An indicator of how far the Gophers have come?

Ogee Ogilthorpe

Tattooed Millionaire
Nov 20, 2008
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Is this just one of many indicators of how far the Rodents have come in 20 months under Tubby?

A guy who started 13 games at PG (played in all 31) as a freshman under the previous regime is now the 12th (13th if you count Carter in the rotation) man off the bench and has become the official blowout indicator.

I've been a fan and have defended Payton more than most but he sure has plummeted down the depth chart. It's too bad. He's obviously a great kid, respected by everyone on the roster, and he seems to have a TON of athletic ability. I think under different circumstances, with the right coaching from the start, me could have blossomed much more than he has.

Hard not to root for the guy.

A Kevin Payton chant needs to become the norm in blowout. For all he does, he deserves to see the court, and be recognized for everything he is, was, and will be.

I'm not sure lack of coaching at the start is the root problem. Payton has a fairly consistent history of passing up the open shot ... to the extent that at the end of his freshman year, opposing teams would pretty much ignore him when he had the ball. (It was the exact opposite of the Davidson-Loyola (MD) game -- the defenses played five defending four and tended to shut down any offensive presence the Gophers had)

I agree he seems like a nice kid, a good teammate, etc ... but I can't justify more PT for him on only those factors. And, apparently, neither can Tubby.

A final note: I'd hate to see a "Play Kevin" chant as I'm sure Tubby knows he's there and it's pretty embarrassing for an "end-of-bench" player, IMO. Just my 2¢.

It would be more showing that the student section knows he's there and appreciates him.

Crittendon was a walk on. Payton was a relatively highly recruited scholarship player whose career has not materialized as either he or his coaches envisioned, though not from lack of effort. A "Play Kevin" chant would be a slap in the face.

If the students want to recognize Kevin Payton, then they should stand up and applaud/cheer when he comes into the game.

Chanting his name in a blow-out or at "garbage time" is essentially saying "this game is no longer at issue, let's play the end-of-the-bench."

Jamiche, Snowman, I agree

Chanting his name or to play him would not be a way to recognize his efforts or a way to make him feel good. Just applaud when he comes in the game.

I still disagree (shocking I know). I'd say it is much easier to be a walk on and know that you'll never get major minutes and be ok with it. It is much harder to be expecting to start, actually start several games as a freshman, and be relegated to the role of last guy off the bench, and thrive in the role. How many other players in his situation would either be long gone or causing all sorts of problems with team chemistry? He has done neither, and has turned into a team leader. Of course Tubby knows he's there, but does anyone else? How could wanting a kid who works his butt off everyday to get some playing time a slap in the face?

I still disagree (shocking I know). I'd say it is much easier to be a walk on and know that you'll never get major minutes and be ok with it. It is much harder to be expecting to start, actually start several games as a freshman, and be relegated to the role of last guy off the bench, and thrive in the role. How many other players in his situation would either be long gone or causing all sorts of problems with team chemistry? He has done neither, and has turned into a team leader. Of course Tubby knows he's there, but does anyone else? How could wanting a kid who works his butt off everyday to get some playing time a slap in the face?

My high opinion of KP matches yours. And I too hope that we get into plenty of winning going away situations where he can get playing time. And although you didn't explicitly say it in the above, I'm pretty sure that we agree that the crowd should support him. But I agree with the others that putting his name into a chant traditionally reserved for walk-ons isn't the way to do it. Standing and cheering when he does get in is the way.

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