.

I'm generally a fan of Brew's, but seriously, his personnel decisions all game were highly questionable, particularly at QB and some at RB.

I'm generally a fan of Brew's, but seriously, his personnel decisions all game were highly questionable, particularly at QB and some at RB.

I am too, except Brew has shown a lack of making in-game, halftime adjustments.

I am too, except Brew has shown a lack of making in-game, halftime adjustments.

I do disagree there, just look at the Gophers' play pre- and post- halftime last night. The guy who made either no or terrible halftime adjustments was Brew's predecessor. Brew makes bad decisions, but the team generally does much better in the second half than the first half.

Pirate, complete the 5 TD passed that were there and you have at least a 42-14 game. The team looked much improved and the coached had placed the players in position to win easily, the QB just could not hit open receivers.

Pirate, complete the 5 TD passed that were there and you have at least a 42-14 game. The team looked much improved and the coached had placed the players in position to win easily, the QB just could not hit open receivers.

I couldn't agree with this more! ONE penalty all game, +2 in turnovers, and led in total yards. People are expecting 100% change in a month! It's still the same players only so much can change in a month. They showed progress and that is what we need to continue. The mistakes were execution by the players and some bad luck. If we make the FG and win 16-14 are people still talking like this?

I can tell you that I was yelling at weber most of the time yesterday. Like mayock said, we just didn't execute the play.

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